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{{subst:#switch:{{{1}}} |Abraham Cooper=5591 |Adrian Scott Stokes=5910 |Agostino Carlini=5562 |Alan Durst=5635 |Albert Julius Olsson=5822 |Albert Richardson=6118 |Alfred Drury=5629 |Alfred East=5637 |Alfred Edward Chalon=5565 |Alfred Elmore=5644 |Alfred Frank Hardiman=5707 |Alfred Gilbert=6048 |Alfred Munnings=6102 |Alfred Parsons (artist)=5831 |Alfred Thomson=5927 |Alfred Turner (sculptor)=5942 |Alfred Waterhouse=5957 |Algernon Newton=5811 |Algernon Talmage=5924 |Allan Gwynne-Jones=6056 |Allen Jones (artist)=5747 |Ambrose McEvoy=5783 |Andrew Carrick Gow=5691 |Andrew Freeth=5670 |Andrew Geddes (artist)=5681 |Angelica Kauffman=5750 |Anish Kapoor=6398 |Ann Christopher=5573 |Anne Desmet=25048 |Anne Redpath=5856 |Annie Swynnerton=5922 |Anthony Eyton=5650 |Anthony Green (painter)=5695 |Anthony Gross=6055 |Anthony Whishaw=5976 |Antonio Zucchi=6005 |Antony Gormley=8984 |Archer James Oliver=5821 |Arnold Henry Mason=5796 |Arnold Machin=6089 |Arthur Blomfield=5541 |Arthur George Walker=5950 |Arthur Hacker=5703 |Arthur Joseph Davis=5614 |Arthur Ralph Middleton Todd=5934 |Arthur Stockdale Cope=6027 |Aston Webb=5962 |Augustus Egg=5641 |Augustus John=6071 |Augustus Wall Callcott=5558 |Barbara Rae=6143 |Barry Flanagan=6041 |Basil Beattie=18351 |Basil Spence=6131 |Ben Levene=5774 |Benjamin West=5968 |Benjamin Williams Leader=5768 |Bernard Dunstan=5633 |Bernard Fleetwood-Walker=5660 |Bertram Mackennal=6090 |Biagio Rebecca=5855 |Bill Woodrow=6424 |Bob and Roberta Smith=26105 |Brendan Neiland=5809 |Brian Catling=27049 |Brian O'Rorke=5826 |Briton Rivière=5863 |Bryan Kneale=5753 |Carel Weight=5966 |Carlo Marochetti=6094 |Cathie Pilkington=26337 |Chantal Joffe=25959 |Charles Barry=5510 |Charles Bell Birch=5540 |Charles Catton=5564 |Charles Cundall=5606 |Charles Ginner=6050 |Charles Haslewood Shannon=5884 |Charles Holloway James=5744 |Charles Landseer=5759 |Charles Leonard Hartwell=5711 |Charles Lock Eastlake=5638 |Charles March Gere=5683 |Charles Napier Hemy=5716 |Charles Ricketts=5861 |Charles Robert Cockerell=5580 |Charles Robert Leslie=5772 |Charles Sargeant Jagger=5743 |Charles Sims (painter)=5890 |Charles Tunnicliffe=6135 |Charles Wellington Furse=5675 |Charles West Cope=5593 |Charles Wheeler (sculptor)=5975 |Chris Orr=5572 |Christopher Le Brun=6142 |Christopher R. W. Nevinson=5810 |Clarkson Frederick Stanfield=5903 |Colin St John Wilson=5982 |Conrad Shawcross=25961 |Cornelia Parker=22266 |Craigie Aitchison (painter)=5495 |Daniel Maclise=5785 |David Chipperfield=21311 |David Farquharson=5666 |David Hockney=5724 |David Mach=6391 |David McFall=5784 |David Murray (painter)=5808 |David Nash (artist)=6397 |David Remfry=18352 |David Roberts (painter)=5864 |David Tindle=5932 |David Wilkie (artist)=5977 |David Young Cameron=5559 |Dhruva Mistry=5800 |Diana Armfield=5499 |Dod Procter=5850 |Dominic Serres=5883 |Donald Hamilton Fraser=5669 |Donald McMorran=5786 |Edgar Bundy=5550 |Edmund Garvey=5680 |Eduardo Paolozzi=6109 |Edward Ardizzone=6009 |Edward Armitage=5489 |Edward Bawden=6014 |Edward Bird=5523 |Edward Bowring Stephens=5904 |Edward Burne-Jones=6020 |Edward Cullinan=6029 |Edward Edwards (painter)=5640 |Edward Hodges Baily=5505 |Edward John Gregory=5698 |Edward Matthew Ward=5953 |Edward Maufe=5798 |Edward Middleditch=6097 |Edward Middleton Barry=5511 |Edward Onslow Ford=5664 |Edward Penny=5835 |Edward Poynter=6115 |Edward Schroeder Prior=5849 |Edward Wadsworth=5947 |Edward William Cooke=5589 |Edwin Austin Abbey=5498 |Edwin Cooper (architect)=5592 |Edwin Henry Landseer=5760 |Edwin La Dell=5756 |Edwin Long=5776 |Edwin Lutyens=6087 |Eileen Cooper=6409 |Elias Martin=5794 |Elisabeth Frink=6043 |Elizabeth Blackadder=6016 |Emma Stibbon=25906 |Eric Gill=5686 |Eric Kennington=5751 |Eric Parry=19438 |Eric Schilsky=5881 |Ernest Crofts=5602 |Ernest George=5682 |Ernest Gillick=5687 |Ernest Newton=6105 |Ernest Procter=5851 |Ernest Waterlow=5959 |Erno Goldfinger=6227 |Erskine Nicol=5814 |Ethel Walker=5951 |Eva Jiricná=6388 |Eva Rothschild=26679 |Eyre Crowe (painter)=5603 |F. E. McWilliam=6092 |F. L. Griggs=5700 |F. W. Pomeroy=5844 |Farshid Moussavi=26757 |Fiona Rae=6423 |Francesco Bartolozzi=5513 |Francesco Zuccarelli=6004 |Francis Bourgeois=5531 |Francis Cotes=5597 |Francis Danby=5609 |Francis Derwent Wood=5987 |Francis Dodd (artist)=5624 |Francis Ernest Jackson=5741 |Francis Grant (artist)=5693 |Francis Hayman=5714 |Francis Leggatt Chantrey=5570 |Francis Milner Newton=5812 |Francis Wheatley (painter)=5973 |Frank Bowling=15934 |Frank Bramley=6062 |Frank Brangwyn=5535 |Frank Cadogan Cowper=5600 |Frank Dicksee=6035 |Frank Dobson (sculptor)=6036 |Frank Holl=5728 |Frank Short=5887 |Frank Stone=5911 |Frederic Leighton=6083 |Frederick Cayley Robinson=5867 |Frederick Cuming (artist)=5604 |Frederick Gibberd=6047 |Frederick Goodall=5689 |Frederick Gore=6052 |Frederick Richard Lee=5769 |Frederick Richard Pickersgill=5841 |Frederick Walker (painter)=5952 |Frederick William Elwell=5645 |Gary Hume=6415 |Geoffrey Clarke=5575 |Georg Ehrlich=5642 |George Adolphus Storey=5913 |George Aitchison=5496 |George Arnald=5502 |George Barret Sr.=#N/A |George Belcher=5517 |George Clausen=5578 |George Clint=5579 |George Dance the Younger=5610 |George Dawe=5617 |George Dunlop Leslie=5773 |George Edmund Street=5917 |George Frampton=5665 |George Francis Joseph=5749 |George Frederic Watts=5961 |George Frederick Bodley=5528 |George Fullard=5674 |George Garrard=5679 |George Gilbert Scott=5882 |George Hemming Mason=5797 |George Henry (painter)=5717 |George Henry Boughton=5530 |George Jones (painter)=5748 |George Michael Moser=5805 |George Patten=5832 |George Richmond (painter)=5860 |George Spencer Watson=5960 |George Stubbs=5918 |George Thomas Doo=5625 |George Vicat Cole=5582 |George Washington Lambert=5757 |Gerald Brockhurst=5538 |Gerald Kelly=6072 |Gertrude Hermes=6059 |Gilbert Ledward=6082 |Gilbert Spencer=5900 |Gilbert Stuart Newton=5813 |Giles Gilbert Scott=6125 |Gillian Ayres=6011 |Giovanni Battista Cipriani=5574 |Glyn Philpot=5840 |Goscombe John=5746 |Grayson Perry=24921 |Guy Dawber=5616 |H. T. Cadbury-Brown=6021 |Hamo Thornycroft=5930 |Harold Knight=5754 |Harry Bates (sculptor)=5515 |Harry Morley=5802 |Henry Alfred Pegram=5834 |Henry Bone=5529 |Henry Carr (artist)=5563 |Henry Edridge=5639 |Henry Fuseli=6046 |Henry Herbert La Thangue=5764 |Henry Howard (artist)=5736 |Henry Hugh Armstead=5500 |Henry Lamb=6078 |Henry Lejeune=5771 |Henry Moore (painter)=5801 |Henry Nelson O'Neil=5823 |Henry Perronet Briggs=5537 |Henry Poole (sculptor)=5845 |Henry Raeburn=5853 |Henry Rushbury=6122 |Henry Scott Tuke=5939 |Henry Stacy Marks=5792 |Henry Tanworth Wells=5967 |Henry Thomson (painter)=5928 |Henry Tresham=5937 |Henry Weekes=5965 |Henry William Banks Davis=5615 |Henry William Pickersgill=5842 |Henry Woods (painter)=5991 |Herbert Baker=6013 |Herbert Hughes-Stanton=5737 |Herbert James Gunn=5701 |Howard Robertson (architect)=5866 |Hubert Dalwood=5608 |Hubert von Herkomer=6058 |Hubert Worthington=5993 |Hugh Casson=6022 |Hughie O'Donoghue=21956 |Humphrey Ocean=12684 |Ian McKeever (artist)=8987 |Ian Ritchie (architect)=6395 |Ian Stephenson=5905 |Ivor Abrahams=6006 |Ivor Roberts-Jones=6120 |J. M. W. Turner=5944 |James Barry (painter)=5512 |James Bateman (artist)=5514 |James Butler (artist)=5556 |James Clarke Hook=5732 |James Fitton (artist)=5658 |James Jebusa Shannon=5885 |James Nixon (painter)=5816 |James Northcote=5819 |James Sant=6124 |James Stirling (architect)=5908 |James Ward (artist)=5954 |James Woodford=5988 |James Wyatt=5996 |Jean Cooke=5590 |Jeffry Wyatville=5997 |Jennifer Dickson=5622 |Jennifer Durrant=6138 |Jenny Saville=20373 |Jeremiah Meyer=5799 |Jock McFadyen=25499 |Joe Tilson=5931 |Johan Zoffany=6003 |John Aldridge (artist)=5494 |John Armstrong (artist)=5501 |John Arnesby Brown=5545 |John Bacon (sculptor)=5504 |John Bagnold Burgess=5553 |John Baker (artist)=5506 |John Belcher (architect)=5518 |John Bellany=6015 |John Bratby=5536 |John Brett (artist)=5539 |John Callcott Horsley=5735 |John Charles Felix Rossi=5873 |John Constable=5587 |John Craxton=6103 |John Downman=5626 |John Evan Hodgson=5726 |John Everett Millais=6098 |John Flaxman=5659 |John Francis Rigaud=5862 |John Frederick Lewis=5775 |John Gibson (sculptor)=5684 |John Gilbert (painter)=5685 |John Gwynn (architect)=5702 |John Hamilton Mortimer=5804 |John Henry Foley=5662 |John Henry Frederick Bacon=6012 |John Henry Robinson=5868 |John Hollins (artist)=5729 |John Hoppner=5733 |John Hoyland=6066 |John Inigo Richards=5859 |John Jackson (painter)=5742 |John James Burnet=5555 |John James Chalon=5566 |John Lavery=5765 |John Laviers Wheatley=5974 |John Loughborough Pearson=5833 |John Macallan Swan=5920 |John MacWhirter=5788 |John Nash (artist)=6104 |John Opie=5824 |John Peter Gandy=6031 |John Pettie=5836 |John Phillip=5837 |John Prescott Knight=5755 |John Rogers Herbert=5719 |John Russell (painter)=5875 |John Seymour Lucas=5778 |John Singer Sargent=5880 |John Singleton Copley=5594 |John Skeaping=5891 |John Soane=5897 |John Stanton Ward=5955 |John Tunnard=5941 |John Watson Gordon=5690 |John Webber=5963 |John William North=5818 |John William Waterhouse=5958 |John Wright Oakes=5820 |John Yenn=6001 |Joseph Bonomi the Elder=5542 |Joseph Durham=5634 |Joseph Edgar Boehm=6018 |Joseph Farington=5652 |Joseph Farquharson=5667 |Joseph Gandy=5677 |Joseph Nollekens=5817 |Joseph Wilton=5984 |Joseph Wright of Derby=5995 |Joshua Reynolds=6117 |Ken Howard (artist)=6061 |Ken Kiff=6073 |Kyffin Williams=5979 |L. S. Lowry=5777 |Lamorna Birch=5522 |Laura Knight=6076 |Lawrence Alma-Tadema=6007 |Lawrence Gowing=6053 |Leonard Campbell Taylor=5925 |Leonard Rosoman=6121 |Lionel Percy Smythe=5896 |Lisa Milroy=16975 |Louis de Soissons=6033 |Luke Fildes=6040 |Malcolm Osborne=6108 |Mali Morris=22340 |Marcus Stone=5912 |Margaret Fisher Prout=5852 |Martin Archer Shee=6127 |Mary Moser=6100 |Mason Chamberlin=5567 |Matthew Ridley Corbet=5595 |Maurice Cockrill=6408 |Maurice Greiffenhagen=5699 |Maxwell Fry=6045 |Meredith Frampton=5668 |Michael Andrews (artist)=6370 |Michael Angelo Rooker=5871 |Michael Craig-Martin=19437 |Michael Hopkins (architect)=5734 |Michael Kenny (sculptor)=5752 |Michael Landy=21557 |Michael Manser=6141 |Michael Rothenstein=5874 |Michael Sandle=5879 |Mike Nelson (artist)=26021 |Nathaniel Dance-Holland=6063 |Nathaniel Hone the Elder=5731 |Nathaniel Marchant=5791 |Nicholas Grimshaw=6372 |Nicholas Thomas Dall=5607 |Nigel Hall (sculptor)=8766 |Norman Ackroyd=5490 |Norman Blamey=5525 |Norman Foster, Baron Foster of Thames Bank=6042 |Norman Hepple=5718 |Olwyn Bowey=5532 |Ozias Humphry=5738 |Patrick Caulfield=6371 |Patrick MacDowell=5782 |Patrick Procktor=6191 |Paul Ayshford Methuen, 4th Baron Methuen=6096 |Paul Falconer Poole=5846 |Paul Hogarth=6060 |Paul Huxley=6067 |Paul Sandby=5876 |Peter "Joe" Chamberlin=6023 |Peter Blake (artist)=6017 |Peter Cook (architect)=8769 |Peter Randall-Page=26878 |Peter Toms (painter)=5936 |Philip Connard=6025 |Philip Dowson=6037 |Philip Hardwick=5708 |Philip Hermogenes Calderon=5557 |Philip James de Loutherbourg=5619 |Philip Powell (architect)=6114 |Philip Reinagle=5858 |Philip Richard Morris=5803 |Philip Sutton (artist)=5919 |Phillip King (sculptor)=6074 |Phyllida Barlow=25047 |Piers Gough=6434 |R. B. Kitaj=6075 |Ralph Brown (sculptor)=5546 |Ramsay Richard Reinagle=5857 |Raymond Erith=5647 |Rebecca Warren=26232 |Reginald Blomfield=5526 |Reginald Grenville Eves=5649 |Richard Ansdell=5491 |Richard Cook (artist 1784–1857)=5588 |Richard Cosway=5596 |Richard Deacon (sculptor)=6389 |Richard Eurich=6039 |Richard Jack=5740 |Richard Long (artist)=6433 |Richard MacCormac=6292 |Richard Norman Shaw=5889 |Richard Redgrave=6116 |Richard Rogers=5869 |Richard Sheppard (architect)=6128 |Richard Westall=5969 |Richard Westmacott=5971 |Richard Westmacott (the younger)=5972 |Richard Wilson (painter)=5983 |Richard Wilson (sculptor)=17755 |Richard Yeo=6002 |Robert Anning Bell=5519 |Robert Austin (artist)=5503 |Robert Clatworthy (sculptor)=5577 |Robert Lorimer=6086 |Robert Smirke (architect)=5893 |Robert Smirke (painter)=5892 |Robert Walker Macbeth=5780 |Robin Darwin=6030 |Robin Philipson=6113 |Rodney Joseph Burn=5554 |Rodrigo Moynihan=6101 |Roger de Grey=5618 |Ron Arad (industrial designer)=25868 |Ronald Ossory Dunlop=5632 |Ruskin Spear=6130 |Samuel Cousins=5598 |Samuel Drummond=5628 |Samuel Wale=5949 |Samuel Woodforde=5989 |Sandra Blow=5527 |Sawrey Gilpin=5688 |Sean Scully=25867 |Sheila Fell=5654 |Sidney Nolan=6106 |Simon Elwes=5646 |Solomon Hart=5710 |Solomon Joseph Solomon=5898 |Sonia Boyce=27076 |Sonia Lawson=6080 |Spencer de Grey=21676 |Stanhope Forbes=5663 |Stanley Anderson (artist)=6008 |Stanley Spencer=6132 |Stephen Cox (sculptor)=24757 |Stephen Elmer=5643 |Stephen Farthing=6390 |Steven Spurrier (artist)=5901 |Sydney Harpley=5709 |Sydney Lee=5770 |Sydney Smirke=5894 |Tacita Dean=21675 |Terrick Williams=5980 |Terry Setch=21957 |Tess Jaray=22341 |Theo Crosby=6028 |Theophilus Clarke=5576 |Thomas Banks=5507 |Thomas Brock=6019 |Thomas Cantrell Dugdale=5630 |Thomas Creswick=5601 |Thomas Daniell=5611 |Thomas Duncan (painter)=5631 |Thomas Faed=5651 |Thomas Gainsborough=5676 |Thomas Graham Jackson=6069 |Thomas Heatherwick=25960 |Thomas Landseer=5762 |Thomas Lawrence=5767 |Thomas Oldham Barlow=5508 |Thomas Phillips=5838 |Thomas Sandby=5877 |Thomas Sidney Cooper=6026 |Thomas Stothard=5914 |Thomas Uwins=5946 |Thomas Webster (painter)=5964 |Thomas Woolner=5992 |Tim Shaw (sculptor)=26043 |Timothy Hyman=25043 |Tom Phillips (artist)=5839 |Tony Bevan=20099 |Tony Cragg=6375 |Tracey Emin=20098 |Tristram Hillier=5721 |Valentine Cameron Prinsep=5848 |Vincent Harris=6057 |Vivian Pitchforth=5843 |Walter Sickert=5888 |Walter Tapper=6133 |Walter Thomas Monnington=6099 |Walter Westley Russell=6123 |Walter William Ouless=5827 |Washington Allston=5492 |Wilfrid de Glehn=6032 |Will Alsop=6406 |Willi Soukop=5899 |William Allan (painter)=5493 |William Beechey=5516 |William Blake Richmond=6119 |William Bowyer (artist)=5533 |William Boxall=5534 |William Burges=5552 |William Calder Marshall=5793 |William Chambers (architect)=5569 |William Charles Ross=5872 |William Charles Thomas Dobson=5623 |William Collins (painter)=5584 |William Curtis Green=5697 |William Daniell=5612 |William Dring=5627 |William Dyce=5636 |William Edward Frost=5672 |William Etty=5648 |William F. Woodington=5990 |William Frederick Witherington=5985 |William Frederick Yeames=6000 |William G. Tucker=5940 |William George Gillies=6049 |William Hamilton (painter)=5705 |William Hilton=5722 |William Hoare=5723 |William Hodges=5725 |William Holford, Baron Holford=6064 |William Lionel Wyllie=5998 |William Llewellyn=6085 |William MacTaggart=5787 |William McMillan (sculptor)=6091 |William Mulready=5807 |William Orpen=6107 |William Owen (painter)=5828 |William Parry (artist)=5829 |William Pars=5830 |William Peters (painter)=6112 |William Powell Frith=6044 |William Quiller Orchardson=5825 |William Redmore Bigg=5521 |William Reid Dick=6034 |William Robert Colton=5586 |William Roberts (painter)=5865 |William Russell Flint=5661 |William Scott (artist)=6126 |William Strang=5916 |William Theed the elder=5926 |William Tyler (architect)=5945 |William Westall=5970 |William Wilkins (architect)=5978 |William Wyon=5999 |Wolfgang Tillmans=26106 |Yinka Shonibare=26044 |Zaha Hadid=15935 }}