From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"I am a redneck myself, born and bred on a submarginal farm in Appalachia, descended from an endless line of dark-complexioned, lug-eared, beetle-browed, insolent barbarian peasants, a line reaching back to the dark forests of central Europe and the alpine caves of my Neanderthal primogenitors." --Edward Abbey

"To stand on the firing parapet and expose yourself to danger; to stand and fight a thousand miles from home when you’re all alone and outnumbered and probably beaten; to spit on your hands and lower the pike; to stand fast over the body of Leonidas the King; to be rear guard at Kunu-Ri; to stand and be still to the Birkenhead Drill; these are not rational acts. They are often merely necessary." --Jerry Pournelle

A selection of articles that I've started or made significant contributions to: