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This template is used to add colors to table cells. It follows the spectral types of stars, which are M, K, G, F, A, B and O. In this case, this template represents the O spectral type.

Examples of using this template:

Name Radius Mass Spectral type
Alnitak 20 33 O9.5Iab

Since Alnitak's spectral type is O9.5Iab, this means it is an O-type star. To better identify the spectral type, a color can be added. After using the StarO template, the cell will be colored.

Name Radius Mass Spectral type
Alnitak 20 33 O9.5Iab

Now see an example of a table with multiple stars:

Name Radius Mass Spectral type
Alnitak 20 33 O9.5Iab
Chara 1.123 1.197 G0V
Procyon A 2.048 1.5 F5IV-V
Kepler-16 A 0.649 0.69 K
Ross 154 0.2 0.177 M3.5V
Deneb 203 19 A2Ia
Iota Leonis 2.1 1.62 F4IV
HD 245134 2.738 1.765 F
Altair 2.01 1.86 A7Vn
Kepler-33 1.66 1.26 G1IV
Regulus 4.35 3.8 B8IVn