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// <nowiki>

// [[Wikipedia:Requested Articles]] Cleanup Tool

// When the user EDITS a page starting with [[Wikipedia:Requested articles/Business and economics/Companies]], this script adds a "Remove Bullets With Too Few References" button that the user can click.

// Clicking it will delete all bullets with 1 or 0 URL's, because these entries will not pass [[WP:GNG]].

// Certain things will safelist the bullet, including clerk endorsement, a link to a draft, and some other conditions.

// The [[WP:RA]] company lists are massive. So far, this tool has helped delete 150 companies that did not follow our submission instructions that require providing enough sources.

'use strict';

class CleanUp {

	constructor() {

		this.log = '';

		this.deleteCount = 0;


	deleteTooFewReferences( code ) {

		// \n{{ and \n== and \n*

		// templates, sections, and bullets (of bulleted list)

		const sectionDelimiters = /(\n\{\{|\n==|\n\*)/g;

		// get strpos of every delimiter

		let result;

		const indices =  0 ];

		while ( ( result = sectionDelimiters.exec( code ) ) ) {

			indices.push( result.index );


		// Loop through every chunk.

		// A chunk is usually one line/bullet/entry, but can also be a section or a template.

		result = '';

		let deleteCount = 0;

		let safelistedCount = 0;

		let totalCount = 0;

		for ( const key in indices ) {

			// figure out the chunk

			const startPos = indices key ];

			const endPos = indices ( parseInt( key ) + 1 ).toString()  || code.length;

			const chunk = code.slice( startPos, endPos );

			// determine company name

			// skip this chunk if it's not a company name

			// *[[company name]]

			const companyNameRegEx = / *\* *\[\[(.+?)\]\]/;

			let companyName = chunk.match( companyNameRegEx );

			if ( !companyName ) {

				result += chunk;



			companyName = companyName 1 ];


			// count number of links (by searching for http)

			// let countRegEx = /(<ref|(?<!\[)(?<!>)\[(?!\[)|[^\[>=\/]http)/g;

			// let countRegEx = /http/g;

			const countRegEx = /(http|<ref.+?<\/ref>)/g;

			const count = ( chunk.match( countRegEx ) || [] ).length;

			this.log += totalCount + ' Company Name: ' + companyName + ' || Ref Count: ' + count;

			/* skip if

				- clerk {{endorsed}} or {{likely}}

				- draft created

				- links to wikipedia articles in other languages

				- link to google search


			const safelistedRegEx = /({{[Ee]ndorse}}|{{[Ll]ikely}}|[Dd]raft|[^en]\.wikipedia\.org|google\.com\/search)/;

			const safelisted = chunk.match( safelistedRegEx );

			if ( safelisted ) {


				this.log += ' || SAFELISTED ====================================\n';

				result += chunk;



			// delete?

			const remove = ( count < 2 );

			if ( remove ) {


				this.log += ' || DELETED ************************************\n';

			} else {

				result += chunk;

				this.log += '\n';



		this.log = 'WP:RA Cleanup Tool - Debug Log\nDeleted Entries: ' + deleteCount + '\nSafelisted: ' + safelistedCount + '\nTotal Companies Before: ' + totalCount + '\nTotal Companies After: ' + ( totalCount - deleteCount ) + '\n\n' + this.log;

		this.deleteCount = deleteCount;

		return result;


	getLog() {

		return this.log;


	getEditSummary() {

		return this.deleteCount ? 'Delete ' + this.deleteCount + ' companies with insufficient sources (0 or 1 sources). Need at least 2, preferrably 3 or more, to prove [[WP:GNG]]. See also [[WP:3REFS]]. Using userscript [[User:Novem_Linguae/wp-ra.js]]' : '';



// if correct page

const pageName = mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' );

const isCompanyPage = pageName.startsWith( 'Wikipedia:Requested_articles/Business_and_economics/Companies' );

const isEditPage = ( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) === 'edit' || mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) === 'submit' /* edit preview */ );

if ( isCompanyPage && isEditPage ) {

	// create "Remove Bullets With Too Few References" button x2

	// must have type="button", or it will submit the form

	$( '#bodyContent' ).prepend( '<button type="button" class="wp-ra-button" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">Remove Bullets With Too Few References</button>' );

	$( '.editOptions' ).prepend( `<button type="button" class="wp-ra-button" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">Remove Bullets With Too Few References</button>


	<textarea id="wp-ra-log" style="display: none; height: 15em;"></textarea>

	` );

	$( '.wp-ra-button' ).on( 'click', function () {

		const cu = new CleanUp();

		// execute script

		// replaces value of edit textarea with our modified wikicode

		const code = $( '#wpTextbox1' );

		code.val( cu.deleteTooFewReferences( code.val() ) );

		// display debug log

		$( '#wp-ra-log' ).val( cu.getLog() ).show();

		// set edit summary

		$( '#wpSummary' ).val( cu.getEditSummary() );

	} );




	- google search links should not be exempt

	- Look through other WP:RA's for weird formatting. Make sure this can handle that.

	- Need to handle nested bulleted lists.

	- make sure {{isbn|18927639821}} and {{ISBN|892037923}} are counted


// </nowiki>