Permanently protected module
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

local p = {}

local cats = require("Module:Storm categories/categories").cats

-- Icon overrides for old {{Tropical cyclone status icons}} that don't have a

-- viable category.

local icons = {

	-- Ambiguious 5-tier scale

	"1" = cats"cat1"].icon,

	"2" = cats"cat2"].icon,

	"3" = cats"cat3"].icon,

	"4" = cats"cat4"].icon,

	"5" = cats"cat5"].icon,

	-- FMS scale

	"a5" = cats"aus5"].icon,

	"a4" = cats"aus4"].icon,

	"a3" = cats"aus3"].icon,

	"a2" = cats"aus2"].icon,

	"a1" = cats"aus1"].icon,

	-- Misc

	"extratropical2" = "[[File:Extratropical storm icon.png|18px]]",

	"typhoon" = "[[File:Typhoon icon.png|18px]]",

	"vstyphoon" = "[[File:Very strong typhoon icon.png|18px]]",

	"vityphoon" = "[[File:Violent typhoon icon.png|18px]]",

	"swiosts" = "[[File:Severe tropical storm south icon.png|18px]]",

	"swiotc" = "[[File:SWIO tropical cyclone icon.png|18px]]"


icons"et2" = icons"extratropical2"

icons"ex2" = icons"extratropical2"

icons"ty" = icons"typhoon"

icons"stss" = icons"swiosts"

icons"tc" = icons"swiotc"

p.icons = icons

return p