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/* Disambiguation lookup script, version [0.2.8]

Originally from: /info/en/?search=User:Splarka/dabfinder.js


* Uses the API using head/appendchild(script) and callback to avoid ajax.

* Alt command finds and hilights redirects with simple CSS append (class="mw-redirect").

* Per we are limited to 500 subtemplates

** The query-continue seems to work fine even as a generator. Built a re-query system to do this automatically.


* Adds portlet button (or works with URI parameter &finddab=true)

** Makes call to MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage links, generates array of these.

*** Makes call to generator=links / prop=templates on page title.

**** Builds array of registered links that link to disambiguation pages (that contain a disambiguation template).

***** Iterates over all <a> link objects on page, matching any that link to disambiguation, and applies green border.

***** .dablink descendant links are given a dashed border, all other found links are given a solid border.

*** Repeats call with tlcontinue if more than 500 templates have been returned in previous query.

This is a bit messy but at the time was the easiest and most thorough way to do it I could think of.

Of course, a bot might be much more efficient, but this is handy for quick on-the-fly live checking.

To do:

* test it

* centralized link list in contentSub?

* test unicode support


var dabnames = [];

var dabfound = 0;

if(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') !== -1) {

	$.when( $.ready, mw.loader.using('mediawiki.util') ).then(findDABsButton);


function findDABsButton() {

  var el;

  var action = mw.config.get('wgAction');

  if(!mw.util.getParamValue('oldid') && !mw.util.getParamValue('diff') && (action === 'view' || action === 'purge')) {

    el = mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb','','Find disambiguations','t-dab');

    $(el).on('click', findDABs );

    if(mw.util.getParamValue('finddab')==='true') {




  el = mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb','','Find redirects','t-rdr');

  $(el).on( 'click', findRDRs );

  if(mw.util.getParamValue('findrdr')==='true') {




function findRDRs(event) {


  mw.util.addCSS('.mw-redirect {background-color: #ffff00;}\n#t-rdr {background-color:#ffff00;}');

  document.getElementById('t-rdr').appendChild(document.createTextNode('\nRedirects highlighted, but don\'t '));

  if(mw.config.get('wgServer') != '' && mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') != '/wikipedia/en/w') { return; //en.wp policy


  var a = document.createElement('a');


  a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('fix them.'));



function findDABs(event) {


  var dab = document.getElementById('t-dab');

  //if(dab) injectSpinner(dab,'dab');

  var url = mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?maxage=86400&smaxage=86400&action=query&prop=links&pllimit=500&indexpageids&format=json&rawcontinue=&callback=findDABsCB&titles=MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage';



function findDABsCB(obj) {

  if(!obj'query' || !obj'query']['pages' || !obj'query']['pageids']) return

  var links = obj'query']['pages'][obj'query']['pageids'][0]]['links'

  if(!links) return

  for(var i=0;i<links.length;i++) {





function findDABsQuery(qcont) {

  var url = mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?maxage=300&smaxage=300&action=query&redirects&generator=links&gpllimit=500&prop=templates&tllimit=500&indexpageids&format=json&rawcontinue=&callback=findDABlinksCB&titles=' + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));

  if(qcont) url += '&tlcontinue=' + encodeURIComponent(qcont);



function findDABlinksCB(obj) {

  var dablinks = [];

  if(!obj'query' || !obj'query']['pages' || !obj'query']['pageids']) return

  mw.util.addCSS('.dablink-found {border: 2px solid #00ff00}\n .dablink .dablink-found {border:2px dashed #00ff00}');

  var ids = obj'query']['pageids'];

  var links = [];

  for(var i=0;i<ids.length;i++) {

    var templates = obj'query']['pages'][idsi]]['templates'];

    if(!templates) continue;

    for(var j=0;j<templates.length;j++) {

      var tpl = templatesj]['title'];

      for(var k=0;k<dabnames.length;k++) {

        if(tpl == dabnamesk]) {







  if(obj'query']['redirects']) {

    var dablen = dablinks.length;   //don't iterate over additions.

    var redirects = obj'query']['redirects'];

    if(redirects) {

      for(var i=0;i<redirects.length;i++) {

        for(var j=0;j<dablen;j++) {

          if(obj'query']['redirects'][i]['to' == dablinksj]) {








  var docobj = document.getElementById('bodyContent') || document.getElementById('content') || document.body;

  var links = docobj.getElementsByTagName('a')

  for(var i=0;i<links.length;i++) {

    for(var j=0;j<dablinks.length;j++) {

      //to match API: "Foo (bar)" with href: "/wiki/Foo_%28bar%29", have to do some hacky string manipulation

      //should now work with parenthesis, unicode?

      var dablink = dablinksj].replace(/ /g,'_');

      var chklink = (linksi].hasAttribute('href')) ? linksi].getAttribute('href', 2).replace(/\#.*/,'') : ''

      chklink = chklink.replace(mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace(/\$1/,''),'');

      chklink = decodeURIComponent(chklink);

      if(chklink == dablink && linksi].className.indexOf('dablink-found') == -1) {

        linksi].className += ' dablink-found';





  var dab = document.getElementById('t-dab');

  if(obj'query-continue' && obj'query-continue']['templates']) {

    if(dab) {





  } else {

    if(dab) {



      if(dabfound > 0) {

        var span = document.createElement('span');

        span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(dabfound + ' links to disambiguation pages found.'));

        span.className = 'dablink-found';


      } else {

        dab.appendChild(document.createTextNode('No disambiguation links found.'));


    } else {

      alert(dabfound + ' links to disambiguation pages found.');


