From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm Shannon. Stumbled onto wikipedia somehow and haven't quite managed to let go of it yet.... :-)

And, hopefully, I'll write a better description when I'm not supposed to be working..

A poorly maintained list of articles I have made a (non-insgnificant) contribution to

Articles I should work on

Things I consider done

  • Scroll lock - digging though on shows that using scroll lock to pause the scrolling output is actually a modern urban ledgend. Older NG posts in alt.folklaw.computers (circa 1990 and 1993) state that scroll lock causes the window to scroll instead of moving the cursor when you use the arrow keys. Pausing the scrolling output is a new feature; supported bascially under Linux. And, besides, the key causes the window to scroll and not the cursor under Excel. (That's right, Microsoft's flash Excel XP has this little gem harking back to sometime last century..)