From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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// vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ai


if( mw.config.get( "wgAction" ) === "history" || mw.config.get( "wgPageName" ) === "Special:AbuseLog" ) {

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        var IP_RGX = /^(([0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4}:){2,7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}$|((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4})|\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/; // incorporates

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        // thanks

        function parseIsoTimestamp( timestamp ) {

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            return new Date( Date.UTC( dt0], dt1 - 1, dt2], dt3 || 0, dt4 || 0, dt5 || 0, 0 ) );


        function parseAbuseLogTimestamp( timestamp ) {

            var match = timestamp.match( /^(\d\d):(\d\d),\s+(\d\d?)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)/ );

            //                            1      2         3         4       5

            return new Date( Date.UTC( parseInt( match5 ), monthNames.indexOf( match4 ) - 1, parseInt( match3 ), parseInt( match1 ), parseInt( match2 ) ) );


        function formatAbuseLogTimestamp( dateObj ) {

            var iso = dateObj.toISOString(); // e.g. 2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z

            return iso.substring( 11, 13 ) + ":" + iso.substring( 14, 16 ) + ", " + iso.substring( 8, 10 ) + " " + monthNamesparseInt( iso.substring( 5, 7 ) )] + " " + iso.substring( 0, 4 );


        // A list of every type of page supported by the script, and what to do on them.

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                enable: function () { return mw.config.get( "wgAction" ) === "history"; },

                params: function () {

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                handler: function ( data ) {

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                            bytesDiff = ( ( bytesDiff > 0 ) ? "+" : "" ) + bytesDiff;

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                                $( "<a>" )

                                    .attr( "href", mw.util.getUrl( "Special:Diff/" + rev.revid ) )

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                                        .attr( "href", mw.util.getUrl( rev.anon ? ( "Special:Contributions/" + rev.user ) : ( "User:" + rev.user ) ) )

                                        .text( rev.user ) ),

                                " ",

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                                } ).text( bytesDiff ),

                                " ",

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                                " ",

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                                    $( "<span>" ).append(

                                        $( "<span>", { "class": "mw-history-undo" } ).append(

                                            $( "<a>" )

                                                .attr( "href", mw.util.getUrl( mw.config.get( "wgPageName" ), {

                                                    action: "edit",

                                                    undo: rev.revid,

                                                    undoafter: previousRevid

                                                } ) )

                                                .text( "undo" ) ) ) )


                        } ) );

                        var content = $( function ( rev ) { return "li[data-mw-revid='" + rev.revid + "']"; } ).join( "," ) );

                        mw.hook( "wikipage.content" ).fire( content );

                        // Calculate the number of consecutive edits made by the most recent editor

                        var numConsecutive = 1;

                        var firstEls = $( "#pagehistory li:lt(10)" );

                        var firstUser = firstEls0].querySelector( ".mw-userlink" ).textContent;

                        for( var i = 1; i < 12; i++ ) {

                            if( firstElsi && firstElsi].querySelector( ".mw-userlink" ).textContent === firstUser ) {


                            } else {




                        var consecutive = numConsecutive > 10 ? "more than 10" : numConsecutive;

                        // Move the rollback link to the first edit

                        var token = decodeURIComponent( $( ".mw-rollback-link a" ).attr( "href" ).match( /token=(.+)$/ )[1 );

                        $( ".mw-rollback-link" ).parent().remove();

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                            $( "<span>" ).append(

                                $( "<span>", { "class": "mw-rollback-link" } ).append(

                                    $( "<a>" )

                                        .text( "rollback: " + consecutive + " edit" + ( numConsecutive === 1 ? "" : "s" ) )

                                        .attr( "href", mw.util.getUrl( mw.config.get( "wgPageName" ), {

                                            action: "rollback",

                                            from: firstUser,

                                            token: token

                                        } ) ) ) ) );





                enable: function () { return mw.config.get( "wgPageName" ) === "Special:AbuseLog" && "wpSearchFilter" ) >= 0; },

                params: function () {

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                        timestamp = parseIsoTimestamp( firstEntry.get( 0 ).dataset.timestamp );

                    } else {

                        timestamp = parseAbuseLogTimestamp( firstEntry.text() );


                    timestamp.setSeconds( timestamp.getSeconds() + 1 );

                    var filter = decodeURIComponent( ).match( /wpSearchFilter=((?:\d+|\|)+)($|&|#)/ )[1];

                    return {

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                        list: "abuselog",

                        aflprop: "ids|user|title|action|result|timestamp",

                        aflend: timestamp.toISOString(),

                        aflfilter: filter,

                        formatversion: "2",



                handler: function ( data ) {

                    var items = data.query.abuselog;

                    if( !items || !items.length ) {



                    addNew( items.length );

                    var newElements = function ( item ) {

                        // MediaWiki blocks registration of usernames that look like IPs, so this is safe

                        var isAnon = IP_RGX.test( item.user );

                        return $( "<li>", { "class": "live-reload-new", "data-timestamp": item.timestamp } ).append(

                            formatAbuseLogTimestamp( parseIsoTimestamp( item.timestamp ) ),

                            ": ",

                            $( "<a>", { "class": "mw-userlink userlink" + ( isAnon ? " mw-anonuserlink" : "" ) } )

                                .attr( "href", mw.util.getUrl( "Special:Contributions/" + item.user ) )

                                .text( item.user ),

                            $( "<span>", { "class": "mw-usertoollinks" } ).append(

                                " (",

                                $( "<a>", { "class": "mw-usertoollinks-talk userlink" } ).attr( "href", mw.util.getUrl( "User talk:" + item.user, { "vanarticle": item.title } ) ).text( "talk" ),

                                ")" ),

                            " triggered ",

                            $( "<a>" )

                                .attr( "href", mw.util.getUrl( "Special:AbuseFilter/" + item.filter_id ) )

                                .text( "filter " + item.filter_id ),

                            ", performing the action \"",


                            "\" on ",

                            $( "<a>" )

                                .attr( "href", mw.util.getUrl( item.title ) )

                                .text( item.title ),

                            ". Actions taken: ",


                            " (",

                            $( "<a>" )

                                .attr( "href", mw.util.getUrl( "Special:AbuseLog/" + ) )

                                .text( "details" ),

                            " | ",

                            $( "<a>" )

                                .attr( "href", mw.util.getUrl( "Special:AbuseLog/examine/log/" + ) )

                                .text( "examine" ),

                            ")" );

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        if( config.length > 1 ) {

            throw new Error( "More than one configuration was enabled!" );


        config = config0];

        function start( intervalInMinutes ) {

            var api = new mw.Api();

            function go() {

                api.get( config.params() ).then( config.handler );


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            $( "#mw-history-compare,.mw-specialpage-summary" ).before(

                $( "<div>" ).append(

                    $( "<button>" )

                        .addClass( "mw-ui-button" )

                        .text( "Reset live count" )

                        .click( function () {

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                            document.title = document.title.replace( /^\(.+?\)\s+?/, "" );

                            $( ".live-reload-new" ).removeClass( "live-reload-new" );

                        } ),

                    " ",

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                        .addClass( "mw-ui-button" )

                        .text( "Disable live count" )

                        .click( function () {

                            window.clearInterval( intervalId );

                            $( this ).parent().remove();

                        } )


                    .css( { "margin": "0.5em 0" } )



        var link = mw.util.addPortletLink( "p-cactions", "#",

            "Live reload (1 min)", "pt-livereload-one-minute",

            "live reload this page every minute" );

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            "Live reload (custom)", "pt-livereload-custom",

            "live reload this page every X minutes" );

        if( link2 ) {

            link2.addEventListener( "click", function () {

                var interval = window.prompt( "Interval, in minutes" );

                if( interval ) {

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            } );


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