Permanently protected module
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- Constant data used by [[Module:Political party]]

local alternate = {

	"Fa'atuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi" = "Faʻatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi",

	"Fair Russia" = "A Just Russia — For Truth",

	"Faith in the One True God" = "Faʻatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi",

	"Falange Española Auténtica" = "Falange Española de las JONS",

	"Falange Española de las JONS (1976)" = "Falange Española de las JONS",

	"Falange Española de las JONS (Auténtica)" = "Falange Española de las JONS",

	"Family Party" = "The Family Party",

	"FAPER" = "Broad Front (Honduras)",

	"Far left" = "Far-left",

	"Far right" = "Far-right",

	"Farmer-Citizen Movement" = "Farmer–Citizen Movement",

	"Farmer-Labor Party (Minnesota)" = "Farmer–Labor Party",

	"Farmer-Labor Party (United States)" = "Farmer–Labor Party",

	"Farmer-Labor Party (US)" = "Farmer–Labor Party",

	"Farmer-Labor Party" = "Farmer–Labor Party",

	"Farmer–Labor Party (Minnesota)" = "Farmer–Labor Party",

	"Farmer–Labor Party (United States)" = "Farmer–Labor Party",

	"Farmer–Labor Party (US)" = "Farmer–Labor Party",

	"Farmers' League (Sweden)" = "Centre Party (Sweden)",

	"FDP" = "Free Democratic Party (Germany)",

	"Federal Democratic Union" = "Federal Democratic Union of Switzerland",

	"Federalist Party (United States)" = "Federalist Party",

	"Federalist Party (US)" = "Federalist Party",

	"Federalist" = "Federalist Party",

	"Federation of Christian Democracy" = "Christian Democracy Federation–Christian Democracy Team",

	"Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Union" = "Fidesz",

	"Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Union" = "Fidesz", -- dash difference

	"Fidesz-KDNP" = "Fidesz–KDNP",

	"FijiFirst Party" = "FijiFirst",

	"Fine Gael/meta/co" = "Fine Gael",

	"Finnish Constitutional People's Party" = "Constitutional Right Party",

	"Finnish Rural " = "Finnish Rural Party",

	"First no Kai" = "Tomin First no Kai",

	"Flemish Block" = "Vlaams Belang",

	"Flemish Interest" = "Vlaams Belang",

	"Flemish Liberals and Democrats" = "Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats",

	"Flemish Socialist Party" = "Vooruit (political party)",

	"Focus New Zealand" = "Focus NZ",

	"Folkpartiet" = "Liberals (Sweden)",

	"For Åland" = "Åland Coalition",

	"For an Alternative" = "New Harmony (Latvia)",

	"For Britain" = "For Britain Movement",

	"For Fatherland and Freedom" = "For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK",

	"For Human Rights in a United Latvia" = "For Human Rights in United Latvia",

	"For Justice and Development" = "Justice and Welfare Party",

	"For Latvia from the Heart" = "Awakening (political party)",

	"For Réunion" = "For Réunion (political party)",

	"For the Commerce and Housing of Benidorm" = "Alliance for Commerce and Housing",

	"For the Europe of the Peoples (1989)" = "Europe of the Peoples",

	"For the Europe of the Peoples (1994)" = "Europe of the Peoples",

	"For the Nation and Country Party" = "Greater Moldova Party",

	"For the People Party" = "Other parties",

	"For United Ukraine" = "For United Ukraine!",

	"Force Vie" = "VIA, the Way of the People",

	"Forum for Democracy (Netherlands)" = "Forum for Democracy",

	"Forum for the Restoration of Democracy - Kenya" = "Forum for the Restoration of Democracy – Kenya",

	"Forum of Social Republicans" = "VIA, the Way of the People",

	"Forward (Belgium)" = "Vooruit (political party)",

	"Forward (Greenland)" = "Siumut",

	"Forward (United States)" = "Forward Party (US)",

	"Forward (US)" = "Forward Party (US)",

	"Forward Party (United States)" = "Forward Party (US)",

	"Fourth Force" = "Estonian Greens",

	"France Arise" = "Debout la France",

	"Francis Townsend" = "Townsend Party",

	"Francophone Democratic Federalists" = "DéFI",

	"Free List Austria" = "Free Party Salzburg",

	"Free-minded Liberal Party (Norway)" = "Free-minded Liberal Party",

	"Free-minded People's Party (Norway)" = "Free-minded Liberal Party",

	"Free Nations of Russia Forum" = "Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum",

	"Free Soil Party (United States)" = "Free Soil Party",

	"Free Soil Party (US)" = "Free Soil Party",

	"Free Voters of Bavaria" = "Free Voters",

	"Freedom (political party)" = "Svoboda (political party)",

	"Freedom Front (South Africa)" = "Freedom Front",

	"Freedom Party (Finland)" = "Blue and White Front",

	"Freedom Party – Finland's Future" = "Blue and White Front",

	"Freedom Party of New York (1994)" = "Tax Cut Now Party",

	"Freeminded People's Party (Sweden)" = "Liberals (Sweden)",

	"Freie Wähler" = "Free Voters",

	"French Section of the Workers International" = "French Section of the Workers' International",

	"Fre" = "Frenti-Mudança",

	"Fritz Dinkhauser List – Citizens' Forum Tyrol" = "Citizens' Forum Austria",

	"Funcinpec Party" = "FUNCINPEC",

	"Fusion Party (United States)" = "Fusion Party (US)",

	"Future New Zealand" = "Christian Democrat Party (New Zealand)",


local full = {

	"Faculty of Orchid Gardening" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE0B7A", shortname = "Orchid Gardening",},

	"Faʻatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi" = {abbrev = "FAST", color = "#FA061C", shortname = "",},

	"Failsworth Independent Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0098bb", shortname = "",},

	"Fair and Free Colombia" = {abbrev = "CJL", color = "#C12B2C", shortname = "",},

	"Fair Armenia Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DF7333", shortname = "",},

	"Fair Party (Thailand)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0C4DA1", shortname = "Fair Party",},

	"Faith And Hope League" = {abbrev = "", color = "#006F7F", shortname = "",},

	"Faith Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0070BA", shortname = "",},

	"Falange Auténtica" = {abbrev = "", color = "#003A83", shortname = "",},

	"Falange Española de las JONS" = {abbrev = "", color = "#2B2927", shortname = "",},

	"Falange Española Independiente" = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},

	"Falange" = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},

	"Falangist Mountain Unity" = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},

	"Falangist Movement of Spain" = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},

	"Family and Life Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#333366", shortname = "",},

	"Family First Party" = {abbrev = "FFP", color = "#1456F1", shortname = "Family First",},

	"Family First Party (2021)" = {abbrev = "FFP", color = "#5A58A6", shortname = "Family First",},

	"Family Party of Germany" = {abbrev = "", color = "#E16B0B", shortname = "Familie",},

	"Fancy Dress Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F5F5DC", shortname = "",},

	"Fanmi Lavalas" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0047AB", shortname = "",},

	"Far-Left (Hungary)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#d11515", shortname = "Far-Left",},

	"Far-left" = {abbrev = "", color = "#BB0000", shortname = "",},

	"Far-right" = {abbrev = "", color = "#404040", shortname = "",},

	"Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front" = {abbrev = "FMLN", color = "#D3252F", shortname = "",},

	"Farmer Party (Thailand)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#aacc99", shortname = "",},

	"Farmer Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#aacc99", shortname = "",},

	"Farmer's Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#E17D1A", shortname = "",},

	"Farmer–Citizen Movement" = {abbrev = "BBB", color = "#94C11F", shortname = "",},

	"Farmer–Labor Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#66FF99", shortname = "Farmer–Labor",},

	"Farmer–Worker Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#66FF99", shortname = "Farmer–Worker",},

	"Farmers and Producers Political Union" = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},

	"Farmers of Petra Group" = {abbrev = "", color = "#19A2A0", shortname = "",},

	"Farmers' Alliance" = {abbrev = "", color = "#CCFF00", shortname = "Alliance",},

	"Farmers' Alliance (Ireland)" = {abbrev = "FA", color = "#14287f", shortname = "Farmers' Alliance",},

	"Farmers' Assemblies" = {abbrev = "", color = "#1B4D3E", shortname = "",},

	"Farmers' Association" = {abbrev = "", color = "#238513", shortname = "Farmers' Association",},

	"Farmers' League" = {abbrev = "BdL", color = "#016A38", shortname = "",},

	"Farmers' National Organization" = {abbrev = "", color = "#39944A", shortname = "",},

	"Farmers' Party (Denmark)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#36a236", shortname = "Farmers'",},

	"Farmers' Party (Greece)" = {abbrev = "AK", color = "#99E500", shortname = "Farmers'",},

	"Farmers' Party (Iceland, 1913)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#034626", shortname = "Farmers'",},

	"Farmers' Party (Iceland, 1933)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#009900", shortname = "Farmers'",},

	"Farmers' Party (Ireland)" = {abbrev = "FP", color = "#B8860B", shortname = "Farmers' Party",},

	"Farmers' Party (Lithuania)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#4CCA3A", shortname = "Farmers' Party",},

	"Farmers' Party (Netherlands)" = {abbrev = "BP", color = "#7AA300", shortname = "",},

	"Farmers' Party (Norway)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#008542", shortname = "Farmers'",},

	"Farmers' Party (Sweden)" = {abbrev = "B", color = "#016A39", shortname = "Farmers' League",},

	"Farmers' Voice Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#BDFFB2", shortname = "",},

	"Farnham Residents" = {abbrev = "", color = "pink", shortname = "",},

	"Farnworth and Kearsley First" = {abbrev = "", color = "#2F52A3", shortname = "",},

	"Fasci Italiani di Combattimento" = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "Fasces of Combat",},

	"Fascist Party of Albania" = {abbrev = "", color = "#333333", shortname = "",},

	"Fascist Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},

	"Fat Cat party (UK)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#EEEEEE", shortname = "Fat Cat",},

	"Fatah Alliance" = {abbrev = "", color = "#3C5E37", shortname = "Fatah",},

	"Fatah" = {abbrev = "", color = "Yellow", shortname = "",},

	"Fatherland – All Russia" = {abbrev = "OVR", color = "#3B9EDF", shortname = "",},

	"Fatherland (Kazakhstan)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#1CA9C9", shortname = "Fatherland",},

	"Fatherland (movement)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#6C0E0E", shortname = "",},

	"Fatherland (party)" = {abbrev = "", color = "lightblue", shortname = "",},

	"Fatherland for All" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0090C5", shortname = "",},

	"Fatherland Front (Austria)" = {abbrev = "VF", color = "#D81E05", shortname = "",},

	"Fatherland Front (Bulgaria)" = {abbrev = "OF", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},

	"Fatherland Party (Norway)" = {abbrev = "", color = "darkblue", shortname = "",},

	"Fatherland Socialist Party" = {abbrev = "SPO", color = "#00ff00", shortname = "",},

	"Fathers Rights-Responsibility Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#800080", shortname = "Fathers Rights",},

	"FDP.The Liberals" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0E52A0", shortname = "",},

	"Fearless Movement" = {abbrev = "MSM", color = "#8EC641", shortname = "",},

	"Fearless People's Alliance" = {abbrev = "", color = "Purple", shortname = "",},

	"Federal Alliance (South Africa)" = {abbrev = "FA", color = "#1B75BC", shortname = "",},

	"Federal Christian Democrats" = {abbrev = "", color = "#003399", shortname = "",},

	"Federal Commitment" = {abbrev = "CF", color = "#5aaadf", shortname = "",},

	"Federal Consensus" = {abbrev = "CF", color = "#283084", shortname = "",},

	"Federal Democratic Republican Party" = {abbrev = "PRDF", color = "#C05BA1", shortname = "",},

	"Federal Democratic Union of Switzerland" = {abbrev = "", color = "#C71585", shortname = "Federal Democrats",},

	"Federal Far Left" = {abbrev = "", color = "#D00006", shortname = "",},

	"Federal Front" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00FF00", shortname = "",},

	"Federal ICAC Now" = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},

	"Federal Party (Argentina, 1973)" = {abbrev = "PF", color = "#B51601", shortname = "Federal Party",},

	"Federal Party of Kenya" = {abbrev = "FPK", color = "#158A43" , shortname = "",},

	"Federal Party of Manipur" = {abbrev = "FPM", color = "#FF0180", shortname = "",},

	"Federal Party of Yugoslavs" = {abbrev = "SJ", color = "#003893", shortname = "",},

	"Federal Peronism" = {abbrev = "", color = "#66FFCC", shortname = "",},

	"Federal Popular Union" = {abbrev = "UPF", color = "#0045ac", shortname = "",},

	"Federal Renewal Party" = {abbrev = "FRP", color = "#282E60", shortname = "",},

	"Federal Republican Party (Brazil)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#4287F5", shortname = "PR Federal",},

	"Federal Socialist Forum, Nepal" = {abbrev = "", color = "pink", shortname = "Forum Nepal",},

	"Federalist Christian Democracy – Convention of Federalists for Christian Democracy" = {abbrev = "", color = "#556627", shortname = "",},

	"Federalist Greens" = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},

	"Federalist Party of the United Kingdom" = {abbrev = "", color = "#008080", shortname = "Federalist Party",},

	"Federalist Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#EA9978", shortname = "Federalist",},

	"Federalist People's Alliance" = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffd700", shortname = "",},

	"Federalist Unity Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "grey", shortname = "",},

	"Fédéralistes Démocrates Francophones" = {abbrev = "FDF", color = "#DD0081", shortname = "",},

	"Federated Sabah People's Front" = {abbrev = "BERSEKUTU", color = "", shortname = "",},

	"Federation for the Republic" = {abbrev = "FdR", color = "#14233F", shortname = "",},

	"Federation for the Stability of Hong Kong" = {abbrev = "FSHK", color = "#d83467", shortname = "",},

	"Federation Free Socialist Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF102D", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of Democratic and Liberal Parties" = {abbrev = "", color = "#8A5B15", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of Employees Associations" = {abbrev = "", color = "#69973D", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of Green Lists" = {abbrev = "", color = "#6CC417", shortname = "Green List",},

	"Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions" = {abbrev = "FLU", color = "#079634", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of Independents" = {abbrev = "VdU", color = "#0056A2", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of Independents of Aragon" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F95900", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of Independents of Catalonia" = {abbrev = "", color = "#006139", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of Labour (Ireland)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC241f", shortname = "Federation of Labour",},

	"Federation of Liberals" = {abbrev = "FdL", color = "#0047AB", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of Pro-Independence Co-operation Committees" = {abbrev = "FCCI", color = "#ef4836", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of Public Housing Estates" = {abbrev = "FPHE", color = "#5A3D1B", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of Regional Parties" = {abbrev = "", color = "#088A68", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of the Democratic and Socialist Left" = {abbrev = "FGDS", color = "#E75480", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of the Democratic Left" = {abbrev = "FGD", color = "#FAD841", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of the Greens" = {abbrev = "", color = "#6CC417", shortname = "Greens",},

	"Federation of the Jewish Communities in Romania" = {abbrev = "FCER", color = "#2D53A6", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of the Republican Left" = {abbrev = "FGR", color = "#E61B1F", shortname = "",},

	"Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan" = {abbrev = "FTUK", color = "#66CCFD", shortname = "",},

	"Federation, Action for the Republic" = {abbrev = "FAR", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},

	"Felicity Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF2E84", shortname = "SAADET",},

	"Fellowship Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#7FFFD4", shortname = "Fellowship",},

	"Feminism8" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F9F20E", shortname = "",},

	"Feminist and Green Alternative Groups" = {abbrev = "", color = "#54A32F", shortname = "Feminist & Greens",},

	"Feminist Initiative (Norway)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#CD1B68", shortname = "",},

	"Feminist Initiative (Poland)" = {abbrev = "IF", color = "#0093AF", shortname = "Feminist Initiative",},

	"Feminist Initiative (Spain)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#E3287A", shortname = "",},

	"Feminist Initiative (Sweden)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#cd1b68", shortname = "Feminist Initiative",},

	"Feminist Party (Finland)" = {abbrev = "FP", color = "#FF4692", shortname = "Feminist Party",},

	"Feminist Party of Germany" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFA500", shortname = "Feminist",},

	"Feminist Party of Spain" = {abbrev = "", color = "#612681", shortname = "",},

	"Feminists to the Congress" = {abbrev = "", color = "#7E71BE", shortname = "",},

	"Femu a Corsica" = {abbrev = "", color = "#E7511E", shortname = "",},

	"Fernando Ríos Hidalgo" = {abbrev = "", color = "#82D701", shortname = "",},

	"Ferrol en Común" = {abbrev = "", color = "#57C6D1", shortname = "",},

	"Ferrolan Sense" = {abbrev = "", color = "#01B02F", shortname = "",},

	"Feuillants Club" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0067A5", shortname = "Feuillant",},

	"Fianna Fáil" = {abbrev = "FF", color = "#66BB66", shortname = "Fianna Fáil",},

	"Fidesz–KDNP" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF6A00", shortname = "",},

	"Fidesz" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF6A00", shortname = "",},

	"Fife Socialist League" = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},

	"Fifth Republic Movement" = {abbrev = "MVR", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},

	"Fighters' List" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0038B8", shortname = "",},

	"Fighting Democratic Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#49BAA7", shortname = "",},

	"Fighting Scottish Hospital Closures" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF4500", shortname = "",},

	"Fighting Socialist Party of Greece" = {abbrev = "ASKE", color = "green", shortname = "",},

	"Fiji Labour Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "Labour",},

	"Fiji United Freedom Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},

	"FijiFirst" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00BFFF", shortname = "",},

	"Fine Gael" = {abbrev = "FG", color = "#6699FF", shortname = "Fine Gael",},

	"Finnish Christian League" = {abbrev = "", color = "#173653", shortname = "Christian League",},

	"Finnish Islamic Party" = {abbrev = "SIP", color = "#339966", shortname = "",},

	"Finnish Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#3333FF", shortname = "Finnish",},

	"Finnish People First" = {abbrev = "SKE", color = "#133381", shortname = "",},

	"Finnish People's Blue-Whites" = {abbrev = "", color = "darkblue", shortname = "",},

	"Finnish People's Democratic League" = {abbrev = "SKDL", color = "#C30B02", shortname = "",},

	"Finnish People's Organisation" = {abbrev = "", color = "black", shortname = "",},

	"Finnish People's Unity Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "gray", shortname = "",},

	"Finnish Reform Movement" = {abbrev = "KL", color = "#FF5500", shortname = "",},

	"Finnish Rural Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "gray", shortname = "Rural Party",},

	"Finns Party" = {abbrev = "PS", color = "#FFDE55", shortname = "Finns",},

	"Firefighters Against Cuts" = {abbrev = "", color = "#EC008C", shortname = "",},

	"First Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#E62E00", shortname = "",},

	"Fís Nua" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7F50", shortname = "",},

	"Five Star Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFEB3B", shortname = "",},

	"Fjala" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00008B", shortname = "",},

	"Floriana l-Ewwel" = {abbrev = "FL", color = "green", shortname = "",},

	"Floriana First" = {abbrev = "FL", color = "green", shortname = "",},

	"Florida Democratic Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#3333FF", shortname = "Democratic",},

	"Fluminense Republican Party" = {abbrev = "PRF", color = "#00AFEF", shortname = "",},

	"Focus (Croatian political party)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#05AACB", shortname = "",},

	"Focus NZ" = {abbrev = "", color = "#2690C4", shortname = "Focus",},

	"Focused on Granada" = {abbrev = "", color = "#7BBA2E", shortname = "",},

	"Fokus (Luxembourg)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#63C7C7", shortname = "Fokus",},

	"Folklistan" = {abbrev = "", color = "#1C2C54", shortname = "",},

	"For a Better Huila" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},

	"For a Democratic and Prosperous Moldova" = {abbrev = "PMDP", color = "#333399", shortname = "",},

	"For a European Future" = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE2028", shortname = "",},

	"For a European Serbia" = {abbrev = "ZES", color = "#FAD703", shortname = "",},

	"For a Fair Chile" = {abbrev = "", color = "#800080", shortname = "",},

	"For a Fairer World" = {abbrev = "", color = "#4ABEEF", shortname = "",},

	"For a Good City" = {abbrev = "ZDG", color = "#26602F", shortname = "",},

	"For a Good Latvia" = {abbrev = "", color = "#800000", shortname = "",},

	"For a Humane Latvia" = {abbrev = "PCL", color = "#00ACB4", shortname = "",},

	"For a New Socialism" = {abbrev = "", color = "#EE2323", shortname = "",},

	"For Autonomy" = {abbrev = "", color = "#8ECEF1", shortname = "",},

	"For Ávila" = {abbrev = "XAV", color = "#F7D70E", shortname = "",},

	"For Britain Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#431B5B", shortname = "For Britain",},

	"For Cantabria Yes" = {abbrev = "", color = "#8AC2B9", shortname = "",},

	"For Darwen Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#55aee6", shortname = "For Darwen",},

	"For El Hierro Electoral Group" = {abbrev = "", color = "#58B8B4", shortname = "",},

	"For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFC622", shortname = "",},

	"For Georgia" = {abbrev = "", color = "#4B2A75", shortname = "",},

	"For Gijón" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DD3333", shortname = "",},

	"For Huelva" = {abbrev = "XH", color = "#1151D3", shortname = "",},

	"For Human Rights in United Latvia" = {abbrev = "", color = "#2268C1", shortname = "",},

	"For Italy in the World with Tremaglia" = {abbrev = "", color = "#2577B3", shortname = "",},

	"For Italy" = {abbrev = "", color = "LightSkyBlue", shortname = "",},

	"For Justice and Order" = {abbrev = "ZPR", color = "#024EB0", shortname = "",},

	"For La Rioja" = {abbrev = "", color = "#951965", shortname = "",},

	"For Latvia and Ventspils" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00958E", shortname = "",},

	"For Latvia's Development" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFDD00", shortname = "",},

	"For Macau" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00FF00", shortname = "",},

	"For New Generations" = {abbrev = "ZNG", color = "#00FF00", shortname = "",},	

	"For my Town" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00BEF2", shortname = "",},

	"For Our Macedonia" = {abbrev = "ZNAM", color = "#416DB4", shortname = "",},

	"For Our Valley" = {abbrev = "", color = "#9BDDFF", shortname = "",},

	"For Peace and Stability Ukraine" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0E617E", shortname = "",},

	"For Public Good Party" = {abbrev = "FPGP", color = "#D60E29", shortname = "",},

	"For Réunion (political party)" = {abbrev = "PLR", color = "#B82F7F", shortname = "",},

	"For Social Democracy" = {abbrev = "", color = "Brown", shortname = "",},

	"For Social Justice (Armenia)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#6599C9", shortname = "Social Justice",},

	"For South Tyrol with Widmann" = {abbrev = "FSmW", color = "#35383f", shortname = "",},

	"For Stability!" = {abbrev = "ST!", color = "#F08418", shortname = "",},

	"For Talavera" = {abbrev = "", color = "#7F82A5", shortname = "",},

	"For the Agreement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FC572D", shortname = "",},

	"For the Autonomies" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF8581", shortname = "",},

	"For the Balearics" = {abbrev = "", color = "#CB2B79", shortname = "",},

	"For the Common Good" = {abbrev = "PBC", color = "#01C9AF", shortname = "",},

	"For the Family (political party)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0B90D0", shortname = "",},

	"For the Future (political party)" = {abbrev = "ZM", color = "#5C068C", shortname = "",},

	"For the Future of Montenegro" = {abbrev = "ZBCG", color = "#4682B4", shortname = "",},

	"For the Future of Montenegro (2023)" = {abbrev = "ZBCG", color = "#0037A0", shortname = "",},

	"For the Left (Spain)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DD3333", shortname = "",},

	"For the Love of Egypt" = {abbrev = "FLE", color = "#8B0000", shortname = "",},

	"For the Nation Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#68B4AA", shortname = "",},

	"For the People (Slovakia)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#fdbb12", shortname = "For the People",},

	"For the Poor" = {abbrev = "", color = "#093A80", shortname = "",},

	"For The Republic Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F56F3A", shortname = "",},

	"For the Thai Future Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F80207", shortname = "",},

	"For Truth" = {abbrev = "", color = "#6518a8", shortname = "",},

	"For Ukraine!" = {abbrev = "", color = "darkblue", shortname = "",},

	"For United Ukraine!" = {abbrev = "", color = "#026CAA", shortname = "",},

	"For Women of Russia" = {abbrev = "", color = "#B5A061", shortname = "",},

	"For Zamora" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F0675D", shortname = "",},

	"Foral Democratic Union" = {abbrev = "UDF", color = "#3E5D72", shortname = "",},

	"Foral Union of the Basque Country" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F57F4F", shortname = "",},

	"Foral Will" = {abbrev = "", color = "#B18F39", shortname = "",},

	"Foralist League" = {abbrev = "", color = "#23B14D", shortname = "",},

	"Força de Unidade Popular" = {abbrev = "FUP", color = "#8b0000", shortname = "",},

	"Força i Llum" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00A69C", shortname = "",},

	"Force 2011" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF8000", shortname = "",},

	"Force for Change Democratic Movement – Liberal Party" = {abbrev = "MDFM – PL", color = "#E13434", shortname = "",},

	"Force for Mexico" = {abbrev = "FxM", color = "#E85E91", shortname = "",},

	"Force of the Right" = {abbrev = "FD", color = "#08510A", shortname = "",},

	"Forces for Change in Finland" = {abbrev = "", color = "orange", shortname = "",},

	"Forces for National Reconciliation" = {abbrev = "", color = "#D9308E", shortname = "",},

	"Forces for Renewal" = {abbrev = "", color = "#3BB9FF", shortname = "",},

	"Forces of Freedom and Change" = {abbrev = "", color = "#96302B", shortname = "",},

	"FORJA" = {abbrev = "", color = "#ed3236", shortname = "",},

	"Formosa Alliance" = {abbrev = "", color = "#009e96", shortname = "",},

	"Formosan Broad Front" = {abbrev = "FAF", color = "#912944", shortname = "",},

	"Formula 1 (political party)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF1F80", shortname = "",},

	"Forsa Kòrsou" = {abbrev = "", color = "purple", shortname = "",},

	"Forum (Spanish political party)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#11DD00", shortname = "Foro",},

	"Forum for Democracy" = {abbrev = "FvD", color = "#841818", shortname = "",},

	"Forum for Democracy and Development" = {abbrev = "FDD", color = "#228C22", shortname = "",},

	"Forum for Democratic Change" = {abbrev = "FDC", color = "#00BFFF", shortname = "",},

	"Forum for Service Delivery" = {abbrev = "F4SD", color = "#057135", shortname = "",},

	"Forum for the National Unity of Abkhazia" = {abbrev = "FNUA", color = "#368118", shortname = "",},

	"Forum for the Restoration of Democracy – Asili" = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "FORD–Asili",},

	"Forum for the Restoration of Democracy – Kenya" = {abbrev = "", color = "#339933", shortname = "FORD-K",},

	"Forum for the Restoration of Democracy – People" = {abbrev = "", color = "#6666FF", shortname = "FORD–People",},

	"Forum Party of Zimbabwe" = {abbrev = "FPZ", color = "#3333FF", shortname = "",},

	"Forward (Bosnia and Herzegovina)" = {abbrev = "NPD", color = "#FFCC00", shortname = "",},

	"Forward Badajoz" = {abbrev = "", color = "#A80057", shortname = "",},

	"Forward Bloc" = {abbrev = "FL", color = "#D70000", shortname = "",},

	"Forward Croatia-Progressive Alliance" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DD3333", shortname = "",},

	"Forward Kyrgyzstan Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#3791E7", shortname = "Alga, Kyrgyzstan!",},

	"Forward Party (US)" = {abbrev = "FWD", color = "#182742", shortname = "Forward",},

	"Forward to Europe" = {abbrev = "PE", color = "#F6650F", shortname = "",},

	"Forward Wales" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF3333", shortname = "",},

	"Forward, Russia!" = {abbrev = "", color = "#1C1A0D", shortname = "",},

	"Forza Italia (2013)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0087DC", shortname = "Forza Italia",},

	"Forza Italia" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0087DC", shortname = "",},

	"Foundation Party (UK)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DEB887", shortname = "Foundation",},

	"Four Islands Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00AEC3", shortname = "",},

	"Four-Coalition" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0100A3", shortname = "",},

	"For Our Children (Serbia)" = {abbrev = "SNS coalition", color = "#242970", shortname = "",},

	"For Each and Every One" = {abbrev = "KuK", color = "#F9873E", shortname = "",},

	"Foxite" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F8B878", shortname = "",},

	"Fraction Den Haan" = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED3186", shortname = "",},

	"France in Action" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00FF00", shortname = "",},

	"Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#4169E1", shortname = "",},

	"Frauen Macht Politik!" = {abbrev = "FraP!", color = "#F49BC2", shortname = "",},

	"Free (Spain)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#122E5D", shortname = "",},

	"Free and Equal (Italy)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#C72837", shortname = "Free and Equal",},

	"Free and Solidary" = {abbrev = "WiS", color = "#ED082C", shortname = "",},

	"Free Bloc" = {abbrev = "", color = "#CD161D", shortname = "",},

	"Free Bolivia Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#BDB76B", shortname = "",},

	"Free Cause Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#009C43", shortname = "",},

	"Free Centre" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0058D5", shortname = "",},

	"Free Conservative Party" = {abbrev = "DRP", color = "#00C0ff", shortname = "",},

	"Free Conservatives" = {abbrev = "", color = "#556B2F", shortname = "",},

	"Free Democratic Movement" = {abbrev = "FDM", color = "#E4C166", shortname = "",},

	"Free Democratic Party" = {abbrev = "FDP", color = "", shortname = "",},

	"Free Democratic Party (Germany)" = {abbrev = "FDP", color = "#FFED00", shortname = "",},

	"Free Democratic Party of Switzerland" = {abbrev = "", color = "#007AD2", shortname = "Free Democrats",},

	"Free Democrats (Armenia)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#003399", shortname = "",},

	"Free Democrats (Georgia)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#003083", shortname = "",},

	"Free Democrats (South Africa)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#E59194", shortname = "FREE DEMS",},

	"Free Destourian Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC6668", shortname = "",},

	"Free Donbas" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFDD00", shortname = "",},

	"Free Donbass" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FEED01", shortname = "",},

	"Free Education For All" = {abbrev = "FEFA", color = "#0F428E", shortname = "Free Education For All",},

	"Free Egyptians Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#ff0000", shortname = "Free Egyptians",},

	"Free England Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#960018", shortname = "Free England",},

	"Free Fatherland Party (Brazil)" = {abbrev = "PPL", color = "#9ACD32", shortname = "",},

	"Free for the Basque Country" = {abbrev = "", color = "#55B6AD", shortname = "",},

	"Free Forum" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},

	"Free Georgia" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F8A517", shortname = "",},

	"Free German Trade Union Federation" = {abbrev = "", color = "#8b0000", shortname = "",},

	"Free German Workers' Party" = {abbrev = "FAP", color = "red", shortname = "",},

	"Free German Youth" = {abbrev = "", color = "#f0b400", shortname = "",},

	"Free Homeland Party (Brazil)" = {abbrev = "PPL", color = "#165A2E", shortname = "",},

	"Free List (Liechtenstein)" = {abbrev = "FL", color = "#2C8A4E", shortname = "",},

	"Free List of Farmers, the Middle Class and Workers" = {abbrev = "", color = "#BDD79A", shortname = "",},

	"Free-minded National Association" = {abbrev = "", color = "#006AB3", shortname = "Free-minded",},

	"Free Murcia" = {abbrev = "", color = "#21ADEA", shortname = "",},

	"Free Motherland - UCA Alliance" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFA500", shortname = "Free Motherland - UCA",},

	"Free Motherland" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFA500", shortname = "",},

	"Free National Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#d2232a", shortname = "FNM",},

	"Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum" = {abbrev = "FNRF", color = "#2F72B9", shortname = "",},

	"Free Palestine Party" = {abbrev = "FPP", color = "#F76631", shortname = "",},

	"Free Party of Luxembourg" = {abbrev = "", color = "grey", shortname = "",},

	"Free Party Canada" = {abbrev = "", color = "#D7AC2C", shortname = "",},

	"Free Party Come To Your Senses" = {abbrev = "VAP", color = "#007FBE", shortname = "",},

	"Free Party Salzburg" = {abbrev = "FPS", color = "#0057B5", shortname = "",},

	"Free Patriotic Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F78F1E", shortname = "",},

	"Free Patriotic Union" = {abbrev = "UPL", color = "DarkRed", shortname = "",},

	"Free People's Party (Germany)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFED00", shortname = "",},

	"Free People's Party (Thailand)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#D8CBBA", shortname = "Free People's",},

	"Free Peru" = {abbrev = "", color = "#C00A0A", shortname = "",},

	"Free Sicilians" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},

	"Free Social Constitutional Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "black", shortname = "",},

	"Free Social Democrats" = {abbrev = "", color = "#f57269", shortname = "",},

	"Free Soil Party" = {abbrev = "FS", color = "#CCCC66", shortname = "Free Soil",},

	"Free Taiwan Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#E04155", shortname = "",},

	"Free Thai Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0800", shortname = "",},

	"Free Trade Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD425", shortname = "Free Trade",},

	"Free Trade" = {abbrev = "", color = "lightblue", shortname = "",},

	"Free Trader" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFDD", shortname = "",},

	"Free Voters" = {abbrev = "FW", color = "#F7A800", shortname = "",},

	"Free-minded Liberal Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#808080", shortname = "Free-minded Liberal",},

	"Free-minded People's Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#64b2ff", shortname = "Free-minded People's",},

	"Free-minded People's Party (Germany)" = {abbrev = "FVP", color = "#FFD800", shortname = "",},

	"Free-minded Union" = {abbrev = "", color = "#EEDC82", shortname = "",},

	"Free-thinking Democratic League" = {abbrev = "VDB", color = "#8EC3FF", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Alliance (Finland)" = {abbrev = "VL", color = "#efc454", shortname = "Freedom Alliance",},

	"Freedom Alliance (UK)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC1280", shortname = "Freedom Alliance",},

	"Freedom Alliance Party (Fiji)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Alliance Party of Liberia" = {abbrev = "FAPL", color = "#f1b639", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom and Direct Democracy" = {abbrev = "SPD", color = "#2175BB", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom and Equality" = {abbrev = "WiR", color = "#FECC2F", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom and Justice Party (Algeria)" = {abbrev = "FJD", color = "#F68700", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom and Justice Party (Bolivia)" = {abbrev = "LyJ", color = "#EAFF33", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom and Justice Party (Egypt)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#A7CF40", shortname = "Freedom and Justice",},

	"Freedom and Justice" = {abbrev = "LT", color = "#FBBA00", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom and Reform Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#52CBF7", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom and Solidarity" = {abbrev = "SaS", color = "#a7cf35", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom and Solidarity (2023)" = {abbrev = "SaS", color = "#74fd00", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom and Solidarity Party" = {abbrev = "ÖDP", color = "#0069B4", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Conservative Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Front" = {abbrev = "VF", color = "#FF6600", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Front Plus" = {abbrev = "VF+", color = "#FF6600", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Movement (New Zealand)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#A52A2A", shortname = "Freedom Movement",},

	"Freedom Movement (Slovenia)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#005DA3", shortname = "Svoboda",},

	"Freedom Movement for the Maubere People" = {abbrev = "MLPM", color = "#66CBFF", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Movement of Iran" = {abbrev = "FMI", color = "#02BC00", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Now Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "Orange", shortname = "Freedom Now",},

	"Freedom Party (Armenia)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00194C", shortname = "Freedom",},

	"Freedom Party (Ecuador)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#1E90FF", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Party (Egypt)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "Freedom",},

	"Freedom Party (Indonesia)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#008795", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Party (Lithuania)" = {abbrev = "LP", color = "#F6005E", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Party (Slovakia)" = {abbrev = "SS", color = "#1A809A", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Party (South Africa)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#AE954C", shortname = "Freedom",},

	"Freedom Party (United Kingdom)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#545AA7", shortname = "Freedom (UK)",},

	"Freedom Party in Carinthia" = {abbrev = "FPK", color = "#176FC1", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Party of Albania" = {abbrev = "PL", color = "#D51920", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Party of Austria" = {abbrev = "FPÖ", color = "#0056A2", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Party of Switzerland" = {abbrev = "", color = "#8D1919", shortname = "Freedom",},

	"Freedom Party of Victoria" = {abbrev = "FPV", color = "#9E0000", shortname = "Freedom",},

	"Freedom Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F6005E", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom People's Alliance" = {abbrev = "FPA", color = "#FFA500", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom People's Congress" = {abbrev = "FPС", color = "#23459E", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Socialist Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#e21b39", shortname = "Freedom Socialist",},

	"Freedom Union – Democratic Union" = {abbrev = "US–DEU", color = "#228b22", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom Union (Poland)" = {abbrev = "UW", color = "#2666AE", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF5000", shortname = "",},

	"Freedom (electoral list)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#075271", shortname = "Freedom",},

	"Freedoms and Social Justice" = {abbrev = "LJS", color = "#04b7ac", shortname = "",},

	"Freedoms New Zealand" = {abbrev = "", color = "#95278A", shortname = "Freedoms NZ",},

	"Freemen of the South Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},

	"Freeminded Co-operation" = {abbrev = "", color = "#52BDEC", shortname = "Freeminded Co-op",},

	"Freeholder Party of the Czech Republic" = {abbrev = "SsČR", color = "#cdb649", shortname = "",},

	"Freethinkers' Party" = {abbrev = "KE", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},

	"Freethinkers' Pinnacle Party" = {abbrev = "FPP", color = "#FDBB30", shortname = "",},

	"FreeZim Congress" = {abbrev = "", color = "#365FAE", shortname = "",},

	"Freixes Independent Group" = {abbrev = "", color = "#D9951C", shortname = "",},

	"FRELIMO" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DA251C", shortname = "",},

	"French Communist Party" = {abbrev = "PCF", color = "#E4002A", shortname = "",},

	"French Future" = {abbrev = "LAF", color = "#154778", shortname = "",},

	"French Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#6495ED", shortname = "",},

	"French Popular Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},

	"French Section of the Workers' International" = {abbrev = "SFIO", color = "#F0001C", shortname = "",},

	"Frente de Todos" = {abbrev = "FdT", color = "#36B1EA", shortname = "",},

	"Frente Despertar" = {abbrev = "", color = "#54AFE6", shortname = "",},

	"Frente Patria Grande" = {abbrev = "", color = "#199ed8", shortname = "",},

	"Frenti-Mudança" = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffff00", shortname = "",},

	"FREPASO" = {abbrev = "", color = "#A349A4", shortname = "",},

	"Fretilin" = {abbrev = "", color = "#E70014", shortname = "",},

	"Friend Melanesian Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#87B7ED", shortname = "Friend Melanesian",},

	"Friends of Beer Party" = {abbrev = "SPP", color = "gold", shortname = "",},

	"Friendship Association" = {abbrev = "AAAH", color = "pink", shortname = "Friendship",},

	"Friendship Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC241f", shortname = "",},

	"Frisian National Party" = {abbrev = "FNP", color = "#e40134", shortname = "",},

	"Friuli Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "gold", shortname = "",},

	"From Five" = {abbrev = "", color = "#174658", shortname = "",},

	"Front for Democracy" = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "Front",},

	"Front for Democracy in Burundi–Nyakuri" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},

	"Front for Democracy in Burundi" = {abbrev = "FRODEBU", color = "#03C03C", shortname = "",},

	"Front for Socialism and Democracy/Benno Jubël" = {abbrev = "", color = "#54AA3D", shortname = "",},

	"Front for the Defence of Constitutional Institutions" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "",},

	"Front for the National Salvation of Cameroon" = {abbrev = "FSNC", color = "#685f5A", shortname = "",},

	"Front for the Renewal of Concord" = {abbrev = "FRCS", color = "#ADD8E6", shortname = "",},

	"Front for the Restoration of Unity and Democracy" = {abbrev = "FRUD", color = "#318CE7", shortname = "",},

	"Front for Victory (Beni)" = {abbrev = "", color = "LightBlue", shortname = "Front for Victory",},

	"Front for Victory (Bolivia)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#05654A", shortname = "",},

	"Front for Victory" = {abbrev = "FPV-PJ", color = "#75AADB", shortname = "",},

	"Front for Workers' Unity" = {abbrev = "", color = "#C00D0D", shortname = "",},

	"Front for Change (Ukraine)" = {abbrev = "FFC", color = "#808000", shortname = "",},

	"Front for Change/Social Pole" = {abbrev = "FC/PS", color = "#FF9900", shortname = "",},

	"Front Line (political party)" = {abbrev = "PG", color = "black", shortname = "",},

	"Front National (South Africa)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DD1A3F", shortname = "",},

	"Front Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},

	"Front of Democratic Forces" = {abbrev = "", color = "#95954D", shortname = "",},

	"Front of Followers of the Line of the Imam and the Leader" = {abbrev = "FFLIL", color = "#FFA500", shortname = "",},

	"Front of Hope 2021" = {abbrev = "", color = "#67BD50", shortname = "",},

	"Front of Islamic Revolution Stability" = {abbrev = "FIRS", color = "#B0C4DE", shortname = "",},

	"Front of Socialist Unity and Democracy" = {abbrev = "FDUS", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "",},

	"Front of National Unity" = {abbrev = "FJN - PZPR", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},

	"Front Patriotique Rodrigues" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},

	"Front Solidarité Mauricien" = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},

	"Frontier Alliance Party" = {abbrev = "FAP", color = "#085E0A", shortname = "",},

	"Frontera Union" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F47B20", shortname = "",},

	"Frontline Socialist Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#D0180D", shortname = "",},

	"Frontpartij" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "Frontpartij",},

	"Fu Cheong Estate Residents' Association" = {abbrev = "FCERA", color = "#65b2b3", shortname = "",},

	"Fu Sun Generation" = {abbrev = "", color = "#20ABAD", shortname = "",},

	"Fueguian People's Movement" = {abbrev = "MOPOF", color = "#00008B", shortname = "",},

	"Fuerteventura Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#4EBE2E", shortname = "",},

	"Fuerza (political party)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#1F3160", shortname = "",},

	"Fuerza Ecuador" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},

	"Fuerza por México" = {abbrev = "", color = "#EC63A2", shortname = "",},

	"Fuerza y Corazón por México" = {abbrev = "", color = "#C71585", shortname = "",},

	"Fuerza Zamboanga" = {abbrev = "", color = "Navy", shortname = "",},

	"FUNCINPEC" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FDD017", shortname = "FUNCINPEC",},

	"FUNECO" = {abbrev = "", color = "#3A1E0A", shortname = "",},

	"Fusion of Haitian Social Democrats" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFF001", shortname = "",},

	"Fusion Party (Australia)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#C926F2", shortname = "Fusion",},

	"Fusion Party (South Dakota)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#79CDCD", shortname = "Fusion",},

	"Fusion Party (US)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#79CDCD", shortname = "Fusion",},

	"Future" = {abbrev = "", color = "#002E68", shortname = "",},

	"Future and Freedom" = {abbrev = "", color = "#1C39BB", shortname = "",},

	"Future Australia Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0099AA", shortname = "",},

	"Future Change Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#09155F", shortname = "Future Change",},

	"Future Democratic Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00A7E6", shortname = "",},

	"Future for Finnmark" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFB4CD", shortname = "",},

	"Future Forward Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F47933", shortname = "Future Forward",},

	"Future Front" = {abbrev = "", color = "#3CB371", shortname = "",},

	"Future Hope Alliance" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0065B3", shortname = "Future Hope",},

	"Future Korea Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#EF426F", shortname = "Future Korea",},

	"Future Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#3682D8", shortname = "Future",},

	"Future New Zealand (Dunne)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#6091FC", shortname = "Future",},

	"Future of Åland" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FAA61A", shortname = "",},

	"Future of the Congo" = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE156B", shortname = "",},

	"Future of Russia–New Names" = {abbrev = "BRNI", color = "#49A6ED", shortname = "",},

	"Future Party - reformists" = {abbrev = "", color = "#ff9c00", shortname = "",},

	"Future Party (Turkey)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#2DB34A", shortname = "",},

	"Future Republic" = {abbrev = "RF", color = "#223968", shortname = "",},

	"Future Together" = {abbrev = "AE", color = "#00CCCC", shortname = "",},

	"Future with Confidence" = {abbrev = "AEC", color = "#1170C1", shortname = "",},


return {

	full = full,

	alternate = alternate,
