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A small swelling of the tuber cinerum posterior to the infundibulum - "atop the pituitary stalk

The last part of this sentence cannot be the case, or makes no sense. That is to say the anatomical area or structure referred to - the median eminence cannot be posterior to the infundibulum and also atop the infundibulum (pituitary stalk).

Unless one is defining the infundibulum and the pituitary stalks differently. And they are not. The median eminence is better described as a gray locus or nucleus situated behind and not atop the pituitary stalk

Furthermore the diagram employed makes no sense in this district - the posterior aspect of the IIIrd ventricle. And this is part of the problem.

The diagram does not allow situating the median eminence.

There is no space between the third ventricle and the median eminence as this diagram suggests. Although I am not an anatomist, and I have not dissected this part of the brain (IIIrd) ventricle and its environs, I have never seen an anatomical diagram that has a space between the third ventricle and the median eminence, or for that mater the space under and posterior to the third ventricle as this diagram depicts. Cortexmirabile ( talk) 12:36, 6 July 2013 (UTC) reply
