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Das Reich ( German: The Reich [1]) was a weekly newspaper founded by Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister of Nazi Germany, in May 1940. [2] It was published by Deutscher Verlag.

German soldier reading "Das Reich", Russian Front, 1941


Das Reich was mainly the creation of Rudolf Sparing, Rolf Rienhardt and Max Amann. [3]

Its circulation grew from 500,000 in October 1940 to over 1,400,000 by 1944. [4]

Aside from a weekly editorial, Goebbels was not involved in the publication. [5] Most, but not all, of his articles after 1940 appeared in it. [6] In the 1930s his articles had appeared in Der Völkische Beobachter but then he wished to target a more sophisticated and intellectual readership. From May 1940 he wrote 218 editorials. [7]

When Allied forces landed in Italy, and Mussolini was briefly deposed, Goebbels decided not to write an editorial. [8]


The paper contained news reports, essays on various subjects, book reviews, and an editorial written by Goebbels. [9] Some of the content was written by foreign authors. [10] With the exception of Goebbels’ editorial, Das Reich did not share the tone of other Nazi publications. [11]

Among other topics, it covered the uncertain casualty lists from Stalingrad, [12] distinguished between German and Allied invasions to suggest the latter would be unsuccessful, [13] discussed the bombing raids [14] and the V-1, [15] deplored American culture, [16] portrays American morale as poor (though not suggesting they would give up because of it), [17] and finally declared that Berlin would fight to the end. [18]

Goebbels's editorials covered a wide range of topics. His first bragged of the accomplishments of Nazi Germany, which was then conquering France. [19] He spoke with continuing confidence as France fell, of the opportunities the "plutocracies" had missed for peace. [20] Later he issued vitriolic anti-Semitic articles, [21] [22] [23] [24] argued against listening to enemy propaganda. [25] encouraged them for total war [26] declared England bound to lose the war, [27] attacked the still neutral United States, [28] discussed the significance of its entry into the war, [29] talked about prospects for a new year, [30] presented German radio as a good companion (when, in fact, he hoped to lure them from enemy propaganda broadcasts), [31] professed to be delighted that Churchill was in command in Britain, [32] discussed cuts in food rations and severe treatment for black market dealings, [33] urged that complaints not get in the way of the war effort, [34] accused Douglas MacArthur of cowardice (ineffectually, as the Germans knew he had been ordered to leave), [35] talked of the Allied bombing, [36] describes the sinking of Allied ships by German U-boats, [37] explained Soviet resistance in Sevastopol as product of a stubborn but bestial Russian soul, [38] decried the United States as having no culture, [39] urged that Germans not allow their sense of justice be exploited by their enemies, [40] [41] and claimed that the Allies were as weary as the Axis. [42]

His final article in April 1945 called for last-ditch resistance. [43]

See also



  1. ^ Michael & Doerr, (2002) Nazi-Deutsch / Nazi-German: An English Lexicon of the Language of the Third Reich.
  2. ^ Welch, The Third Reich, p. 126.
  3. ^ Hale, The Captive Press, p. 278.
  4. ^ Herf, Jeffrey, The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust, Harvard University Press, 2009, ISBN  9780674038592, p.21
  5. ^ Hale, The Captive Press, p. 278.
  6. ^ " The Veil Falls"
  7. ^ Herf, Jeffrey, The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust, Harvard University Press, 2009, ISBN  9780674038592, p.21
  8. ^ " A Classic Example"
  9. ^ Shapiro, Why Didn't the Press Shout?, p. 312.
  10. ^ Shapiro, Why Didn't the Press Shout?, p. 313.
  11. ^ Hale, The Captive Press, p. 278.
  12. ^ " On the Missing at Stalingrad"
  13. ^ " The Invasion"
  14. ^ " Unexpected Consequences"
  15. ^ " First Results of the V-1"
  16. ^ " The Kitschified Mass Soul"
  17. ^ " Reality is Different:Disillusioned USA Soldiers"
  18. ^ " Berlin: A Huge Hedgehog"
  19. ^ " A Unique Age"
  20. ^ " Missed Opportunities"
  21. ^ " Mimicry"
  22. ^ " The Jews are Guilty!"
  23. ^ " The War and the Jews"
  24. ^ " The Creators of the World's Misfortunes"
  25. ^ " The Matter of the Plague"
  26. ^ " When or How?"
  27. ^ " The Clay Giant"
  28. ^ " Mr. Roosevelt Cross-Examined"
  29. ^ " A Different World"
  30. ^ " The New Year"
  31. ^ " The Good Companion"
  32. ^ " Churchill's Trick"
  33. ^ " An Open Discussion"
  34. ^ " The Paper War"
  35. ^ " Heroes and Film Heroes"
  36. ^ " The Air War and the War of Nerves"
  37. ^ " The Tonnage War"
  38. ^ " The So-Called Russian Soul"
  39. ^ " God's Country"
  40. ^ " commitment to war
  41. ^ " 30 Articles of War for the German People"
  42. ^ " The World Crisis"
  43. ^ " Resistance at Any Price"


  • Randall Bytwerk. "Cartoons from Das Reich: 1944-1945". Das Reich 1940–1945. Retrieved August 16, 2006.
  • Hale, Oron J., The Captive Press in the Third Reich (Princeton, 1964)
  • Robert Michael and Karin Doerr. Nazi-Deutsch / Nazi-German: An English Lexicon of the Language of the Third Reich. Greenwood. 2002.
  • Welch, David, The Third Reich: Politics and Propaganda (London, 1993)

External links