From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can take some pictures in and around Ottawa.

I have some experience with drawing sodacan style coats of arms, as well as some general experience with svg editors.

I can do Chinese->English translations and vice versa.

Userbox Addiction Gallery
This user loves userboxes.
This user is ADDICTED to userboxes and keeps adding more to their page.
"So many userboxes, so little space."
zh該用戶的 母語 中文
该用户的 母语 中文
en-5This user can contribute with a professional level of English.
fr-3Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau avancé de français.
la-2Hic usor media latinitate contribuere potest.
PY-NThis user has a native-like understanding of Hanyu Pinyin.
This user has an understanding of the Chinese characters.
of Canada::::::du Canada
CAThis user uses
Canadian English spelling.
DNDThis user has a job in DND.
This user is a Canadian!
This user is proud to be a
Canadian !
This user is as Canadian as possible, under the circumstances.
This user lives in
This user comes from Ottawa.
This user is Chinese Canadian.
This user wishes to visit the Canadian territory of Nunavut.
This user prefers cold weather.
This user invites you to visit
This user believes in creating a Canadian National Capital District.
This user is of Chinese descent.
This user is interested in
Sinitic languages.
This User knows why Caecilius est in horto.
This user is a Bombardier Q400 fan.
This user can interpret raw METAR data.
This user has been explicitly
barred from piloting any aircraft, despite having a flying permit.
This user is truly
Beyond Ideas.
This user invites you to visit
This user is or was a member of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets.
William ShakespeareThis user is interested in
English grammar.
whomThis user insists upon using whom wherever it is called for, and fixes the errors of whomever they see.
This editor writes carefully to avoid gender neutrality issues completely.
theyThis user considers singular they standard English usage.
,This user supports the use of the Oxford comma.
;This user knows how to use a semicolon correctly.
;This user is addicted to semicolons; they use them frequently.
to¦<b>ly¦goThis user is proud to rightfully split infinitives.
This user is interested in flags and emblems.
byThe passive voice may be used by this user.
Subj This user prefers that the subjunctive mood be used. Were this user you, he would use it.
based Based on experience, this user knows that based off is nearly always incorrect.
zoöglœæThis user is an evil præscriptivist who's goïng to make Latin your plurals.
-izeThis user spells the suffix -ize with a z, as is etymologically appropriate!
This user knows Canada started with Quebec.
This user supports the Canadian Crown.
NDPThis user supports the New Democratic Party.
This user supports the Rhinoceros Party of Canada.
This user opposes corporate welfare and bailouts.
This user knows that
Democracy Matters.
This user ardently opposes
the alt-right
This user supports a mixed economy.
This user promotes efforts to counter
climate change
This user supports the genetic modification of plants and animals.
This user ardently supports the
Paris Agreement
on climate change
This user doesn't like Nazis.
This user supports
instant-runoff voting.
This user identifies as a
Democratic Socialist.
This user supports and endorses
Social Democracy.
This user supports the Industrial Workers of the World.
This user wants to tax the rich to provide health care, education and welfare for everyone. $ £
¥ €
This user is on the side of the working class.
randThis user opposes Ayn Rand's objectivist philosophy.
This user knows that
Empathy Matters.
這個用戶對 中國歷史感興趣。
这个用户对 中国历史感兴趣。
This user is interested in Chinese history.
This user is interested in the History of Canada.
This user is interested in labour history.
This user has visited 8 of the 10 provinces and 3 territories of Canada.8
This user invites you to visit
This user speaks Beifang Dilact of Chinese.
This user likes to use Erhua.
简体中文这个用户使用 简体中文
This user uses Simplified Chinese characters.
这个用户永远怀念为中国作出伟大贡献的 周恩来总理
这个用户永远怀念 赵紫阳同志
继往开来的 江澤民同志
通商寬衣這个用戶 反對 習近平
This user is opposed to
Xi Jinping.
GTFO GFW!此用户不满中国大陆对互联网的 审查和封锁
这个用户要求 平反六四
This user wants China to admit its wrongdoing on June 4th 1989.
这个用户永远支持 涛哥和他的思想。
此用户正坐等 中国民主时代的日子来临。
这个用户不会忘记导致数千万人民死亡的 三年大饥荒
这个用户是 龙的传人
这个用户是 炎黄子孙
皿煮注意这个用户认为 民主是手段不是目的
This user loves userboxes.
This user is ADDICTED to userboxes and keeps adding more to their page.
"So many userboxes, so little space."