Permanently protected module
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-- Constant data used by [[Module:Political party]]

local alternate = {

	"EA–PNV" = "Eusko Alkartasuna",

	"Ecologist" = "Miscellaneous ecologist",

	"Ecologists" = "Miscellaneous ecologist",

	"Ecological List for the North" = "The Greens (Luxembourg)",

	"Ecological Party the Greens (Finland)" = "Kirjava ”Puolue” – Elonkehän Puolesta",

	"Ecological Uprising (Serbia)" = "Ecological Uprising",

	"Ecologist Alternative of Catalonia" = "The Greens–The Ecologist Alternative",

	"Ecologist Party (France)" = "Ecologist Party",

	"Ecologist Party of Catalonia" = "VERDE",

	"Ecology Party (UK)" = "Ecology Party",

	"Ecology Party of Ireland" = "Green Party (Ireland)",

	"Ecuador's Force" = "Fuerza Ecuador",

	"Ecuadorian Socialist Party" = "Socialist Party – Broad Front of Ecuador",

	"Edelweiss (Aosta Valley)" = "Edelweiss (political party)",

	"Eelavar Democratic Front" = "Eelam Revolutionary Organisation of Students",

	"Egyptian Wafd Party" = "New Wafd Party",

	"Eirigi" = "Éirígí",

	"El Insaf" = "Equity Party (Mauritania)",

	"El Ravah" = "Ravah Party",

	"Electoral Bloc of Communists and Socialists" = "Bloc of Communists and Socialists",

	"Electoral Front United People" = "United People Alliance",

	"Electoral Union (Macau)" = "Association for the Defense of Macau Interests",

	"Elkarrekin Podemos" = "Unidas Podemos",

	"Employees Association Joint Candidature Commission" = "Federation of Employees Associations",

	"En Común" = "Galicia en Común",

	"En Marche!" = "La République En Marche!",

	"English Democrat" = "English Democrats",

	"English Democrats Party" = "English Democrats",

	"Ensemble" = "Together (coalition)",

	"Ensemble Citoyens" = "Together (coalition)",

	"Ensemble – Movement for a Leftist, Ecologist, and Solidary Alternative" = "Ensemble!",

	"Entesa Nacionalista i Ecologista" = "Entesa d'Eivissa",

	"Epsom and Ewell Residents Association" = "Residents Associations of Epsom and Ewell",

	"Esquerra de Menorca" = "United Left (Spain)",

	"Esquerra Unida–L'Entesa" = "United Left (Spain)",

	"Estonian Christian People's Party" = "Party of Estonian Christian Democrats",

	"Estonian Country People's Party" = "People's Union of Estonia",

	"Estonian Free Party (2024)" = "Free Party Come To Your Senses",

	"Estonian Future Party" = "Estonian Independence Party",

	"Estonian Party of the Future" = "Estonian Party for the Future",

	"Estonian Social Democratic Labour Party" = "Estonian Left Party",

	"Estonian United People's Party" = "Constitution Party (Estonia)",

	"Europe – Democracy – Esperanto" = "Europe–Democracy–Esperanto",

	"Europe Écologie–The Greens" = "Europe Ecology – The Greens",

	"Europe Écologie" = "Europe Ecology – The Greens",

	"Europe Ecology - The Greens" = "Europe Ecology – The Greens",

	"Europe Ecology" = "Europe Ecology – The Greens",

	"Europe of Democracies and" = "Europe of Democracies and Diversities",

	"Europe of the Peoples (2004)" = "Europe of the Peoples",

	"Europe of the Peoples–Greens" = "Europe of the Peoples",

	"European Coalition (1999)" = "European Coalition",

	"European Coalition (2004)" = "European Coalition",

	"European Democracy (Cyprus)" = "European Party (Cyprus)",

	"European Greens–European Free Alliance" = "Greens–European Free Alliance",

	"European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party Group" = "European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party",

	"European People's Party (European Parliament group)" = "European People's Party Group",

	"European People's Party-European Democrats" = "European People's Party–European Democrats",

	"European People's Party group" = "European People's Party Group",

	"European United Left (1989–93)" = "European United Left–Nordic Green Left",

	"European United Left-Nordic Green Left" = "European United Left–Nordic Green Left",

	"European United Left" = "European United Left–Nordic Green Left",

	"Europeanist Union" = "Nationalist Coalition",

	"EUDemocrats" = "Europeans United for Democracy",

	"Eurosceptics (Latvia)" = "Action Party (Latvia)",

	"Euskal Herria Bildu" = "EH Bildu",

	"EU Withdrawal – Neutral Free Austria" = "Neutral Free Austria Federation",

	"Everybody's Hungary People's Party" = "Everybody's Hungary Movement",

	"Excellent Culture and Sports Union Association" = "Excellent Culture and Sport Union",

	"Executive Country" = "Country Party (Western Australia)",

	"Ezker Anitza" = "United Left (Spain)",

	"Ezker Batua" = "United Left (Spain)",

	"Economic Party of the German Middle Class" = "Reich Party of the German Middle Class",


local full = {

	"Earth Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#013220", shortname = "Earth",},

	"East Devon Alliance" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00acee", shortname = "",},

	"East Dunbartonshire Independent Alliance" = {abbrev = "EDIA", color = "white", shortname = "",},

	"East German Green Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "Green",},

	"East Kilbride Alliance" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},

	"East Kowloon Community" = {abbrev = "", color = "#62AB25", shortname = "",},

	"East Kowloon District Residents' Committee" = {abbrev = "EKDRC", color = "#007034", shortname = "",},

	"East Leeds Independents" = {abbrev = "", color = "#e0c200", shortname = "",},

	"East Yorkshire Independents" = {abbrev = "", color = "#6B3FFE", shortname = "",},

	"Ecijan Force" = {abbrev = "", color = "#66BFD1", shortname = "",},

	"Ecoglasnost" = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},

	"Ecolo–Greens" = {abbrev = "", color = "#689902", shortname = "",},

	"Ecolo" = {abbrev = "", color = "#5aad39", shortname = "",},

	"Ecological and Environmental Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#7FFF00", shortname = "Greens",},

	"Ecological Democratic Party" = {abbrev = "ÖDP", color = "#FF6400", shortname = "",},

	"Ecological Movement of Romania" = {abbrev = "MER", color = "#00753A", shortname = "",},

	"Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan" = {abbrev = "", color = "#32CD32", shortname = "",},

	"Ecological Movement of Venezuela" = {abbrev = "", color = "darkgreen", shortname = "",},

	"Ecological Party of Uzbekistan" = {abbrev = "", color = "#318153", shortname = "Ecological",},

	"Ecological Revolution for the Living" = {abbrev = "REV", color = "#0EADB2", shortname = "",},

	"Ecological Uprising" = {abbrev = "EU", color = "#8DC73F", shortname = "",},

	"Ecologist Green Party (Moldova)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00C000", shortname = "",},

	"Ecologist Green Party of Mexico" = {abbrev = "PVEM", color = "#9AC95E", shortname = "",},

	"Ecologist Greens of Benalmádena" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00752E", shortname = "",},

	"Ecologist Greens" = {abbrev = "OP", color = "yellowgreen", shortname = "",},

	"Ecologist Party (Chile)" = {abbrev = "", color = "yellowgreen", shortname = "Ecologist",},

	"Ecologist Party \"The Greens\"" = {abbrev = "", color = "#2C8028", shortname = "",},

	"Ecologist Party of Mali" = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},

	"Ecologist Party of Romania" = {abbrev = "PER", color = "#00753A", shortname = "",},

	"Ecologist Party" = {abbrev = "PÉ", color = "#77FF77", shortname = "",},

	"Ecologists of Greece" = {abbrev = "OE", color = "green", shortname = "",},

	"Ecology at the Centre" = {abbrev = "ÉAC", color = "#25A538", shortname = "",},

	"Ecology Democracy Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#2CAD53", shortname = "Ecology Democracy",},

	"Ecology Democracy Solidarity" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00c000", shortname = "",},

	"Ecology Generation" = {abbrev = "GE", color = "#69b95a", shortname = "",},

	"Ecology Party of Florida" = {abbrev = "", color = "#ADD8E6", shortname = "Ecology",},

	"Ecology Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "yellowgreen", shortname = "Ecology",},

	"Economic Bloc" = {abbrev = "", color = "#009FE4", shortname = "",},

	"Economic Development Ukraine" = {abbrev = "", color = "#1A9DAA", shortname = "",},

	"Economic Emancipation Forum" = {abbrev = "", color = "#E6A905", shortname = "",},

	"Economic Freedom Fighters" = {abbrev = "EFF", color = "#852A2A", shortname = "",},

	"Economic Freedom Party" = {abbrev = "EFP", color = "#0002C5", shortname = "",},

	"Economic Liberalism and Democratic Action for National Recovery" = {abbrev = "LEADER-Fanilo", color = "#FCDE00", shortname = "",},

	"Economic Party (Germany)" = {abbrev = "WP", color = "#CCAA7A", shortname = "",},

	"Economic Party (Italy)" = {abbrev = "PE", color = "#476DFF", shortname = "",},

	"Economic Reconstruction Union" = {abbrev = "WAV", color = "#D5AC2F", shortname = "",},

	"Economic Synergy" = {abbrev = "", color = "#B0D7F0", shortname = "",},

	"Economic Union (political party)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#8B5A2B", shortname = "",},

	"Economist Party (Thailand)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffffcc", shortname = "Economist",},

	"Economist Party (Thailand, 1975)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F4FF18", shortname = "Economist",},

	"Ecosocialists of the Region of Murcia" = {abbrev = "", color = "#3EA226", shortname = "",},

	"Ecuadorian Radical Liberal Party" = {abbrev = "PLRE", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},

	"Ecuadorian Roldosist Party" = {abbrev = "PRE", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "",},

	"Ecuadorian Union Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC143C", shortname = "",},

	"Edgeley Community Association" = {abbrev = "ECA", color = "#51A2A3", shortname = "Community Association",},

	"EDEK Socialist Party" = {abbrev = "EDEK", color = "#175047", shortname = "",},

	"Edelweiss (political party)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#1989D4", shortname = "",},

	"Education Convergence" = {abbrev = "", color = "#B0D400", shortname = "",},

	"Edward Gierek's Economic Revival Movement" = {abbrev = "ROG", color = "#d73820", shortname = "",},

	"Eelam People's Democratic Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},

	"Eelam People's Revolutionary Liberation Front" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},

	"Eelam Revolutionary Organisation of Students" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},

	"Eguzkilore" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F7CC46", shortname = "",},

	"Egyptian Arab Socialist Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},

	"Egyptian Bloc" = {abbrev = "", color = "#C11B17", shortname = "",},

	"Egyptian Communist Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "darkred", shortname = "",},

	"Egyptian Green Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},

	"Egyptian Islamic Labour Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00A550", shortname = "",},

	"Egyptian Liberal Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#076CA7", shortname = "",},

	"Egyptian Patriotic Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#1b61cc", shortname = "",},

	"Egyptian Popular Current" = {abbrev = "", color = "#119849", shortname = "Popular Current",},

	"Egyptian Social Democratic Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#C40C0A", shortname = "Social Democratic",},

	"EH Bildu" = {abbrev = "", color = "#B5CF18", shortname = "",},

	"EH Bildu (2023)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00AC8E", shortname = "EH Bildu",},

	"Eight-party Alliance" = {abbrev = "", color = "#EAD6EA", shortname = "",},

	"Eivissa pel Canvi" = {abbrev = "", color = "#798444", shortname = "",},

	"Eivissa Sostenible" = {abbrev = "", color = "#6FB098", shortname = "",},

	"Ekpheap Cheat Khmer Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#312C9A", shortname = "",},

	"Ekta Manch" = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "",},

	"Ekta Samaj Party" = {abbrev = "ESP", color = "#BED3D8", shortname = "",},

	"El Fadjr El Djadid" = {abbrev = "EFED", color = "#E85720", shortname = "",},

	"El Ghad" = {abbrev = "", color = "#8AA23E", shortname = "",},

	"El Islah" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0605DD", shortname = "",},

	"El Karama" = {abbrev = "", color = "#4FCB68", shortname = "",},

	"El Moustaqbel" = {abbrev = "", color = "#02AFF3", shortname = "",},

	"El Tıregı" = {abbrev = "", color = "#EF7F1A", shortname = "",},

	"El Vadila" = {abbrev = "", color = "#29A028", shortname = "",},

	"El Wafah/ACD" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD201", shortname = "",},

	"El Wiam" = {abbrev = "", color = "#A5CAE7", shortname = "",},

	"El-Ghad Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#076324", shortname = "",},

	"El-Infitah Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#1EAC08", shortname = "El-Infitah",},

	"ELAM (Cyprus)" = {abbrev = "ELAM", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},

	"Elda Impulsa" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0A284C", shortname = "",},

	"Eldik" = {abbrev = "", color = "#031047", shortname = "",},

	"Election box metadata" = {abbrev = "", color = "#CCCCFF", shortname = "Party name",},

	"Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance" = {abbrev = "LLRA–KŠS", color = "#781323", shortname = "",},

	"Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania" = {abbrev = "LLRA", color = "#781323", shortname = "",},

	"Electoral Alternative Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#34B233", shortname = "",},

	"Electoral Bloc \"Renato Usatîi\"" = {abbrev = "", color = "#005289", shortname = "",},

	"Electoral Bloc Democratic Moldova" = {abbrev = "BEMD", color = "#F8DF00", shortname = "",},

	"Electoral Bloc Motherland" = {abbrev = "", color = "#6A1F0F", shortname = "",},

	"Electoral Organisation of Socialist Workers and Smallholders" = {abbrev = "STPV", color = "#b30000", shortname = "",},

	"Electors' Group for the Disabled and Rare Diseases" = {abbrev = "", color = "#BD1522", shortname = "",},

	"Electronic Democracy Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#045299", shortname = "",},

	"Electronic Voting Assembly" = {abbrev = "", color = "#006563", shortname = "",},

	"Elephant Community" = {abbrev = "CE", color = "#ffef00", shortname = "Elephant",},

	"Eliximos Narón Electores" = {abbrev = "", color = "#761F54", shortname = "",},

	"Els Verds i Mes" = {abbrev = "", color = "#1B8B42", shortname = "",},

	"Elvis Loves Pets Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF00FF", shortname = "Elvis Loves Pets",},

	"Elvis Turns Green Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF00FF", shortname = "Elvis Turns Green",},

	"Empire Free Trade Crusade" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DCDCDC", shortname = "Empire Crusade",},

	"Employees and Wage-Earners Association" = {abbrev = "AEA", color = "#99FF00", shortname = "",},

	"Employment Business Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#65BE00", shortname = "",},

	"Empowering Hong Kong" = {abbrev = "", color = "#450A09", shortname = "Empowering HK",},

	"Empty Spain" = {abbrev = "", color = "#8A2908", shortname = "",},

	"Emtidad Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00607A", shortname = "Emtidad",},

	"En Comú Podem" = {abbrev = "ECP", color = "#AD275C", shortname = "",},

	"En Marea" = {abbrev = "", color = "#1450FF", shortname = "",},

	"En Positiu" = {abbrev = "", color = "#42D17D", shortname = "",},

	"Encartaciones Existe" = {abbrev = "", color = "#81D742", shortname = "",},

	"Encontro Irmandiño" = {abbrev = "", color = "#C70050", shortname = "",},

	"Encuentro por Corrientes" = {abbrev = "ECO", color = "#6EBD46", shortname = "",},

	"Encuentro por Guatemala" = {abbrev = "EG", color = "#8ED201", shortname = "",},

	"Encuentro Vecinal Córdoba" = {abbrev = "EVC", color = "#E76003", shortname = "",},

	"End Austerity - Old Swan Against the Cuts" = {abbrev = "", color = "#ff441b", shortname = "Old Swan Against the Cuts",},

	"Endavant Cerdanya" = {abbrev = "", color = "#D15929", shortname = "",},

	"Endavant" = {abbrev = "", color = "#B84911", shortname = "",},

	"Enele Sopoaga" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "",},

	"Energies for Italy" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FBB917", shortname = "",},

	"Engage Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#22436C", shortname = "",},

	"Engine and Sports Alternative" = {abbrev = "", color = "#527DD6", shortname = "",},

	"Engineers for Universal Suffrage" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0A6C3D", shortname = "",},

	"England Constitution Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "England Constitution",},

	"England First Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#960018", shortname = "England First",},

	"English Constitution Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE142C", shortname = "English Constitution",},

	"English Democrats" = {abbrev = "", color = "#915F6D", shortname = "English Democrat",},

	"English National Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#801818", shortname = "English National",},

	"English Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF8080", shortname = "",},

	"English Radical Alliance" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "English Radical",},

	"Eniaion" = {abbrev = "", color = "#4B9CD3", shortname = "",},

	"Ennahda Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0066CC", shortname = "Ennahda",},

	"Enough is Enough (party)" = {abbrev = "DJB", color = "#FF8200", shortname = "",},

	"Enough is Enough! (Spain)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#C5A03C", shortname = "",},

	"Enragés" = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE2029", shortname = "",},

	"Ens Uneix" = {abbrev = "", color = "#963222", shortname = "",},

	"Ensam Nou Kapav" = {abbrev = "", color = "#008080", shortname = "",},

	"Ensame Nacionalista Astur" = {abbrev = "", color = "#819FF7", shortname = "",},

	"Ensemble!" = {abbrev = "E!", color = "#EE3329", shortname = "",},

	"Entabán" = {abbrev = "", color = "#9A0000", shortname = "",},

	"Entente Jurassienne" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF9999", shortname = "Entente",},

	"Entesa d'Eivissa" = {abbrev = "", color = "#16542B", shortname = "",},

	"Entesa de Ferreries" = {abbrev = "", color = "#CBF515", shortname = "",},

	"Entesa de l'Esquerra de Menorca" = {abbrev = "PSM–EU", color = "#B25710", shortname = "",},

	"Entesa des Mercadal i Fornells" = {abbrev = "", color = "#7CBD57", shortname = "",},

	"Entesa per Mallorca" = {abbrev = "", color = "#531065", shortname = "",},

	"Entesa per Sabadell" = {abbrev = "", color = "#A21A26", shortname = "",},

	"Entre Tod@s Sí Se Puede" = {abbrev = "", color = "#993399", shortname = "",},

	"Entre Veïns Reus" = {abbrev = "", color = "#914B1E", shortname = "",},

	"Entrepreneurs' Party" = {abbrev = "VP", color = "#FF7E00", shortname = "",},

	"Entrepreneurs' Party (Netherlands)" = {abbrev = "OP", color = "#511C4A", shortname = "",},

	"Environment and Development Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#A1845A", shortname = "",},

	"Environmentalist Agrarian Party" = {abbrev = "PAA", color = "#21B330", shortname = "",},

	"Ephraim Union" = {abbrev = "", color = "#333333", shortname = "",},

	"EPIC Ibiza Citizen Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#54A344", shortname = "",},

	"Epping Forest Residents Association" = {abbrev = "", color = "#50C878", shortname = "",},

	"Equal Parenting Alliance" = {abbrev = "", color = "#d3d3d3", shortname = "",},

	"Equal Rights (Latvia)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#2268C1", shortname = "",},

	"Equality Party (Chile)" = {abbrev = "", color = "black", shortname = "Equality",},

	"Equality Party (Thailand)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#2F3981", shortname = "Equality",},

	"Equity Party (Mauritania)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#234D92", shortname = "El Insaf",},

	"Equo" = {abbrev = "", color = "#8ABA18", shortname = "",},

	"Ergue-te" = {abbrev = "", color = "#073B6A", shortname = "",},

	"Eretz Yisrael Shelanu" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},

	"Eritrean People's Liberation Front" = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},

	"Erk Democratic Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#000462", shortname = "",},

	"Errahma" = {abbrev = "", color = "#36A68D", shortname = "",},

	"Errenteria Irabaziz" = {abbrev = "", color = "#7641A4", shortname = "",},

	"Es Ahora Murcia" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00A797", shortname = "",},

	"Escazu's Progressive Yoke" = {abbrev = "YPE", color = "#00A550", shortname = "",},

	"Espazo Común" = {abbrev = "", color = "#047F40", shortname = "",},

	"Espazo Ecosocialista Galego" = {abbrev = "", color = "#5FCB90", shortname = "",},

	"Esperanza por El Cambio" = {abbrev = "", color = "#7A8C2A", shortname = "El Cambio",},

	"Esquerra Oberta Calvià" = {abbrev = "", color = "#C8D502", shortname = "",},

	"Estado Aragonés" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFCC33", shortname = "",},

	"Estat Català" = {abbrev = "", color = "#1E90FF", shortname = "",},

	"Estonia 200" = {abbrev = "E200", color = "#06778D", shortname = "",},

	"Estonia 200 (2021)" = {abbrev = "E200", color = "#2f2a95", shortname = "Estonia 200",},

	"Estonian Biodiversity Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F6AE00", shortname = "",},

	"Estonian Centre Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#007557", shortname = "Centre",},

	"Estonian Centre Party (2023)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#00AA54", shortname = "Centre",},

	"Estonian Coalition Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#f0953a", shortname = "Coalition Party",},

	"Estonian Free Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0086CF", shortname = "Free",},

	"Estonian Greens" = {abbrev = "", color = "#80BB3D", shortname = "Greens",},

	"Estonian Independence Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#6495ED", shortname = "",},

	"Estonian Independent Socialist Workers' Party" = {abbrev = "EISTP", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},

	"Estonian Labour Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "Labour Party",},

	"Estonian Left Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#D33131", shortname = "",},

	"Estonian Nationalists and Conservatives" = {abbrev = "ERK", color = "#C9A218", shortname = "",},

	"Estonian Party for the Future" = {abbrev = "", color = "#204F25", shortname = "",},

	"Estonian People's Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#AEE8A8", shortname = "People's Party",},

	"Estonian Reform Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFE200", shortname = "Reform",},

	"Estonian Social Democratic Workers' Party" = {abbrev = "ESTP", color = "#ff0000", shortname = "",},

	"Estonian Socialist Workers' Party" = {abbrev = "ESTP", color = "", shortname = "",},

	"Estonian United Left Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},

	"Estonian Workers' Party" = {abbrev = "ETP", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},

	"Ethics and Democracy Network" = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},

	"Ethiopian Democratic Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "blue", shortname = "",},

	"Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front" = {abbrev = "EPRDF", color = "#FC1503", shortname = "",},

	"Ethiopian Somali People's Democratic Party" = {abbrev = "ESPDP", color = "red", shortname = "",},

	"Ethnic Minority Party of New Zealand" = {abbrev = "", color = "#80D0DD", shortname = "Ethnic Minority",},

	"Ettajdid Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0557BA", shortname = "Ettajdid",},

	"EU-STOP" = {abbrev = "", color = "white", shortname = "",},

	"EU Exit Party" = {abbrev = "EUAUS", color = "red", shortname = "",},

	"Euro Latino Independent Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#EDAD23", shortname = "",},

	"Euronat" = {abbrev = "", color = "#2E1BA9", shortname = "",},

	"Europa Anders" = {abbrev = "", color = "white", shortname = "",},

	"Europe Ecology – The Greens" = {abbrev = "EELV", color = "#79b41d", shortname = "",},

	"Europe Now!" = {abbrev = "PES!", color = "#F1C851", shortname = "",},

	"Europe of Democracies and Diversities" = {abbrev = "", color = "#f7af20", shortname = "",},

	"Europe of Freedom and Democracy" = {abbrev = "EFD", color = "#24B9B9", shortname = "",},

	"Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy" = {abbrev = "EFDD", color = "#24B9B9", shortname = "",},

	"Europe of Nations and Freedom" = {abbrev = "ENF", color = "#2B3856", shortname = "",},

	"Europe of Sovereign Nations" = {abbrev = "ESN", color = "#13517E", shortname = "",},

	"Europe of the Peoples" = {abbrev = "", color = "#36B42F", shortname = "",},

	"Europe Project (Spain)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#211473", shortname = "",},

	"Europe Transparent" = {abbrev = "ET", color = "#ddffdd", shortname = "",},

	"Europe–Democracy–Esperanto" = {abbrev = "", color = "#7cc03a", shortname = "",},

	"European Alliance for Freedom and Democracy" = {abbrev = "", color = "#026399", shortname = "",},

	"European Alliance for Freedom" = {abbrev = "EAF", color = "#4682B4", shortname = "",},

	"European Anti-Capitalist Left" = {abbrev = "EACL", color = "#f93435", shortname = "",},

	"European Choice" = {abbrev = "", color = "#6495ED", shortname = "",},

	"European Christian Political Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#3356D3", shortname = "",},

	"European Coalition Free Belarus" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0200F9", shortname = "",},

	"European Coalition" = {abbrev = "CE", color = "#32A8D0", shortname = "",},

	"European Coalition (Poland)" = {abbrev = "KE", color = "#009EC5", shortname = "",},

	"European Communist Action" = {abbrev = "ECA", color = "#830000", shortname = "",},

	"European Conservatives and Reformists Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#196CA8", shortname = "",},

	"European Conservatives and Reformists" = {abbrev = "ECR", color = "#196CA8", shortname = "",},

	"European Democratic Alliance" = {abbrev = "EDA", color = "#4F6BA2", shortname = "",},

	"European Democratic and Social Rally" = {abbrev = "RDSE", color = "#022C54", shortname = "",},

	"European Democratic Centre" = {abbrev = "", color = "#3563A8", shortname = "",},

	"European Democratic Party" = {abbrev = "EDP", color = "#F39200", shortname = "",},

	"European Democrats (Georgia)" = {abbrev = "", color = "blue", shortname = "",},

	"European Democrats" = {abbrev = "ED", color = "#3099DB", shortname = "",},

	"European Federalist Party" = {abbrev = "PFE", color = "#FECC06", shortname = "",},

	"European Federalists" = {abbrev = "", color = "blue", shortname = "",},

	"European Free Alliance" = {abbrev = "EFA", color = "#80329b", shortname = "",},

	"European Front" = {abbrev = "", color = "#172041", shortname = "",},

	"European Georgia — Movement for Liberty" = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED2449", shortname = "European Georgia",},

	"European Green Group (Spain)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#009200", shortname = "",},

	"European Green Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#57B45F", shortname = "Green",},

	"European Ibero-American Alliance Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#42046B", shortname = "",},

	"European Justice" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F8DD13", shortname = "",},

	"European Liberal Democrats" = {abbrev = "LDE", color = "#11558E", shortname = "",},

	"European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party" = {abbrev = "ELDR", color = "gold", shortname = "",},

	"European Liberal Democrats and Reformists" = {abbrev = "ELDR", color = "gold", shortname = "",},

	"European Montenegro" = {abbrev = "ECG", color = "red", shortname = "",},

	"European Nation State" = {abbrev = "", color = "#010101", shortname = "",},

	"European National Front" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DA0037", shortname = "",},

	"European Parliament" = {abbrev = "", color = "#303090", shortname = "",},

	"European Party (Cyprus)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#EFBF03", shortname = "European Party",},

	"European Party of Armenia" = {abbrev = "", color = "#003399", shortname = "European",},

	"European Party of Ukraine" = {abbrev = "YePU", color = "#00529b", shortname = "",},

	"European People's Party Group" = {abbrev = "EPP", color = "#3399FF", shortname = "",},

	"European People's Party of Moldova" = {abbrev = "PPEM", color = "#003399", shortname = "",},

	"European People's Party–European Democrats" = {abbrev = "EPP–ED", color = "#0047AB", shortname = "",},

	"European People's Party" = {abbrev = "EPP", color = "#3399FF", shortname = "",},

	"European Pirate Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},

	"European Progressive Democrats" = {abbrev = "EPD", color = "#4F6BA2", shortname = "",},

	"European Radical Alliance" = {abbrev = "ERA", color = "#FFEF00", shortname = "",},

	"European Regions (Serbia)" = {abbrev = "ER", color = "#307A4D", shortname = "",},

	"European Republicans Movement" = {abbrev = "MRE", color = "#008000", shortname = "European Republicans",},

	"European Retirees Social Democratic Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#01CB05", shortname = "",},

	"European Social Democratic Party" = {abbrev = "PSDE", color = "#D93029", shortname = "",},

	"European Social-Democratic Party" = {abbrev = "ESDP", color = "#FFDAB9", shortname = "",},

	"European Socialists (Georgia)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#354C9C", shortname = "European Socialists",},

	"European Solidarity Action Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#43B709", shortname = "",},

	"European Solidarity" = {abbrev = "YeS", color = "#1B3892", shortname = "",},

	"European Spring (Spanish electoral alliance)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#009150", shortname = "",},

	"European Union of Pensioners" = {abbrev = "", color = "#EDCD1F", shortname = "",},

	"European United Left (1989–1993)" = {abbrev = "EUL", color = "#B71C1C", shortname = "",},

	"European United Left (1994–1995)" = {abbrev = "EUL", color = "#B71C1C", shortname = "",},

	"European United Left–Nordic Green Left" = {abbrev = "GUE/NGL", color = "#B71C1C", shortname = "",},

	"European Way Movement" = {abbrev = "PEP", color = "#0B32C8", shortname = "",},

	"European Workers Party" = {abbrev = "EAP", color = "#210084", shortname = "",},

	"European Young Conservatives" = {abbrev = "", color = "#437fe1", shortname = "",},

	"Europeans Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0054a5", shortname = "",},

	"Europeans United for Democracy" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF6633", shortname = "",},

	"Euskadiko Ezkerra" = {abbrev = "EE", color = "#80DF20", shortname = "",},

	"Euskadiko Socialistak Elkartze Indarra" = {abbrev = "", color = "#2E6522", shortname = "",},

	"Euskal Ezkerra" = {abbrev = "", color = "#4EC93B", shortname = "",},

	"Euskal Herritarrok" = {abbrev = "EH", color = "#AD0039", shortname = "",},

	"Euskal Herria Bai" = {abbrev = "EHBai", color = "#01B265", shortname = "",},

	"Eusko Alkartasuna" = {abbrev = "EA", color = "#77AC1C", shortname = "",},

	"Evangelical People's Party (Netherlands)" = {abbrev = "EVP", color = "purple", shortname = "",},

	"Evangelical People's Party of Switzerland" = {abbrev = "", color = "#EFDA18", shortname = "Evangelical People's",},

	"Evangelical Social Action Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#EF1920", shortname = "",},

	"Every Ghanaian Living Everywhere" = {abbrev = "", color = "#e61919", shortname = "",},

	"Everybody (political party)" = {abbrev = "", color = "#009EE2", shortname = "Everybody",},

	"Everybody's Hungary Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#001166", shortname = "",},

	"Everyone for Lanzarote" = {abbrev = "", color = "#5AAE7C", shortname = "",},

	"Everyone for Pontevedra" = {abbrev = "", color = "#F9D800", shortname = "",},

	"Everyone's Front" = {abbrev = "", color = "#009FE3", shortname = "",},

	"Everything for Chile" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFBA3F", shortname = "",},

	"Evita Movement" = {abbrev = "", color = "#194B93", shortname = "",},

	"Evolución (political coalition)" = {abbrev = "", color = "limegreen", shortname = "Evolución",},

	"Evolutionist Party" = {abbrev = "PRE", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "Evolutionist",},

	"Evópoli" = {abbrev = "", color = "#0CB8E6", shortname = "",},

	"Ex-service" = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "",},

	"Excellent Culture and Sport Union" = {abbrev = "", color = "#E53632", shortname = "",},

	"Executives of Construction Party" = {abbrev = "ECP", color = "#e20c23", shortname = "",},

	"Expatriate Party of New Zealand" = {abbrev = "", color = "#10B499", shortname = "Expatriate",},

	"Extremaduran Coalition" = {abbrev = "CEx", color = "#CAD508", shortname = "",},

	"Extremaduran People's Union" = {abbrev = "", color = "#44AF67", shortname = "",},

	"Extremaduran Regional Action" = {abbrev = "", color = "#68B97E", shortname = "",},

	"Extremaduran Regionalist Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#006600", shortname = "",},

	"Extremennist Party" = {abbrev = "", color = "#FBDA1A", shortname = "",},


return {

	full = full,

	alternate = alternate,
