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User:Ohconfucius/script/MOSNUM dates is a great script, but it adds many buttons to your tools sidebar. For those who only want a few of those buttons, this script makes it easy to show only the buttons you want.


 keep_items = ['dmy-unitfixer', 'mdy-unitfixer'];
importScript(' User:Sondra.kinsey/scripts/Some MOSNUM dates.js');


What are my options for keep_items?
You can either look at the html source or execute the following in a Javascript console: $('#p-tb li').map(function(i,el){return}).toArray(). If you have trouble with this, file a bug report below.


This is currently pre-alpha. It's just an idea written as code for now.

Future development

  1. It would be nice to add an option to show all except specified items, rather than hiding all except specified items.
  2. Add your own feature request here.

Bug reports

Report them here.