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Greetings! I've chosen a research topic exploring the incumbency advantage and its effects on appointed U.S. Senators.

My name is Chris Brignull, and I'm studying political science and public administration at Winona State University. I plan to graduate this May, and start my job search in Washington D.C. I became interested in politics after the September 11th attacks in 2001. From that point on, my political interests and passions have evolved and matured over time. This past summer, I interned for Congressman Tim Walz (D), the congressman from my home district of the Minnesota 1st. This internship gave me a new perspective on politics, policy, and the relationship between the two. Most thrilling perhaps though was roaming the halls of Congress with the movers and shakers of our country! In addition to my internship, I serve as the student body president of my university, acting as the president of Winona State's student government, the Winona State University Student Association.
