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Reconstruction of Alexander's history from Greek sources.

So far the history of Alexander the great has been a maze for a great umber of writers. Making dubious passages as the basis of their writings, they have made the confusion worst confused. I make Megasthenes, whom the writers from the past have treated as a great authority, as the main basis of my writing. He has called Dionysos and Alexander both as the son of zeus. (pages 106 and 38). Zeus in local dialect means, "May he live long". Both these are credited with having invaded India. Having a close look on the achievements of these names, we can certainly say that under these two names is disguised only one figure with blood and flesh. Here below I give a short description of Greek invasion of India. It should be borne in mind that not several but only one invasion of India by the Greeks is a historical fact. Let us begin with Dionysus. " The men of greater learning among the Indians tell certain legends...........They relate that in the most primitive times , when people of the country were still living in villages, Dionusos made his appearance coming from the region lying to the west, and at the head of a considerable army......." (P.36) "But the mountain close by the city, and on the lower slopes of which it is built , is designated Meros, from the accident which befell the god immediately after his birth." (P.180). The above passages I have quoted to bring home that the Greek invader was facing insurmountable problems in India. Soon after his arrival in India some accident had occurred. To be precise this was the Greek defeat at the hands of Shiva. " Having in like manner imparted to all a knowledge of his other inventions, he obtained after his departure from among men, immortal honours from those who had benefited by his labours. It is further said that the place is pointed out in India even to this day where the god had been, and that cities are called by his name in the vernacular dialects and that many other important evidences still exist of his having been born in India, about which it would be tedious to write." ( P.37) Dionysus and Alexander are not two different characters but two sides of the same coin. I elaborate it in the following way. 1. Both are described as the son of the same father i.e. Zeus. 2. Both came from the west and at the head of a huge army. 3. Both met a cruel fate at the hands of Siba. In the case of both the description is given in different ways. In the cae of Dionysus, it is said that an accident befell the god as soon as he was born. In the case of Alexander it is aid that a girl was born to Heracles. Let me make it clear again that the birth of a girl is defeat. Elsewhere I have made it clear that Yayati (= Indra or ALAX= Invisible Indra) had five sons means the five groups that were conquered by Alexander ,namely- the Greeks, Iranians, Dahae, Porus and others. 4. Dionysus had taught Indians about making ale and in Rigveda , there are many verses describing the preparation of Soma. 5. Megasthenes says - " Indians do not rear monuments to the dead, but consider the virtues that men have displayed in life , and the songs in which their praises are celebrated , sufficient to preserve their memory after their death.( P. 68 ). Neither we have any monument of Dionysus nor of Alexander. In verses Dionysos is totally absent but ( Alax +) INDRA is omnipresent in Rigveda, Mahabharat and many of the Sanskrit texts. 6. Last but the most important point is that Dionusos had settled in India with a devised name of his birth place. It is said that the name was in local dialect but the author refrains from telling the name of the place. Exactly same is the case with Alexander the great. Krishna, another name for Indra, was born at Mathura, which in local dialect means ' I crushed it'. Thus call it Dionysus or Alexander was reborn in India as Krishna. The story of Alexander's death at Babylon is a nasty rumour spread by Greek rumour mongers. Alexander the great is a photo-copy of Dionysus. Dionysus ruled over a part of India for 52 years ( P.38) and so did Alexander. After his declared death in Babylon, he permanently settled in India. It was at this point that the name Alexander was coined. Thus for the activities of his hidden life, we shall have to turn to the sister language of Greek i.e. Sanskrit. Here Rigveda and the Mahabharat will be of enormous help to us. And at last I must elaborate the story of Heracles in some details. Greek Heracles is well known to all. Hera + kal , in native languages means, ' the destroyer of the peace of mind'. Call him Dionysus or Alexander, he was one. But another Heracles was born in India ,who was the nightmare of the Greeks.

" ......stranger, in reality a native of India." (P.200).

" they further assert that Heracles also was born among them. They assign to him like the Greeks, the club and lion's skin." ( P 39). The Indian Heracles is identified with Shiva by many scholars. The Greek Heracles is credited with having established many cities. " He was the founder ,also, of no small number of cities. The most renowned and greatest of which, he called Polibothra." (P.39) Here We must remember that this town Polibothra was closely associated with Sandrocottos, which Megasthenes often visited and describes it as a camp. Here I wish to emphasize that the names of all the Greek invaders point towards a single living man . Call him by any name. But the Indian Heracles is a different man. Shiva or Siba is Indian Heracles, can be guessed from different short allusions , such as- 1. They ( Indians ) " further assert that Heracles also was born among them. They assign him like the Greeks, the club and lion's skin." (P.39)

2. " So also when they came among the Siboi, an Indian tribe, and noticed that they wore skins, they declared that the Siboi were descended from those who belonged to the expedition of Heracles and had been left behind...........( P.196 )

3. Heracles, however, who was currently reported to have come as a stranger in to the country, is said to have been in reality a native." (P.200). Here, I just want to explain that Heracles to whom a girl child ( defeat} was born, was Greek Heracles or Alexander the Great.

References- All page numbers from 'Ancient India as described by Megasthenes and Arrian' by

                           J.W.MAcCRINDLE. M.A. Ed. 1877.

13:33, 29 March 2024 (UTC)13:33, 29 March 2024 (UTC)13:33, 29 March 2024 (UTC)13:33, 29 March 2024 (UTC)~~ 13:33, 29 March 2024 (UTC)13:33, 29 March 2024 (UTC)13:33, 29 March 2024 (UTC)~ 13:33, 29 March 2024 (UTC)13:33, 29 March 2024 (UTC)13:33, 29 March 2024 (UTC)13:33, 29 March 2024 (UTC) Kashi Narain Mishra ( talk) 13:33, 29 March 2024 (UTC)