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Total People's Defense and Security System, abbreviated Sishankamrata from Sistem Pertahanan dan Keamanan Rakyat Semesta and sometimes called Perang Rakyat Semesta (Indonesian: Total People's War) is the official military doctrine of the Indonesian National Armed Forces. The doctrine was formulated by General Sudirman during Indonesian National Revolution and continue to be used today. The doctrine itself emphasizes importance of civilian support in an event of a foreign invasion, where regular Indonesian forces are always expected to be defeated and will eventually regroup with armed civilians (under Indonesian laws are called Tentara Rakyat, rougly means People's Army or Civilian Army), waging a long war of attrition with the support from civilians, both direct and logistical. The doctrine was used against Dutch forces during the Indonesian National Revolution and subsequently formalized in Indonesian laws, and also taught as a separate magister program in state-owned Indonesian Defense University under Faculty of Defense Strategy, as well as the Indonesian Military Academy.

While the doctrine has always been popular within Indonesian public, it has been criticized by defence analysis and experts questioning the relevance of such a doctrine in modern days.



