From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

( ) (Years)




(Many times)
(Several times)
(A few times)
(Only once, unfortunately)



  1. New South Wales
  2. Queensland
  3. South Australia
  4. Victoria
  5. Western Australia
  6. Australian Capital Territory
  7. Jervis Bay
  8. Northern Territory


  1. Alberta
  2. British Columbia
  3. Quebec

European Union

  1. Austria Austria
  2. Belgium Belgium
  3. Denmark Denmark
  4. Finland Finland
  5. France France
  6. Germany Germany
  7. Greece Greece
  8. Italy Italy
  9. Luxembourg Luxembourg
  10. Netherlands Netherlands
  11. Poland Poland
  12. Sweden Sweden
  13. United Kingdom United Kingdom

United States of America

  1. District of Columbia
  2. California
  3. Conneticut
  4. Florida
  5. Georgia
  6. Hawaii
  7. Maryland
  8. Massachusetts
  9. Nevada
  10. New Hampshire
  11. New York
  12. Texas
  13. Virginia
  14. West Virginia