From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All of these Userboxes are here to comply with the userbox migration solution to the userbox debate. I do not endorse and/or oppose any of the opinions expressed here. I do believe people should be able to express their own views, and that is why this is here.

Userboxes I've Created/Adopted

Sask Riders This user will cheer for the Saskatchewan Roughriders until he dies.
see userbox
HNIC This user believes that Saturday night is supposed to be "Hockey Night"
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/HNIC}}
DS This user is a democratic socialist.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/deomocratic socialist}}
This user supports the Saskatchewan New Democratic Party.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/NDP}}
Bunny Hug This user knows it's a Bunny Hug, not a hoodie.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/bunnyhug}}
This user is not a Wikipedia administrator but would like to be one.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Hope-Administrator}}
This user has already left every hemisphere.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/User already left every hemisphere}}
YOU This user is Time magazine Person of the Year 2006.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/POTY 2006}}
ACLU This user is a proud card-carrying member of The American Civil Liberties Union.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/aclu}}

Political Parites


FF This user supports Fianna Fáil.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/FF}}
FG This user supports Fine Gael.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/FG}}
Lab This user supports the Irish Labour Party.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Ireland Labour}}
PD This user supports the Progressive Democrats.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/PD}}
Grn This user supports the Irish Green Party
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Ireland Green}}
SF This user supports Sinn Féin.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/SF}}


אמת This user supports Avoda.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Avoda}}
כן This user supports Kadima.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Kadima}}
מחל This user supports Likud.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Likud}}
יש This user supports Shinui.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Shinui}}
ו This user supports Hadash.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Hadash}}
רק This user supports Ha-Yerukim.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Ha-Yerukim}}
ד This user supports Balad.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Balad}}
מרצ This user supports Meretz.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Meretz-Yachad}}
קנ This user supports Ale Yarok.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Ale Yarok}}



This user enjoys the works of
J. R. R. Tolkien.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Tolkien}}
CSLThis user enjoys the works of
C.S. Lewis.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/C.S. Lewis}}


22 This user's favourite novel is Catch-22.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Catch-22}}
Big Brother is watching this user.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/1984}}
This user has or has yet to Journey to the Center of the Earth.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/JTCE}}
This user likes his Martinis shaken, not stirred.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/James Bond}}
A lion similar to Aslan, the Lion This user loves The Chronicles of Narnia, both the books and the movies.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Narnia}}
Narnia This user loves The Chronicles of Narnia.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Narnia Books}}
This user is obsessed with The War of the Worlds.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/WOTW}}
This user believes that " all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players".
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/world stage}}


LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings, both the books and the films.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/LOTR}}
LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings book series and film trilogy, but not the 1978 animated film.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/LOTR2}}
LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings book series but not the film trilogy. This user may prefer the 1978 animated film to the film trilogy.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/LOTR3}}
LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings books but NOT the films.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/LOTR4}}
LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings, just the film trilogy, not the books.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/LOTR6}}
LOTR This user enjoys The Lord of the Rings book, the film trilogy, and the 1978 animated film.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/LOTR7}}

Harry Potter

HPThis user is a Harry Potter fan.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/HarryPotter}}
G This user is a Gryffindor.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Gryffindor}}
H This user is a Hufflepuff.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Hufflepuff}}
R This user is a Ravenclaw.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Ravenclaw}}
S This user is a Slytherin.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Slytherin}}
L.V. This user is a fan of Lord Voldemort.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Voldemort}}
HP This user likes the Harry Potter books, but not the films.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/hpbookonly}}
HP This user prefers the Harry Potter books to the films.
{{ User:Royalguard11/userboxes/hpbook}}