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Awards and Decorations of the Republic of Fiji Information

Until 1987 Fiji, although independent since 1970, continued to use the British (or Imperial or traditional) system of honours and awards. Some of these awards carried distinctions which identified them with Fiji (e.g. the Medal of the Certificate of Honour) but all others were of the type used generally within the Commonwealth.

There were also several medals which were additional and unique to Fiji such as the Independence Medal and the Meritorious Service Decoration, the latter of which was awarded for long and distinguished service by regular officers of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces. When Fiji became a Republic in 1987 participation in the British system lapsed. By 1993 the Government of Fiji had put in hand studies aimed at providing Fiji with an independent and comprehensive system of national honours and awards.

The system was authorized in 1995. It established the President of the Republic of Fiji as the “Chancellor of the Order of Fiji” who is the "fount of all honour" for the nation with powers to create honours and awards, to regulate and administer the system and to make awards to citizens and others.

The Fijian Honours System

The Fiji Honours System was created in 1995 by an Act of Parliament to provide for the establishment of Honours and Awards in Fiji. Therefore, the Fiji Honours System is governed by the “Honours and Awards Act 1995”. It is a system whereby the citizens of Fiji recognize contribution of individuals to the enhancement of Fijian society and its people.

The Fiji College of Honour

The College of Honour consists of 5 members, [1 Chairperson and 4 members] who are appointed by His Excellency the President and serve a 2 year term. [1]

The College shall assist and advise the President in:

  • The administration of the Act;
  • Consider nominations for appointment to any categories in the Order
  • Recommend to the President the appointment of a member to the Order
  • The awarding of award to the General Division and Civilian Bravery

Charters for Medals

There are 18 Charters provided under the Honours and Awards Act, 1995 [2]:

  1. General Division [2 Charters]
  2. Republic of Fiji Military Forces Division [7 Charters]
  3. Prisons Service Division [3 Charters]
  4. Fiji Police Division [3 Charters]
  5. Fiji Fire Services [2 Charters]
  6. Fiji Civil Service Medal [1 Charter]

Fijian Medals and Ribbons

Order of Wear [3]

Emblem Description Postnom Established Eligibility Period [1] Remarks
Order of Fiji
Companion of the Order of Fiji (General Division) CF 1 March 1995 March 1995 - Present Fijian nationals or anyone who makes an impact for Fiji
Companion of the Order of Fiji (Military Division) CF 1 March 1995 March 1995 - Present Fijian Military Officials who make an impact for Fiji
Officer of the Order of Fiji (General Division) OF 1 March 1995 March 1995 - Present Fijian nationals or anyone who makes an impact for Fiji
Officer of the Order of Fiji (Military Division) OF 1 March 1995 March 1995 - Present Fijian Military Officials who make an impact for Fiji
Member of the Order of Fiji (General Division) MF 1 March 1995 March 1995 - Present Fijian nationals or anyone who makes an impact for Fiji
Member of the Order of Fiji (Military Division) MF 1 March 1995 March 1995 - Present Fijian Military Officials who make an impact for Fiji
Medal of the Order of Fiji (General Division) MOF 1 March 1995 March 1995 - Present Fijian nationals or anyone who makes an impact for Fiji
Medal of the Order of Fiji (Military Division) MOF 1 March 1995 March 1995 - Present Fijian Military Officials who make an impact for Fiji
Gallantry and Bravery Crosses
President's Cross PC 8 March 1995 8 March 1995 - Present
President's War Cross PWC 1995 1995 - Present
Gallantry and Command Crosses
Cross of Gallantry CG 8 March 1995
Distinguished Command Cross DCC 1995 1995 - Present
Gallantry and Bravery Medals
President's Medal PM 8 March 1995
Bravery Medal BM
Medal of Gallantry MG 1995 1995 - Present For Gallantry
Fiji Police Medal for Gallantry 8 March 1995 16 May 1972 - 8 March 1995 For bravery, valuable services or leadership
Fiji Police Medal FPM 8 March 1995 8 March 1995 - Present For bravery, valuable services or leadership
Meritorious and Distinguished Service
Fiji Police Medal for Meritorious Service Medal 8 March 1995 16 May 1972 - 8 March 1995 (Replaced By Police Medal) For Valuable services or leadership
Fire Service Meritorious Service Medal 1995 1995 - Present For Valuable services or leadership
Fiji Prisons Distinguished Service Award DSA 8 March 1995 8 March 1995 - Present For Valuable services or leadership
Command Medal 1995 1995 - Present
Civil Service Medal 8 March 1995 8 March 1995 - Present For distinguished devotion to duty and outstanding service
Battle Commendation 1995 1995 - Present
Commendation for Leadership 1995 1995 - Present
General Service Medal
Fijian General Service Medal 6 February 1992 6 February 1992 - Present For active service on specific missions
UN NATO and Campaign Medals
UN Medal
NATO Medal
International Force East Timor Medal
Police Overseas Service Medal
Long Service Medals
Fijian Meritorious Service Decoration MSD 1995 1995 - Present To armed forces officers for 15 years' service
Fijian Meritorious Service Award MSA 1995 1995 - Present To persons under the rank of warrant officer for 15 years' service
Service Decoration SD 1995 1995 - Present To Territorial officers for 15 years' service
Service Award SA 1995 1995 - Present To Territorials under the rank of warrant officer for 15 years' service
Colonial Police Long Service Medal 23 March 1934 23 March 1934 - 16 May 1972 (Replaced by Fiji Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal) For 18 years' service
Fiji Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 16 May 1972 16 May 1972 - 8 March 1995 (Replaced by Fiji Police Long Service Medal) For 18 years' service
Fiji Police Long Service Medal 8 March 1995 8 March 1995 - Present For 18 years' service
Fire Service Long Service Medal 8 March 1995 8 March 1995 - Present For 18 years' service
Colonial Prison Service Medal 28 October 1955 28 October 1955 - 8 March 1995 (Replaced by Fiji Prison Service Long Service and Good Conduct Medal) For 18 years' service
Prisons Service Efficient Service Decoration 1995 1995 - Present To senior officers for long and faithful service
Fiji Prison Service Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 8 March 1995 8 March 1995 - Present For 18 years' service
Independence and Commemorative Medals
Fijian Independence Medal 1970 1970 - 1973
25th Anniversary of Fijian Independence Medal 1995 1995
50th Anniversary of Fijian Independence Medal 2020 2020



  1. ^ "Office of the President". Retrieved 2021-04-02.
  2. ^ "Office of the President". Retrieved 2021-04-02.
  3. ^ "ODM of Fiji: Ribbon Chart". Retrieved 2021-04-02.