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... due to a variety of reasons; Cheers.
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A Moment of Zen

Last peace : 05:54, 13 June 2014 (UTC)

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... and other articles, like History stubs, that need to be expanded.

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... and quite a few other articles. I'm interested in these ...

... and many more (like the Kaw people and the Delaware).


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Complete and Perfect Tutnum of the Encyclopedia.
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2003- 07-04 13:34:12
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Maritime history

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Movies and shows

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Free energy

Alternative free energy, in a strict sense, is energy directly transceived from the environment, and utilized without any artificial aid. In a technical sense, free energy means an energy source supplied directly by the environment in unlimited quantity (and this can not be depleted). Free energy here is equated with renewable energy, which is energy from a source which is not subject to depletion and does not include energy sources which are dependent upon limited resources. For more, see these articles ...

"Free energy" generally means that the primary energy source is "free" (i.e. does not cost anything) for consumption. Thus, free energy is the energy with no or negligible feedstock costs, including solar power (sometimes referred to as "electro-radiant energy"), telluric power, water power, and wind power. Free energy is reported in perpetual motion machines and the inquiries can be engaged in serious discussion of such machines in Free energy and perpetual motion history.


There manifests itself in the fully developed being - Man - a desire mysterious, inscrutable and irresistible: to imitate nature, to create, to work himself the wonders he perceives. Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasa or luminiferous aether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.
Nikola Tesla

Man's Greatest Achievement

May 13, 1907
The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result. He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up. His work is like that of a planter for the future. His duty is to lay the foundation of those who are to come and point the way.
— Nikola Tesla


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Real Name: J. D. Redding
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Books I ...

Books that I own will be listed, though they are not as many as the ones in the picture.

... own, use, have read, or use for the rainy days will be listed below. Though this is a listing of books I had owned, not everything I had and read will I list here. The books I ...

recommend ...
read and find interesting ...
have read ...
  • Ikenson, B. (2004). Patents : Ingenious Inventions, How They Work and How They Came to Be. Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers. 288 pages.
  • United States. (2003). Soldier's manual of common tasks: Skill level 1. Field manual. Washington (d.c.): Department of the Army; Headquarters.
  • Iannini, R. E. (2003). Electronic gadgets for the evil genius: 21 build-it-yourself projects. TAB electronics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Valone, T. (2002). Harnessing the wheelwork of nature: Tesla's science of energy. Kempton, Ill: Adventure Unlimited Press.
  • Tesla, N., & Childress, D. H. (2000). The Tesla papers. Kempton, Ill: Adventures Unlimited.
  • Seifer, M. J. (1998). Wizard: The life and times of Nikola Tesla : biography of a genius. New York: Citadel Press/Kensington Publishing.
  • Tesla, N., & Childress, D. H. (1993). The fantastic inventions of Nikola Tesla. The Lost science series. Stelle, Ill: Adventures Unlimited.
  • Wright, R. (1992). Stolen continents: The Americas through Indian eyes since 1492. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Hart, M. H. (1992). The 100: A ranking of the most influential persons in history. Secausus, N.J.: Carol Pub. Group.
  • Laubin, R., Laubin, G., & Vestal, S. (1989). The Indian tipi: Its history, construction, and use. Norman, Okla: University of Oklahoma Press.
  • Fletcher, C., & Fletcher, C. (1984). The complete walker III: The joys and techniques of hiking and backpacking. New York: Knopf.
  • Cheney, M. (1981). "Tesla: Man Out of Time". New York, Barnes & Noble Books.
  • Grant, M. (1978). History of Rome. New York: Scribner's.'
  • Burke, J. (1978). Connections. Boston: Little, Brown.
  • Cain, A. H. (1970). Young people and revolution. New York: John Day.
  • Andrews, E. B. (1914). History of the United States, Illustrated. Volume 6. Scribner's.
recommend for a rainy day ...
  • Adams, D. (1993). Mostly harmless. Hitchiker series ; 05. New York: Ballantine Books.
  • McWilliams, P. (1990). Life 101: Everything we wish we had learned about life in school--but didn't. Los Angeles, Calif: Prelude Press.
  • Adams, D., Adams, D., Adams, D., Adams, D., & Adams, D. (1991). The complete hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. Voyager expanded book. Santa Monica, CA: Voyager.
  • Tolkien, J. R. R. (1977). The Silmarillion. New York: Ballantine Books.
  • Tolkien, J. R. R. (1973). The fellowship of the ring: Being the first part of The lord of the rings. The Lord of the rings, Pt. 1. New York: Ballantine Books.
  • Tolkien, J. R. R. (1973). The two towers: Being the second part of The lord of the rings. The lord of the rings, Pt. 2. New York: Ballantine Books.
  • Tolkien, J. R. R. (1973). The return of the king: Being the third part of The lord of the rings. The lord of the rings, Pt. 3. New York: Ballantine Books.
  • Tolkien, J. R. R., & Tolkien, C. (1984). The book of lost tales: Part I. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
read for fun ...
  • Lacroix, N., & Lacroix, N. (2004). The better sex guide: How to enjoy and maintain a healthy sex life in a loving relationship : the book for modern lovers everywhere. London: Hermes House.
  • Lebowitz, F. (1978). Metropolitan life. New York: Dutton.
  • Hallmark Cards, Inc. (1960). Poetry for pleasure; The Hallmark book of poetry. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.
wish I had ...
  • Tesla, N., & Marinčić, A. (1978). Colorado Springs notes, 1899-1900. Beograd: Nolit.
  • Tolkien, J. R. R. (1966). The hobbit, or, There and back again. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Martin, T. C., & Tesla, N. (1894). The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla: With special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting. New York: The Electrical Engineer.

Websites I ...

Websites that I use will be listed; a great deal of good information is available outside of wikimedia.

... use and consult will be listed below. Though this is a listing of websites I like, not everything I have bookmarked and consult will I list here; but I will add the sites that I have in my collection as time time goes on that I like. The sites I ...

suggest ...

consult and use ...

check for current events...

News publications

Technology publications

Science publications


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History Timelines

Universe Timeline

Astronomical year numbering

ionization Plasma recombination Nucleosynthesis Formation and evolution of the Solar System Particle Virtual particles Spacetime Free space Sun Earth Population I stars Galaxy formation and evolution Light Cosmic microwave background radiation Atom Life Milky Way Reionization Vacuum polarization Stelliferous Era
Dates are approximate, consult particular article for details
See also: , , ,
Solar History
Proto-Earth Sun Star formation Population I stars Galaxy formation and evolution Light Galactic Habitable Zone Milky Way galaxy
See also: Sun phases

Terran Timeline

Geologic Earth history
Siderian Rhyacian Orosirian Statherian Calymmian Ectasian Stenian Tonian Cryogenian Ediacaran Eoarchean Paleoarchean Mesoarchean Neoarchean Paleoproterozoic Mesoproterozoic Neoproterozoic Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic Hadean Archean Proterozoic Phanerozoic Precambrian period era eon supereon
Lunar History
Early Imbrian Late Imbrian Pre-Nectarian Nectarian Imbrian Eratosthenian Copernican period
Earth History
Phanerozoic Precambrian
Dates are approximate, consult particular article for details

Early Earth

Paleoproterozoic Neoarchean Mesoarchean Paleoarchean Eoarchean Hadean

Middle Earth

Neoproterozoic Mesoproterozoic Paleoproterozoic

Late Earth

See also: Ordovician extinction, Age of Fish, Age of Reptiles
Cambrian Ordovician Silurian Devonian Carboniferous Permian Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Paleogene Neogene Quaternary Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic Phanerozoic
Tertiary Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Miocene Pliocene Pleistocene Holocene Paleogene Neogene Quaternary Cenozoic
Anatomically modern humans Clactonian Acheulean Oldowan Late Stone Age Middle Stone Age Early Stone Age Holocene Late Pleistocene Middle Pleistocene Calabrian Gelasian Upper Paleolithic Middle Paleolithic Lower Paleolithic Paleolithic Pleistocene Pleistocene Pleistocene Pleistocene Holocene Quaternary

Human Species

Anatomically modern humans Late Stone Age Middle Stone Age Early Stone Age Micoquien Clactonian Acheulean Oldowan Upper Paleolithic Middle Paleolithic Lower Paleolithic Paleolithic Pleistocene Pleistocene Pleistocene Pleistocene Holocene
Time of Humanity
Quaternary extinction event Quaternary extinction event Holocene extinction Holocene extinction Yellowstone Caldera Yellowstone Caldera Toba catastrophe theory Homo heidelbergensis Homo neanderthalensis Homo antecessor Homo sapiens Homo habilis Homo georgicus Homo ergaster Homo erectus Homo (genus)
See also: Homo habilis (-2.33e+06 | -1.4e+06), Homo rudolfensis (-1.9e+06),
Homo gautengensis (-1.9e+06 | -0.6e+06), and Homo sapiens idaltu (-1.6e+06)
See also: Java Man (-1.75e+06), Yuanmou Man (-1.75e+06 : -0.73e+06),
Lantian Man (-1.7e+06), Nanjing Man (- 0.6e+06), Tautavel Man (- 0.5e+06),
Peking Man (- 0.4e+06), Solo Man (- 0.4e+06), and Peştera cu Oase (- 0.378e+05)
Humanity Transitions
Upper Paleolithic Middle Paleolithic Homo neanderthalensis Ancient Chalcolithic Sauveterrian Azilian Magdalenian Solutrean Natufian culture Gravettian Châtelperronian Aurignacian Mousterian Micoquien Late Stone Age Homo sapiens
See also: Great Spirit and Theistic evolution



Subatlantic Subboreal Atlantic (period) Boreal (period) Preboreal Chalcolithic Chalcolithic Mesolithic Late Stone Age Upper Paleolithic Iron Age Bronze Age Neolithic Stone Age
Modern Age Post-classical era Ancient Iron Age Bronze Age
Dates are approximate, consult particular article for details
Holocene began at ~11,700 years BP ( Before Present).
Stone Age ends ~3250 BC. Neolithic begins ~10,200 BC.

Written History

Ancient History
Ancient Rome Ancient Greece Phoenicia Imperial China Ancient China Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors Middle kingdoms of India Indo-Greeks Iron Age India Indus Valley Civilization Ancient Carthage Aksumite Empire Ancient Egypt Achaemenid Empire Mesopotamia postclassical age Iron Age Bronze Age
Middle Ages
Mesoamerican chronology Mississippian culture Woodland period Precolombian Muromachi period Kenmu restoration Kamakura period Heian period Nara period Asuka period Kofun period Yamato period Yuan Dynasty Song Dynasty Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period Tang Dynasty Sui Dynasty Ming Dynasty Early Imperial China Six Dynasties Golden Horde Chagatai Khanate Mongol Empire Khwārazm-Shāh dynasty Samanids Muslim conquests Hephthalites Scythians Islamic empires in India Middle kingdoms of India Mamluk Sultanate Ayyubid dynasty Fatimid Caliphate Abbasid Caliphate Muslim conquests Sasanian Empire Ottoman Empire Second Bulgarian Empire Byzantine Empire First Bulgarian Empire Byzantine Empire Roman Empire Reconquista Caliphate of Córdoba Muslim conquests Al-Andalus Visigothic Kingdom Kingdom of England Heptarchy Anglo-Saxon England Sub-Roman Britain Holy Roman Empire Carolingian Empire Lombard kingdom Roman Empire Holy Roman Empire East Francia Carolingian Empire Francia Germanic Wars Grand Duchy of Moscow Grand Duchy of Lithuania Sarai (city) Mongol invasion of Rus' Kievan Rus' Rus' Khaganate Migration Period Sarmatians Hunnic Empire Kalmar Union Northern Crusades Christianization of Scandinavia Norsemen Viking Age Germanic Iron Age Crisis of the Late Middle Ages Mongol invasion of Europe Crusades Urbanization Manorialism Feudalism Migration Period Renaissance Late Antiquity Early modern Modern age Ancient history Iron Age Late Middle Ages High Middle Ages Early Middle Ages
Dates are approximate range (based upon influence), consult particular article for details
  Middle Ages Divisions,   Middle Ages Themes   Other
Modern History
Early Modern
Empire of Brazil United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves Colonial Brazil History of Mexico New Spain Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire History of the United States British Canada 1764-1866 British America New France Mississippian culture Company rule in India Maratha Empire Mughal Empire Delhi sultanate Joseon Dynasty Edo period Azuchi–Momoyama period Sengoku period Muromachi period Qing Dynasty Ming Dynasty Golden Horde Russian Empire Zunghar Khanate Chagatai Khanate Ottoman Syria Egypt Eyalet Mamluk Sultanate Decline of the Ottoman Empire Stagnation of the Ottoman Empire Growth of the Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire Italian unification History of Italy (1559–1814) Italian Wars Italian Renaissance German Confed. Confederation of the Rhine Kleinstaaterei Thirty Years War Reformation German Renaissance Holy Roman Empire Russian Empire Tsardom of Russia Grand Duchy of Moscow France in the long nineteenth century French Revolution France in the Middle Ages Kingdom of France French Renaissance Ancien Régime United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Industrial Revolution Kingdom of Great Britain Kingdom of England Early modern Britain Mid-19th-century Spain Reconquista Enlightenment in Spain Spanish Renaissance Spanish Empire Union between Sweden and Norway Denmark History of Sweden Denmark–Norway Kalmar Union Modern age Late Middle Ages Early modern
Dates are approximate, consult particular article for details
   Early modern themes   Other
Late Modern
History of the United States (1991–present) History of the United States (1980–91) History of the United States (1964–80) History of the United States (1945–64) History of the United States (1918–45) Progressive Era Gilded Age American Civil War Antebellum History of Russia (1992–present) History of the Soviet Union (1982–1991) History of the Soviet Union (1964–1982) History of the Soviet Union (1953–1964) History of the Soviet Union (1927–1953) History of Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union (1917–27) History of the Soviet Union History of Russia (1892–1917) History of Russia (1855–1892) History of Russia (1796–1855) Russian Empire Heisei Postwar Japan Taishō period Shōwa period Empire of Japan Meiji period Edo period History of the People's Republic of China Chinese Civil War Nanjing decade Republic of China (1912–49) Qing Dynasty Post-colonial Africa Decolonization of Africa Colonisation of Africa Scramble for Africa Atlantic slave trade European exploration of Africa Pakistan India and the Non-Aligned Movement Dominion of Pakistan Dominion of India Partition of India British Raj Company rule in India Arab Spring Middle East History of the Arab–Israeli conflict Mandatory Palestine French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire Tanzimat Era History of Brazil since 1985 Brazilian military government Second Brazilian Republic Vargas Era First Brazilian Republic History of the Empire of Brazil Francoist Spain Spanish Empire First Spanish Republic Spain under the Restoration Spanish Civil War Second Spanish Republic Mid-19th-century Spain History of Spain (1975–present) History of the United Kingdom (1945–present) Postwar Britain United Kingdom Military history of the United Kingdom during World War II Great Depression in the United Kingdom History of the United Kingdom during World War I Edwardian era United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Victorian era British Empire French Third Republic Belle Époque French Third Republic Second French Empire French Second Republic July Monarchy Bourbon Restoration French Fifth Republic French Fourth Republic Vichy France History of the Italian Republic Italian Empire History of the Kingdom of Italy (1861–1946) Italian unification German Confederation German Empire Weimar Republic Nazi Germany History of Germany (1945–90) New states of Germany Information Age Atomic Age World War II Interwar period World War I Long Depression Second Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution Contemporary Period Early Modern Period Late Modern Period Modern Age
Dates are approximate range (based upon influence), consult particular article for details
Age of Oil Neoliberalism Neoconservatism New Left New Right Counterculture of the 1960s Beat Generation New Deal Fascism Social liberalism Progressive Era Space Age Cold War Atomic Age Post-war era World War II Interwar period World War I Big Data Information Age Second Industrial Revolution Machine Age The Noughties The Nineties The Eighties The Seventies The Sixties The Fifties The Forties The Thirties Roaring Twenties Postmodernity Modernity



Man's Road

The Poor Man's Road to Wealth

There are two ways to get rich — the right way and the wrong way; the easy way and the impossible way; the common way and the rare way. And of course the wrong and impossible way is the common way.

To be rich is to have all the money you want. And the common way of trying to get rich Is to try to get enough money for one's wants. The difficulty in this way is that the wants always grow faster than the money pile. You want to be rich enough to rent a vehicle; when you begin to rent, you want to own a vehicle; when you drive your own vehicle, you want to own a luxury vehicle; when you have a luxury vehicle, you want to own a vehicle for the children.

When a man buys railroads as other men buy vehicles, he may be in straitened circumstances, though he has fifty billions in U. S. bonds. The more money a man has, the poorer he is, if he has not learned to moderate his desires as well as to accumulate his supplies.

The only way to be rich is to keep one's desires within his Income. If one wants what five cents can buy, and he has ten cents, he is wealthy. A bright dime to a street Arab is greater wealth than a thousand dollars to a merchant prince.

The right way to be rich is never to want what you cannot buy, then you always have as much money as you want. This is the easy way. No man can regulate the contents of his purse; every man can regulate the quality of his desires. Capital is not within every man's attainment; contentment is. He is wealthy who has learned two arts; first, how to be contented with what he can get; second, how to use what he has.

It is always easy to have plenty of money : spend less than you earn. It is always easy to have all the money you want: want less than you have.

No easier way exists to better your circumstances, to become a rich man, than by joining a savings and loan association. It is the poor man's road to wealth.

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The wikiwarehouse contents vary widely. The classified information is of a sensitive nature to which access is restricted by law or regulation to particular classes of persons. Classified articles (with cover story ;) include the following, categorized to origin:

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Beer metrics

Beer is the world's most widely consumed alcoholic beverage, and is the third-most popular drink overall, after water and tea.