From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I hate beans, onions, and intolerance. I love avocados, cheese, and squash.

I love trying to learn languages like French and Japanese and Basque. Languages I'd like to honestly attempt to study are Welsh, Irish, Sanskrit, Swahili, and Mandarin... in no particular order.

I am a musician. I play the marimba and I would love to study composition and performance. In fact, I plan on doing that next year. I would also LOVE to go to culinary school.

I'm in love with Gael García Bernal, and Morningstar Farms vegetarian chicken nuggets.

Reno has Stockholm Syndromed me. I still aspire to move to Vancouver soon. But for now, I'm alright staying here.

N S P Alabaster Pimsleydale Saint Croix (N. S. P. Alabaster P. St. Croix) 05:55, 2006.eko Irailaren 10a (PDT)

What I'm Currently Reading

  • Only Revolutions by Mark Z. Danielewski ©2006 Pantheon Books ISBN  0375421769

Recent Contributions

  • I recently changed the text of the Basque version of my last listed contribution from "Erabiltzaile honek kalimotxoak edaten ditu" to "Erablitzaile honi kalimotxoak edatea gustatzen zaio"
  • I recently created the kalimotxo (Basque) and kalimotxo (English) userboxes: "This user drinks kalimotxos."
  • I recently created the carbon userbox: "This user is made out of Carbon."
  • I recently created the sa-0 userbox: "This user cannot speak Sanskrit, but would love to study it."
  • I recently translated the Bernardo Atxaga article from Esperanto. Ew. By the end I was ready to vomit. I lament that there are more articles in Esperanto than there are in some natural languages with more native speakers. :[
  • I recently creted the m-v userbox: "This user is a marimba virtuoso."
  • I recently created the userboxes for marimba, vibraphone, xylophone, keyboard percussion, and front ensemble.



Gizona Bere Bakardadean Naiz

Orduan... Nathan dut izena. Renon bizi naiz oraintxe, Nevadako Unibertsitatera joaten naizelako, baina San Diegokoa naiz. Hizkuntzak ikastea gustatzen zait. Frantsesez, euskaraz eta japonesez ikasten ditut unibertsitatean. Ez zaizkit gustatzen batere nire gelalagunak. Gogaikarriak dira... >:| Logela oso txikia da, orduan etxebizitzan bizi izan nahi dut. Maiatzan, etxebizitzan bizi izango naiz, Renoko erdian. Pixka bat zikina izango da, baina ez zait gustatzen batere nire gela.

Badauzkat bi txakur, Nappy eta Josie, bainan haiek San Diegon bizi dira nire amarekin. Nappy-ri kaka jatea gustatzen zaio.

Nor zara zu?


"I must say, my good man, that I think Wikipedia is a terrible organization that should be shot"

Tout ce dont vous avez besoin

Je suis né en 1987 en Californie. Mes parents se sont divorcés quand j'avais quatre ans. J'habitais chez ma mère jusqu'à 2004, quand elle a découvert que je suis tapette. Comme RuPaul. Maintenant je fais mes études à l'University of Nevada, Reno. J'étudie le basque, le français, le japonais, l'anglais (quoique je le parle comme langue maternelle) et je pense que j'aime la chimie. J'sais pas porquoi.

People on Wikpedia I "know"