Permanently protected module
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



--                               Configuration for Module:Documentation


-- Here you can set the values of the parameters and messages used in Module:Documentation to

-- localise it to your wiki and your language. Unless specified otherwise, values given here

-- should be string values.


local cfg = {} -- Do not edit this line.


-- Protection template configuration


-- cfg['protection-reason-edit']

-- The protection reason for edit-protected templates to pass to

-- [[Module:Protection banner]].

cfg'protection-reason-edit' = 'template'



-- Sandbox notice configuration


-- On sandbox pages the module can display a template notifying users that the current page is a

-- sandbox, and the location of test cases pages, etc. The module decides whether the page is a

-- sandbox or not based on the value of cfg['sandbox-subpage']. The following settings configure the

-- messages that the notices contains.



-- cfg['sandbox-notice-image']

-- The image displayed in the sandbox notice.

cfg'sandbox-notice-image' = '[[File:Sandbox.svg|50px|alt=|link=]]'


-- cfg['sandbox-notice-pagetype-template']

-- cfg['sandbox-notice-pagetype-module']

-- cfg['sandbox-notice-pagetype-other']

-- The page type of the sandbox page. The message that is displayed depends on the current subject

-- namespace. This message is used in either cfg['sandbox-notice-blurb'] or

-- cfg['sandbox-notice-diff-blurb'].


cfg'sandbox-notice-pagetype-template' = '[[Wikipedia:Template test cases|template sandbox]] page'

cfg'sandbox-notice-pagetype-module' = '[[Wikipedia:Template test cases|module sandbox]] page'

cfg'sandbox-notice-pagetype-other' = 'sandbox page'


-- cfg['sandbox-notice-blurb']

-- cfg['sandbox-notice-diff-blurb']

-- cfg['sandbox-notice-diff-display']

-- Either cfg['sandbox-notice-blurb'] or cfg['sandbox-notice-diff-blurb'] is the opening sentence

-- of the sandbox notice. The latter has a diff link, but the former does not. $1 is the page

-- type, which is either cfg['sandbox-notice-pagetype-template'],

-- cfg['sandbox-notice-pagetype-module'] or cfg['sandbox-notice-pagetype-other'] depending what

-- namespace we are in. $2 is a link to the main template page, and $3 is a diff link between

-- the sandbox and the main template. The display value of the diff link is set by 

-- cfg['sandbox-notice-compare-link-display'].


cfg'sandbox-notice-blurb' = 'This is the $1 for $2.'

cfg'sandbox-notice-diff-blurb' = 'This is the $1 for $2 ($3).'

cfg'sandbox-notice-compare-link-display' = 'diff'


-- cfg['sandbox-notice-testcases-blurb']

-- cfg['sandbox-notice-testcases-link-display']

-- cfg['sandbox-notice-testcases-run-blurb']

-- cfg['sandbox-notice-testcases-run-link-display']

-- cfg['sandbox-notice-testcases-blurb'] is a sentence notifying the user that there is a test cases page

-- corresponding to this sandbox that they can edit. $1 is a link to the test cases page.

-- cfg['sandbox-notice-testcases-link-display'] is the display value for that link.

-- cfg['sandbox-notice-testcases-run-blurb'] is a sentence notifying the user that there is a test cases page

-- corresponding to this sandbox that they can edit, along with a link to run it. $1 is a link to the test

-- cases page, and $2 is a link to the page to run it.

-- cfg['sandbox-notice-testcases-run-link-display'] is the display value for the link to run the test

-- cases.


cfg'sandbox-notice-testcases-blurb' = 'See also the companion subpage for $1.'

cfg'sandbox-notice-testcases-link-display' = 'test cases'

cfg'sandbox-notice-testcases-run-blurb' = 'See also the companion subpage for $1 ($2).'

cfg'sandbox-notice-testcases-run-link-display' = 'run'

-- cfg['sandbox-category'] - A category to add to all template sandboxes.

-- cfg['module-sandbox-category'] - A category to add to all module sandboxes.

-- cfg['module-sandbox-category'] - A category to add to all sandboxe not in templates or modules.

cfg'sandbox-category' = 'Template sandboxes'

cfg'module-sandbox-category' = 'Module sandboxes'

cfg'other-sandbox-category' = 'Sandboxes outside of template or module namespace'


-- Start box configuration


-- cfg['documentation-icon-wikitext']

-- The wikitext for the icon shown at the top of the template.

cfg'documentation-icon-wikitext' = '[[File:Test Template Info-Icon - Version (2).svg|50px|link=|alt=]]'

-- cfg['template-namespace-heading']

-- The heading shown in the template namespace.

cfg'template-namespace-heading' = 'Template documentation'

-- cfg['module-namespace-heading']

-- The heading shown in the module namespace.

cfg'module-namespace-heading' = 'Module documentation'

-- cfg['file-namespace-heading']

-- The heading shown in the file namespace.

cfg'file-namespace-heading' = 'Summary'

-- cfg['other-namespaces-heading']

-- The heading shown in other namespaces.

cfg'other-namespaces-heading' = 'Documentation'

-- cfg['view-link-display']

-- The text to display for "view" links.

cfg'view-link-display' = 'view'

-- cfg['edit-link-display']

-- The text to display for "edit" links.

cfg'edit-link-display' = 'edit'

-- cfg['history-link-display']

-- The text to display for "history" links.

cfg'history-link-display' = 'history'

-- cfg['purge-link-display']

-- The text to display for "purge" links.

cfg'purge-link-display' = 'purge'

-- cfg['create-link-display']

-- The text to display for "create" links.

cfg'create-link-display' = 'create'


-- Link box (end box) configuration


-- cfg['transcluded-from-blurb']

-- Notice displayed when the docs are transcluded from another page. $1 is a wikilink to that page.

cfg'transcluded-from-blurb' = 'The above [[Wikipedia:Template documentation|documentation]] is [[Help:Transclusion|transcluded]] from $1.'


-- cfg['create-module-doc-blurb']

-- Notice displayed in the module namespace when the documentation subpage does not exist.

-- $1 is a link to create the documentation page with the preload cfg['module-preload'] and the

-- display cfg['create-link-display'].


cfg'create-module-doc-blurb' = 'You might want to $1 a documentation page for this [[Wikipedia:Lua|Scribunto module]].'


-- Experiment blurb configuration



-- cfg['experiment-blurb-template']

-- cfg['experiment-blurb-module']

-- The experiment blurb is the text inviting editors to experiment in sandbox and test cases pages.

-- It is only shown in the template and module namespaces. With the default English settings, it

-- might look like this:


-- Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (edit | diff) and testcases (edit) pages.


-- In this example, "sandbox", "edit", "diff", "testcases", and "edit" would all be links.


-- There are two versions, cfg['experiment-blurb-template'] and cfg['experiment-blurb-module'], depending

-- on what namespace we are in.


-- Parameters:


-- $1 is a link to the sandbox page. If the sandbox exists, it is in the following format:


--     cfg['sandbox-link-display'] (cfg['sandbox-edit-link-display'] | cfg['compare-link-display'])


-- If the sandbox doesn't exist, it is in the format:


--     cfg['sandbox-link-display'] (cfg['sandbox-create-link-display'] | cfg['mirror-link-display'])


-- The link for cfg['sandbox-create-link-display'] link preloads the page with cfg['template-sandbox-preload']

-- or cfg['module-sandbox-preload'], depending on the current namespace. The link for cfg['mirror-link-display']

-- loads a default edit summary of cfg['mirror-edit-summary'].


-- $2 is a link to the test cases page. If the test cases page exists, it is in the following format:


--     cfg['testcases-link-display'] (cfg['testcases-edit-link-display'] | cfg['testcases-run-link-display'])


-- If the test cases page doesn't exist, it is in the format:


--     cfg['testcases-link-display'] (cfg['testcases-create-link-display'])


-- If the test cases page doesn't exist, the link for cfg['testcases-create-link-display'] preloads the

-- page with cfg['template-testcases-preload'] or cfg['module-testcases-preload'], depending on the current

-- namespace.


cfg'experiment-blurb-template' = "Editors can experiment in this template's $1 and $2 pages."

cfg'experiment-blurb-module' = "Editors can experiment in this module's $1 and $2 pages."


-- Sandbox link configuration


-- cfg['sandbox-subpage']

-- The name of the template subpage typically used for sandboxes.

cfg'sandbox-subpage' = 'sandbox'

-- cfg['template-sandbox-preload']

-- Preload file for template sandbox pages.

cfg'template-sandbox-preload' = 'Template:Documentation/preload-sandbox'

-- cfg['module-sandbox-preload']

-- Preload file for Lua module sandbox pages.

cfg'module-sandbox-preload' = 'Template:Documentation/preload-module-sandbox'

-- cfg['sandbox-link-display']

-- The text to display for "sandbox" links.

cfg'sandbox-link-display' = 'sandbox'

-- cfg['sandbox-edit-link-display']

-- The text to display for sandbox "edit" links.

cfg'sandbox-edit-link-display' = 'edit'

-- cfg['sandbox-create-link-display']

-- The text to display for sandbox "create" links.

cfg'sandbox-create-link-display' = 'create'

-- cfg['compare-link-display']

-- The text to display for "compare" links.

cfg'compare-link-display' = 'diff'

-- cfg['mirror-edit-summary']

-- The default edit summary to use when a user clicks the "mirror" link. $1 is a wikilink to the

-- template page.

cfg'mirror-edit-summary' = 'Create sandbox version of $1'

-- cfg['mirror-link-display']

-- The text to display for "mirror" links.

cfg'mirror-link-display' = 'mirror'

-- cfg['mirror-link-preload']

-- The page to preload when a user clicks the "mirror" link.

cfg'mirror-link-preload' = 'Template:Documentation/mirror'


-- Test cases link configuration


-- cfg['testcases-subpage']

-- The name of the template subpage typically used for test cases.

cfg'testcases-subpage' = 'testcases'

-- cfg['template-testcases-preload']

-- Preload file for template test cases pages.

cfg'template-testcases-preload' = 'Template:Documentation/preload-testcases'

-- cfg['module-testcases-preload']

-- Preload file for Lua module test cases pages.

cfg'module-testcases-preload' = 'Template:Documentation/preload-module-testcases'

-- cfg['testcases-link-display']

-- The text to display for "testcases" links.

cfg'testcases-link-display' = 'testcases'

-- cfg['testcases-edit-link-display']

-- The text to display for test cases "edit" links.

cfg'testcases-edit-link-display' = 'edit'

-- cfg['testcases-run-link-display']

-- The text to display for test cases "run" links.

cfg'testcases-run-link-display' = 'run'

-- cfg['testcases-create-link-display']

-- The text to display for test cases "create" links.

cfg'testcases-create-link-display' = 'create'


-- Add categories blurb configuration



-- cfg['add-categories-blurb']

-- Text to direct users to add categories to the /doc subpage. Not used if the "content" or

-- "docname fed" arguments are set, as then it is not clear where to add the categories. $1 is a

-- link to the /doc subpage with a display value of cfg['doc-link-display'].


cfg'add-categories-blurb' = 'Add categories to the $1 subpage.'

-- cfg['doc-link-display']

-- The text to display when linking to the /doc subpage.

cfg'doc-link-display' = '/doc'


-- Subpages link configuration



-- cfg['subpages-blurb']

-- The "Subpages of this template" blurb. $1 is a link to the main template's subpages with a

-- display value of cfg['subpages-link-display']. In the English version this blurb is simply

-- the link followed by a period, and the link display provides the actual text.


cfg'subpages-blurb' = '$1.'


-- cfg['subpages-link-display']

-- The text to display for the "subpages of this page" link. $1 is cfg['template-pagetype'],

-- cfg['module-pagetype'] or cfg['default-pagetype'], depending on whether the current page is in

-- the template namespace, the module namespace, or another namespace.


cfg'subpages-link-display' = 'Subpages of this $1'

-- cfg['template-pagetype']

-- The pagetype to display for template pages.

cfg'template-pagetype' = 'template'

-- cfg['module-pagetype']

-- The pagetype to display for Lua module pages.

cfg'module-pagetype' = 'module'

-- cfg['default-pagetype']

-- The pagetype to display for pages other than templates or Lua modules.

cfg'default-pagetype' = 'page'


-- Doc link configuration


-- cfg['doc-subpage']

-- The name of the subpage typically used for documentation pages.

cfg'doc-subpage' = 'doc'

-- cfg['docpage-preload']

-- Preload file for template documentation pages in all namespaces.

cfg'docpage-preload' = 'Template:Documentation/preload'

-- cfg['module-preload']

-- Preload file for Lua module documentation pages.

cfg'module-preload' = 'Template:Documentation/preload-module-doc'


-- HTML and CSS configuration


-- cfg['templatestyles']

-- The name of the TemplateStyles page where CSS is kept.

-- Sandbox CSS will be at Module:Documentation/sandbox/styles.css when needed.

cfg'templatestyles' = 'Module:Documentation/styles.css'

-- cfg['container']

-- Class which can be used to set flex or grid CSS on the

-- two child divs documentation and documentation-metadata

cfg'container' = 'documentation-container'

-- cfg['main-div-classes']

-- Classes added to the main HTML "div" tag.

cfg'main-div-classes' = 'documentation'

-- cfg['main-div-heading-class']

-- Class for the main heading for templates and modules and assoc. talk spaces

cfg'main-div-heading-class' = 'documentation-heading'

-- cfg['start-box-class']

-- Class for the start box

cfg'start-box-class' = 'documentation-startbox'

-- cfg['start-box-link-classes']

-- Classes used for the [view][edit][history] or [create] links in the start box.

-- mw-editsection-like is per [[Wikipedia:Village pump (technical)/Archive 117]]

cfg'start-box-link-classes' = 'mw-editsection-like plainlinks'

-- cfg['end-box-class']

-- Class for the end box.

cfg'end-box-class' = 'documentation-metadata'

-- cfg['end-box-plainlinks']

-- Plainlinks

cfg'end-box-plainlinks' = 'plainlinks'

-- cfg['toolbar-class']

-- Class added for toolbar links.

cfg'toolbar-class' = 'documentation-toolbar'

-- cfg['clear']

-- Just used to clear things.

cfg'clear' = 'documentation-clear'


-- Tracking category configuration


-- cfg['display-strange-usage-category']

-- Set to true to enable output of cfg['strange-usage-category'] if the module is used on a /doc subpage

-- or a /testcases subpage. This should be a boolean value (either true or false).

cfg'display-strange-usage-category' = true

-- cfg['strange-usage-category']

-- Category to output if cfg['display-strange-usage-category'] is set to true and the module is used on a

-- /doc subpage or a /testcases subpage.

cfg'strange-usage-category' = 'Wikipedia pages with strange ((documentation)) usage'



-- End configuration


-- Don't edit anything below this line.



return cfg