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Republic of Ingushetia, Russia Flag of Ingushetia
Capital: Magas
As of 2010:
# of districts
# of cities/towns
# of urban-type settlements
(посёлки городского типа)
# of selsovets
As of 2002: [1]
# of rural localities
(сельские населённые пункты)
# of uninhabited rural localities
(сельские населённые пункты без населения)
  • Cities under republic's jurisdiction (as of 2010):
    •    Magas (Магас) (capital)
    •    Nazran (Назрань)
    •    Malgobek (Малгобек)
    •    Karabulak (Карабулак)
    •    Sunzha (Сунжа)
  • Districts:
the administrative divisions of Ingushetia

Local self-government

Due to problems of defining the border between Chechnya and Ingushetia, as well as those related to the military operations in the region ( First and Second Chechen Wars), both republics have not established a system of local self-government until 2009.
