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See also Part 1

Name Order/Family Image Can be seen in Oklahoma?
Gila Woodpecker Piciformes/ Picidae No
Gilded Flicker Piciformes/ Picidae No
Glaucous Gull Charadriiformes/ Laridae Yes
Glaucous-winged Gull Charadriiformes/ Laridae Yes, accidental
Glossy Ibis Pelecaniformes/Threskiornithidae Yes
Golden Eagle Falconiformes/ Accipitridae Yes
Golden-cheeked Warbler Passeriformes/ Parulidae No
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Golden-crowned Warbler
Golden-fronted Woodpecker Piciformes/ Picidae Yes
Golden-winged Warbler Passeriformes/ Parulidae Yes
Grace's Warbler
Grasshopper Sparrow Passeriformes/ Emberizidae Yes
Gray Bunting
Gray Catbird
Gray Flycatcher
Gray Hawk Falconiformes/ Accipitridae Yes
Gray Jay Passeriformes/ Corvidae Yes, hypothetical
Gray Kingbird
Gray Vireo
Gray Wagtail
Gray-cheeked Thrush
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
Gray-crowned Yellowthroat
Gray-headed Chickadee
Gray-streaked Flycatcher
Gray-tailed Tattler
Great Black-backed Gull
Great Blue Heron
Great Cormorant
Great Crested Flycatcher
Great Egret
Great Frigatebird Pelecaniformes/ Fregatidae Yes, accidental
Great Gray Owl
Great Horned Owl
Great Kiskadee
Great Knot
Great Skua
Greater Flamingo
Greater Pewee
Greater Prairie-Chicken
Greater Roadrunner Cuculiformes/ Cuculidae Yes
Greater Sage-Grouse
Greater Yellowlegs
Great-spotted Woodpecker Piciformes/ Picidae No
Great-tailed Grackle
Green Heron
Green Jay Passeriformes/ Corvidae No
Green Kingfisher
Green Parakeet
Green Sandpiper
Green Violetear Apodiformes/ Trochilidae Yes, accidental
Green-breasted Mango
Green-tailed Towhee Passeriformes/ Emberizidae Yes
Groove-billed Ani Cuculiformes/ Cuculidae Yes
Gull-billed Tern
Gunnison Sage-Grouse
Hairy Woodpecker Piciformes/ Picidae Yes
Hammond's Flycatcher
Harris's Hawk Falconiformes/ Accipitridae Yes
Harris's Sparrow Passeriformes/ Emberizidae Yes
Heermann's Gull
Henslow's Sparrow Passeriformes/ Emberizidae Yes
Hepatic Tanager
Hermit Thrush
Hermit Warbler
Herring Gull
Hill Myna
Hoary Redpoll
Hooded Oriole
Hooded Warbler
Hook-billed Kite Falconiformes/ Accipitridae PICTURE WANTED!!! No
Horned Lark
Horned Puffin
House Finch
House Sparrow
House Wren
Hudsonian Godwit
Hutton's Vireo
Iceland Gull
Inca Dove
Indigo Bunting
Island Scrub-Jay
Ivory Gull
Ivory-billed Woodpecker Piciformes/ Picidae Yes, extirpated
Jack Snipe
Juniper Titmouse
Kelp Gull
Kentucky Warbler
Key West Quail-Dove
King Eider
King Rail
Kirtland's Warbler
Kittlitz's Murrelet
La Sagra's Flycatcher
Ladder-backed Woodpecker Piciformes/ Picidae Yes
Lanceolated Warbler
Lapland Longspur
Large-billed Tern
Lark Bunting
Lark Sparrow
Laughing Gull
Lawrence's Goldfinch
Lazuli Bunting
Le Conte's Sparrow
Le Conte's Thrasher
Least Auklet
Least Bittern
Least Flycatcher
Least Sandpiper
Least Tern
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Lesser Frigatebird Pelecaniformes/ Fregatidae No
Lesser Goldfinch
Lesser Nighthawk
Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Lesser Sand-Plover
Lesser Yellowlegs
Lewis's Woodpecker Piciformes/ Picidae Yes
Lilac-crowned Parrot
Lincoln's Sparrow
Little Blue Heron
Little Bunting
Little Curlew
Little Egret
Little Gull
Little Ringed Plover
Little Stint
Loggerhead Kingbird
Loggerhead Shrike
Long-billed Curlew
Long-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Murrelet
Long-billed Thrasher
Long-eared Owl
Long-tailed Jaeger
Long-toed Stint
Louisiana Waterthrush
Lucifer Hummingbird
Lucy's Warbler
MacGillivray's Warbler
Magnificent Frigatebird Pelecaniformes/ Fregatidae Yes, accidental
Magnificent Hummingbird
Magnolia Warbler
Mangrove Cuckoo Cuculiformes/ Cuculidae PICTURE WANTED!!! No
Marbled Godwit
Marbled Murrelet
Marsh Wren
Masked Booby
McCown's Longspur
McKay's Bunting
Mew Gull
Mexican Chickadee
Mexican Jay
Middendorff's Grasshopper-Warbler
Mississippi Kite Falconiformes/ Accipitridae Yes
Mitred Parakeet
Monk Parakeet
Mountain Bluebird
Mountain Chickadee
Mountain Plover
Mountain Quail Galliformes/ Odontophoridae No
Mourning Dove
Mourning Warbler
Narcissus Flycatcher
Nashville Warbler
Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow
Neotropic Cormorant
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet
Northern Cardinal
Northern Flicker Piciformes/ Picidae Yes
Northern Gannet
Northern Goshawk Falconiformes/ Accipitridae Yes
Hen Harrier Falconiformes/ Accipitridae Yes
Northern Hawk Owl
Northern Jacana
Northern Lapwing
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Parula
Northern Pintail
Northern Pygmy-Owl
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Northern Shoveler
Northern Shrike
Northern Waterthrush
Northern Wheatear
Northwestern Crow
Nutmeg Mannikin Passeriformes/ Estrildidae No
Nuttall's Woodpecker Piciformes/ Picidae No
Nutting's Flycatcher
Oak Titmouse
Olive Sparrow
Olive Warbler
Olive-backed Pipit
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Orange-crowned Warbler
Orange-winged Parrot
Orchard Oriole
Orange Bishop Cuculiformes/ Cuculidae No
Oriental Cuckoo Cuculiformes/ Cuculidae No
Oriental Greenfinch
Oriental Turtle-Dove
Osprey Falconiformes/ Pandionidae Yes
Pacific Golden-Plover
Pacific Loon
Pacific-slope Flycatcher
Painted Bunting
Painted Redstart
Pallas's Bunting
Pileated Woodpecker Piciformes/ Picidae Yes
Pine Grosbeak
Pine Siskin
Pine Warbler
Pin-tailed Snipe
Pinyon Jay
Piping Plover
Piratic Flycatcher
Plain-capped Starthroat
Plumbeous Vireo
Pomarine Jaeger
Prairie Falcon
Prairie Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Purple Finch
Purple Gallinule
Purple Martin
Purple Sandpiper
Pygmy Nuthatch
Red Crossbill
Red Knot
Red Phalarope
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Red-billed Pigeon
Red-breasted Sapsucker Piciformes/ Picidae No
Red-bellied Woodpecker Piciformes/ Picidae Yes
Red-billed Tropicbird Pelecaniformes/ Phaethontidae No
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Red-breasted Merganser
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red-breasted Sapsucker
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Piciformes/ Picidae Yes
Red-crowned Parrot
Reddish Egret
Red-eyed Vireo
Red-faced Cormorant
Red-faced Warbler
Red-flanked Bluetail
Red-footed Booby
Red-headed Woodpecker Piciformes/ Picidae Yes
Red-legged Kittiwake
Red-masked Parakeet
Red-naped Sapsucker Piciformes/ Picidae Yes
Red-necked Phalarope
Red-necked Stint
Red-shouldered Hawk Falconiformes/ Accipitridae Yes
Red-tailed Tropicbird Pelecaniformes/ Phaethontidae No
Red-tailed Hawk Falconiformes/ Accipitridae Yes
Roadside Hawk Falconiformes/ Accipitridae No
Roseate Spoobill Pelecaniformes/Threskiornithidae Yes
Rough-legged Buzzard Falconiformes/ Accipitridae Yes
Scarlet Ibis Pelecaniformes/Threskiornithidae No
Sharp-shinned Hawk Falconiformes/ Accipitridae Yes
Short-tailed Hawk Falconiformes/ Accipitridae No
Smooth-billed Ani Cuculiformes/ Cuculidae No
Snail Kite Falconiformes/ Accipitridae No
Steller's Sea Eagle Falconiformes/ Accipitridae No
Swainson's Hawk Falconiformes/ Accipitridae Yes
Swallow-tailed Gull Charadriiformes/ Laridae No, but I need proof for it being spotted in the US
Swallow-tailed Kite Falconiformes/ Accipitridae Yes
Tennessee Warbler Passeriformes/ Parulidae Yes
White-faced Ibis Pelecaniformes/Threskiornithidae Yes
White-headed Woodpecker Piciformes/ Picidae No
White-tailed Eagle Falconiformes/ Accipitridae No
White-tailed Hawk Falconiformes/ Accipitridae No
White-tailed Tropicbird Pelecaniformes/ Phaethontidae No
White-tailed Kite Falconiformes/ Accipitridae Yes
Williamson's Sapsucker Piciformes/ Picidae Yes, accidental
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Piciformes/ Picidae Yes
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Cuculiformes/ Cuculidae Yes
Zone-tailed Hawk Falconiformes/ Accipitridae No