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Abstract algebra

Abstract algebra, also called modern algebra, [1] studies different types of algebraic structures. An algebraic structure is a framework for understanding operations on mathematical objects, like the addition of numbers. While elementary algebra and linear algebra work within the confines of particular algebraic structures, abstract algebra takes a more general approach that compares how algebraic structures differ from each other and what types of algebraic structures there are, such as groups, rings, and fields. [2]

Diagram of binary operation
Many algebraic structures rely on binary operations, which take two objects as input and combine them into a single object as output.

On a formal level, an algebraic structure is a set [a] of mathematical objects, called the underlying set, together with one or several operations. [b] Abstract algebra usually restricts itself to binary operations that take any two objects from the underlying set as inputs and map them to another object from this set as output. [5] For example, the algebraic structure has the natural numbers as the underlying set. Addition is its binary operation and takes two numbers as input to produce one number in the form of the sum as output. [6] The underlying set can contain mathematical objects other than numbers and the operations are not restricted to regular arithmetic operations. [7]

Abstract algebra classifies algebraic structures based on the laws or axioms that its operations obey and the number of operations it uses. One of the most basic types is a group, which has one operation and requires that this operation is associative and has an identity element and inverse elements. An operation [c] is associative if the order of several applications does not matter, i.e., if is the same as for all elements. An operation has an identity element or a neutral element if one element e exists that does not change the value of any other element, i.e., if . An operation admits inverse elements if for any element there exists a reciprocal element that reverses its effects. If an element is linked to its inverse then the result is the neutral element e, expressed formally as . Every algebraic structure that fulfills these requirements is a group. [8] For example, is a group formed by the set of integers together with the operation of addition. The neutral element is 0 and the inverse element of any number is . [9] The natural numbers, by contrast, do not form a group since they contain only positive numbers and therefore lack inverse elements. [10] Group theory is the subdiscipline of abstract algebra studying groups. [11]

Diagram of relations between some algebraic structures
Diagram of relations between some algebraic structures

A ring is an algebraic structure with two operations ( and ) that work similarly to addition and multiplication. All the requirements of groups also apply to the first operation: it is associative and has an identity element and inverse elements. Additionally, it is commutative, meaning that is true for all elements. The axiom of distributivity governs how the two operations interact with each other. It states that and . [d] [13] The ring of integers is a ring of the form [14] A ring becomes a field if both operations follow the axioms of associativity, commutativity, and distributivity and if both operations have an identity element and inverse elements. [e] [16] The ring of integers does not form a field because it lacks multiplicative inverses. For example, the multiplicative inverse of is , which is not part of the integers. The rational numbers, the real numbers, and the complex numbers each form a field. [17]

Besides groups, rings, and fields, there are many other algebraic structures studied by abstract algebra. They include magmas, semigroups, monoids, abelian groups, commutative rings, modules, lattices, vector spaces, and algebras over a field. They differ from each other in regard to the types of objects they describe and the requirements that their operations fulfill. Many of them are related to each other in that a basic structure can be turned into a more advanced structure by adding additional requirements. [18] For example, a magma becomes a semigroup if its operation is associative. [19]


  1. ^ A set is a collection of elements, such as numbers, vectors, or other sets. Set theory describes the laws and properties of sets. [3]
  2. ^ According to some definitions, algebraic structures include a distinguished element as an additional component, such as the identity element in the case of multiplication. [4]
  3. ^ Symbols like and are often used in abstract algebra to represent any operation that may or may not resemble arithmetic operations.
  4. ^ Some definitions additionally require that the second operation is associative. [12]
  5. ^ For the second operation, there is usually one element, corresponding to 0, that does not require an inverse element. [15]


  • Cooper, Ellis D. (2011). Mathematical Mechanics: From Particle to Muscle. World Scientific. ISBN  978-981-4289-70-2.
  • Tanton, James (2005). Encyclopedia of mathematics. Facts On File. ISBN  0-8160-5124-0.
  • Dominich, Sándor (3 April 2008). The Modern Algebra of Information Retrieval. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN  978-3-540-77659-8.
  • Gilbert, William J.; Nicholson, W. Keith (30 January 2004). Modern Algebra with Applications. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN  978-0-471-46989-6.
  • Irving, Ronald S. (8 January 2004). Integers, Polynomials, and Rings: A Course in Algebra. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN  978-0-387-40397-7.
  • Kramer, Jürg; Pippich, Anna-Maria von (15 November 2017). From Natural Numbers to Quaternions. Springer. ISBN  978-3-319-69429-0.
  • McWeeny, R. (1 January 2002). Symmetry: An Introduction to Group Theory and Its Applications. Courier Corporation. ISBN  978-0-486-42182-7.
  • Terr, David; Weisstein, Eric W. "Ring of Integers". Wolfram MathWorld. Wolfram. Retrieved 12 January 2024.
  • Maxwell, E. A. (18 June 2009). Algebraic Structure and Matrices Book 2. Syracuse University Press. ISBN  978-0-521-10905-5.
  • EoM Staff (2016a). "Ring". Encyclopedia of Mathematics. Springer. Retrieved 11 January 2023.
  • Khattar, Dinesh; Agrawal, Neha (29 June 2023). Group Theory. Springer Nature. ISBN  978-3-031-21307-6.
  • EoM Staff (2016). "Group". Encyclopedia of Mathematics. Springer. Retrieved 11 January 2023.
  • Ovchinnikov, Sergei (26 February 2015). Number Systems. American Mathematical Society. ISBN  978-1-4704-2018-5.
  • Rowland, Todd; Weisstein, Eric W. "Group". Wolfram MathWorld. Wolfram. Retrieved 12 January 2024.
  • Weisstein, Eric W. "Ring". Wolfram MathWorld. Wolfram. Retrieved 12 January 2024.
  • Weisstein, Eric W. "Field". Wolfram MathWorld. Wolfram. Retrieved 12 January 2024.
  • Weisstein, Eric W. "Field Axioms". Wolfram MathWorld. Wolfram. Retrieved 12 January 2024.
  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^ Tanton 2005, p. 460
  4. ^ Ovchinnikov 2015, p.  27
  5. ^
  6. ^ Ovchinnikov 2015, p.  27
  7. ^
    • Maddocks 2008, pp. 131–132
    • Pratt 2022, Lead Section, § 2. Abstract Algebra
  8. ^
  9. ^
  10. ^
  11. ^ Tanton 2005, p. 242
  12. ^ Weisstein Ring
  13. ^
  14. ^ Terr & Weisstein
  15. ^ Weisstein Field Axioms
  16. ^
  17. ^
  18. ^
    • Pratt 2022, Lead Section, § 2. Abstract Algebra
    • EoM Staff 2020, The subject matter of algebra, its principal branches and its connection with other branches of mathematics.
  19. ^ Cooper 2011, p.  60