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The Regional Cooperative Federation of Catalonia ( Catalan: Federació Regional de Cooperatives de Catalunya, Spanish: Federación Regional de Cooperativas de Cataluña) was a cooperative federation in Catalonia, Spain. [1] The organization was linked to the Spanish Socialist Workers Party. [2] It played a leading role in the efforts to build a statewide Spanish cooperative movement. [2] It published the weekly Acción Cooperatista. [1] [3] Joan Ventosa i Roig was the chairman of the organization. [1] [2] J. Durán y Guardia was the secretary of the organization. [1]

As of late 1928, the organization claimed to have 27,750 members in 160 affiliated societies. [1] The office of the organization was located at 11, Carrer de Aurora, Barcelona. [1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f international labour organisation league of nations government services. 1925. p. 29.
  2. ^ a b c Luis Arias González (2003). Socialismo y vivienda obrera en España (1926-1939). Universidad de Salamanca. pp. 70–71. ISBN  978-84-7800-797-4.
  3. ^ Juan José Gallardo Romero (2000). Los orígenes del movimiento obrero en Santa Coloma de Gramanet: el anarcosindicalismo (1923-1936). Grupo de Historia "José Berruezo". p. 237. ISBN  978-84-930512-4-2.