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This is correct as of 10/06/2024 (10 June 2024). Replace all instances of "10/06/2024" with the current date in order to update the template.

Jayne Jagot Patrick Keane Dyson Heydon Mary Gaudron Harry Gibbs Frank Kitto George Rich Albert Piddington Jacqueline Gleeson Virginia Bell Michael Kirby (judge) William Deane Ninian Stephen Victor Windeyer Dudley Williams H.V. Evatt Charles Powers James Edelman Robert French Murray Gleeson Gerard Brennan Garfield Barwick Owen Dixon H.B. Higgins Robert Beech-Jones Susan Kiefel Ian Callinan John Toohey Lionel Murphy Douglas Menzies William Webb (judge) Isaac Isaacs Simon Steward (judge) Geoffrey Nettle Susan Crennan Michael McHugh Ronald Wilson Kenneth Jacobs Cyril Walsh Alan Taylor (jurist) John Latham (judge) Frank Gavan Duffy Richard O'Connor (Australian politician) Stephen Gageler William Gummow Anthony Mason William Owen (judge) Wilfred Fullagar Hayden Starke Edmund Barton Michelle Gordon Kenneth Hayne Daryl Dawson Keith Aickin Edward McTiernan Adrian Knox Samuel Griffith