From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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// <nowiki>

var api = new mw.Api();

importScript('User:Theleekycauldron/Query pages.js');

let nompage, nomtext, preptexts;

let isEmpty = [];

let alphanumericals="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";

function mod(n, m) {

  return ((n % m) + m) % m;





).then(async function() {


	await nomtext;

	if (mw.config.get('wgPageName').includes("Template:Did_you_know_nominations/")) {

		$(mw.util.addPortletLink(window.DYKH_portlet || 'p-cactions', '#', 'PSHAW', 'dyk-portlet', 'Close nomination')).click(promote);

	} else if (mw.config.get('wgPageName').includes("Template:Did_you_know/Preparation_area")) {

        importScript('User:Theleekycauldron/Prep tools.js');

		$(mw.util.addPortletLink(window.DYKH_portlet || 'p-cactions', '#', 'PSHAW', 'dyk-portlet', 'Prep set tools')).click(preptools_handler);




function getHooks(wikiText) {

	var re = /('''ALT.+?)?(\.\.\..*?)(?:{{-\?}}|\?)/g;

	var hooks = wikiText.match(re);

	return hooks;


function biwikitext(t){

	while (t.includes("\'\'\'")){

		t = t.replace(/'''/,"<b>");

		t = t.replace(/'''/,"</b>");


	while (t.includes("\'\'")){

		t = t.replace(/''/,"<i>");

		t = t.replace(/''/,"</i>");


	return t;


promote = async function (e) {

	nompage = await get_pages(mw.config.get('wgPageName'),"user|content",null,"older");

	nomtext = nompage0].revisions0].slots.main.content;

	await nomtext;

	if (nomtext.includes("'''No further edits should be made to this page'''.")){

		alert("Hang on, you can't promote a closed nomination!");



	for (revision of nompage0].revisions){

		user = revision.user;

		if (user==mw.config.get('wgUserName')){

			alert("Looks like you've edited this nompage before. Make sure you're not an \"involved user\" before proceeding with a close; if you've nominated or edited the article, reviewed the nomination, or wrote the hook you're about to promote, you are most likely involved.");




	//nomtext = nomtext.replaceAll(/<s>.*?<\/s>/g,"");


	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(900, 800);

	Window.setTitle( "The prep set's half-assed workbench (PSHAW)" );

	Window.addFooterLink( "DYK promoter's rules", "WP:DYKSG#Rules of thumb for preparing updates" );

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm();


	function reject(w){

		form.root.childs = [];


		form.append({type: 'div', name: 'closing', label: 'Closing as '+((w)?("withdrawn"):("unsuccessful"))+"... "});

		nomtext = nomtext.split("\n");

		nomtext0 = "{{subst:DYKsubpage";

		nomtext2 = "|passed="+((w)?"withdrawn":"no");

		nomtext = nomtext.join("\n");

		var params = {

				action: 'edit',

				title: nompage0].title,

				summary: "Closing as "+((w)?("withdrawn"):("unsuccessful"))+" ([[User:Theleekycauldron/DYK promoter|PSHAW]])",

				text: nomtext,

				format: 'json'


		api.postWithToken( 'csrf', params ).done( function ( data ) {

			console.log( data );


			form.root.childs0].data.label += 'done! :)';




		} );




	form.append({type: 'button', name: 'reject', label: 'mark as rejected', style: 'float: right', event: function r(){reject(false)}})

	form.append({type: 'button', name: 'withdrawn', label: 'mark as withdrawn', style: 'float: right', event: function w(){reject(true)}})


	// Grabbing hooks from nomination page


	function createHookObject(){

		var res = [];

		let u=0;

		let hooks = getHooks(nomtext);

		for (hook of hooks){

		    hook = hook.split("...");

			if (hook0].includes("ALT")){

				let i;

				for (i=hook0].indexOf("ALT")+3; alphanumericals.includes(hook0].charAt(i)); i++){}

				hook0 = hook0].substring(hook0].indexOf("ALT"),i);

			} else {

				hook0 = "U"+u;



			res.push({ type: 'option', label: "<b>"+hook0+"</b>: ..."+biwikitext(hook1].slice()), value: "* ..."+hook1]});


		return res;


	hooks = createHookObject()


	//prep and queue selection


	form.append({type: 'select',name: 'area',label: 'Transport hook to:',list: [{ type: 'option', label: "Prep", value: "Template:Did you know/Preparation area "},{ type: 'option', label: "Queue (admins only)", value: "Template:Did you know/Queue/"}]});

	form.append({type: 'number', name: 'pqid', label: 'Prep/queue number:', min: 1, max: 7, step: 1})


	// render

	let result;

	function show(){

		result = form.render();







	// load up the prep/queue


	let firstLoad = true;


	form.append({type: 'button',name: 'load', label: 'load prep/queue', event: load});


	async function load(){

		console.log("howdy :)");

		let pagename = result.area.value+result.pqid.value;

		let nextpreppage = await get_pages("Template:Did you know/Queue/NextPrep","user|content",null,"older");

		await nextpreppage;

		let nextpreptext = nextpreppage0].revisions0].slots.main.content;

		let previousprep = mod(nextpreptext0-2,7)+1;

		let dolastprepmessage = previousprep == result.pqid.value;


		form.root.childs4].data.disabled = true; //disable button

		show(); //reload while button is being disabled

		if (firstLoad){ //these should only be done once

			if (!(nomtext.includes("[[File:Symbol voting keep.svg|16px]]") || nomtext.includes("[[File:Symbol confirmed.svg|16px]]")|| nomtext.match(/\|.*?status.*?=.*?y/g)!=undefined)){

				alert("Looks like you're trying to promote a nomination that hasn't been approved yet. Make sure the nomination's got a green or grey check mark!")



			form.append({type: 'div', name: 'preppagename', label: "<b>[["+pagename+"]]</b>"}) //child 5

			form.append({name: 'hooksinprep', type: 'radio', label: 'Hooks:', list: []});

			form.append({type: 'div', name: 'hooktopromote', label: '<b>Hook to promote: </b>'})

			form.append({type: 'radio', name: 'nomhooks', list: []});

		} else { //update prepnum

			form.root.childs5].data.label = "<b>[["+pagename+"]]</b>";



		preppage = await get_pages(pagename,"content",null,"older");

		preptext = preppage0].revisions0].slots.main.content;

		prephooks = preptext.split("\n");

		prephooks = prephooks.slice(prephooks.indexOf("<!--Hooks-->")+2,prephooks.indexOf("<!--HooksEnd-->"));

		form.root.childs6].data.list = []; //clear prep set's hook list

		for (var i=0; i<prephooks.length; i++){

			let matches = prephooksi].match(/('{3}[^']*?\[\[.*?]].*?'{3})|(\[\[.*'{3}.*?'{3}]])/g);

			if (matches != null){

				form.root.childs6].data.list.push({ type: 'option', label: i+": "+matches.join(", ").replaceAll("\'\'\'",""), value: i});


			} else {

				form.root.childs6].data.list.push({ type: 'option', label: i+": barren", value: i});




        if (isEmpty.slice(1).every(v => v === false)){

		    form.root.childs6].data.list.push({ type: 'option', label: "  create new slot", value: "[append]"});


		form.root.childs8].data.list = createHookObject();


		if (nomtext.includes("{{main page image/DYK") && firstLoad){

			imgfiles = nomtext.match(/\{\{main page image\/DYK.*?}}/g);


			optionsbox = [{type: 'option', label: 'nope', value: ""}];

			for (file of imgfiles){

				file = file.replaceAll(/= /g,"=");

				s = file.match(/\|image=.*?(?:\||})/g)[0];

				optionsbox.push({ type: 'option', label: s.slice(7,s.length-1), value: file})



			form.append({type: 'div', name: 'label', label: '<b>File: </b>'});

			form.append({type: 'radio', name: 'images', list: optionsbox});



		if (firstLoad){

			form.append({type: 'button', name: 'submit', label: 'submit!', event: function l(){evaluate(e, result)}});



		if (dolastprepmessage){

            alert("This appears to be the bottom prep set – per WP:DYKSG#J14, try to leave the image slot, quirky slot, and at least two middle slots open for bumps and replacements!");


		firstLoad = false;

		form.root.childs4].data.disabled = false; //re-enable button





	evaluate = function (e, result){


		let slotnum = result.hooksinprep.value;

		if (slotnum == ""){

			alert("Which slot is this hook going in?");




		let hook = result.nomhooks.value;

		if (hook == ""){

			alert("You gotta pick a hook!");




		let imgfile;

		if (result.images==undefined){


		} else {



		if (imgfile==""){ //scrub ''(pictured)'' from hook if no image

			hook = hook.replace(/[^']''\(.*?\)''/,"");



		if (slotnum == 0 && imgfile == ""){

			alert("You can't put this in the lead slot unless you've got an image to go along with it!");




		form.root.childs = [];


		form.append({type: 'div', name: 'Promoting hook', label: 'Promoting hook to [['+preppage0].title+']]... '})

		form.append({type: 'div', name: 'Closing nomination', label: 'Closing [['+nompage0].title+']]... '})



		preptext = preptext.split("\n");

		if (slotnum == "[append]"){



		} else {

			preptextpreptext.indexOf("<!--Hooks-->")+parseInt(slotnum)+2 = hook;

			isEmptyslotnum = "a";

			let j=1;

			for (i=0; i<isEmpty.length; i++){

				if (isEmptyi=="a") {break;}

				else if (isEmptyi]) {j++;}


			let p=0;

			while (j>0){


				if (preptextp].includes("* {{DYKmake|Example|Editor|subpage=}}")) {j--;}

				if (preptextp=="===Credit templates===") {alert("I couldn't find anywhere to put the credits? Make sure that there are enough empty credit slots for all the empty hook slots."); return null;}


			preptextp = getCredits(nomtext);

			if (slotnum==7 && preptext.includes("* {{DYKnom|Example|Nominator}}")){

				preptext.splice(preptext.indexOf("* {{DYKnom|Example|Nominator}}"),1);



		if (imgfile != ""){



		preptext = preptext.join("\n");

		nomtext = nomtext.split("\n");

		nomtext0 = "{{subst:DYKsubpage";

		nomtext2 = "|passed=yes";

		nomtext.splice(nomtext.length-1,"To [[" + preppage0].title + "]]");

		nomtext = nomtext.join("\n");


		var params = {

				action: 'edit',

				title: nompage0].title,

				summary: "To [[" + preppage0].title + "]] ([[User:Theleekycauldron/DYK promoter|PSHAW]])",

				text: nomtext,

				format: 'json'


		api.postWithToken( 'csrf', params ).done( function ( data ) {

			form.root.childs1].data.label += 'done! :)';

			console.log( data );



		} );


		var params = {

				action: 'edit',

				title: preppage0].title,

				summary: "Promoting [[" + nompage0].title + "]] ([[User:Theleekycauldron/DYK promoter|PSHAW]])",

				text: preptext,

				format: 'json'


		api.postWithToken( 'csrf', params ).done( function ( data ) {

			console.log( data );


			form.root.childs0].data.label += 'done! :)';



		} );




function getCredits(t){

	matches = t.match(/\* \{\{DYK(make|nom).*?\}\}/g);

	if (matches != null){

		return matches.join("\n");

	} else {

		return "* {{DYKmake|Example|Editor|subpage=}}"



preptools_handler = async function(e){



// </nowiki>