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Epistle from Arthur Gray to Mrs. Murray

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Lady Montagu’s poem, Epistle from Arthur G[ra]y to Mrs. M[urray]y, at a glance appears to relate a letter from a male perspective to a female to whom he requests pity after being rejected from her love. On a more itemized level, the author presents what may be interpreted as a parallel of what a particular class in society may have been deprived from but manages to break barriers to accomplish those things that are looked down upon from the majority of society. In the poem, Montagu dares to present imagery in the event of rape, an act of violence also a controversial subject, as a means to illustrate the risks that one is willing to take by releasing a frustrated passion in order to obtain what may socially be unacceptable.

The title of the poem lets the reader know that the letter is directed from a male to a female, thus the reader is able to identify the speaker of the poem as Arthur Gray. The first line of the poem directs the female of the poem as a Lovely Nymph illustrating the sentiment of the poem to be encompassed on the subject of love.