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This article is about a fictional math theory, but it is really about the structure of a mathematics article.

Ficto theory is a branch of mathematics that is devoted to the study of unexplainable facts. Every person has to deal with unexplainable facts every day. They range from the way your hair has been disarrayed in the morning to the little coincidences like why there is a power outage just when you really need to use your electric razor. Ficto theory explains why some facts are unexplainable and why they exist. It also allows one to see interrelations between seemingly unrelated unexplainable facts. Furthermore it enables calculations of how often unexplainable facts occur.

One of its most celebrated results is the Quoti-Eeseolon-Dietigo formula.

It has applications in science theory and is especially important for automatic investment systems.


Ficto theory was created by Beguyni Quoti shortly after he won the lottery as the result of his investigations of lottery dynamics and subsequently lost it at the same time that a dragon was boiling some water to make tea somewhere in december 32 3040. The connection between these two seemingly unrelated facts was made clear in his groundbreaking foundational article The dragon and the lottery, a quantitative analysis. In that same year he was joined by Seenogor Eeseolon whose automatic investment company was close to bankruptcy. you suck

Informal description

The most important thing to know about an unexplainable fact is how bad it is. This badness is expressed as a real number. If an explainable fact causes great monetary loss, material destruction or loss of life then its badness will be a large negative number.

The sign is a historical artefact related to the origins of ficto theory in lottery investigation. Badness was at first called revenue, but later it was proved that most unexplained facts are indeed bad thus the name changed, but the sign didn't change and thus a bad unexplainable fact has a negative badness. A similar thing happened in [electric current theory]].

Next we also want to know about the way unexplainable facts evolve in time, change into one another and also when they can appear and disappear. For this we need to ...

Formal description

The main objects studied in ficto theory are unexplainable facts.

Unexplainable fact

An unexplainable fact is a selfadjoint functor from the category of physical systems to the category of economics, which satisfies the following properties.

  1. It has finite Derilog measure.
  2. It allows a stable periodic orbit.

For alternative definitions and examples see unexplainable fact.

Because we have

it follows that in the important special case of simple physical systems an unexplainable fact is simply a real function.


One important application of ficto theory is to automatic investment systems. To calculate the gross annual differential we proceed as follows.

Thus since this is simply the average number of days a month plus the number of months a year we have derived that the gross annual differential is equal to the weekly value.

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Ficto theory defictionalized, Brian Red