Permanently protected module
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-- This is the data page for [[Module:Convert character width]].

-- TODO: There are quite a few missing characters. See [[Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (Unicode block)]] for the full list.

local convert = {

    " " = " ",

    "!" = "!",

    '"' = '"',

    '#' = '#',

    '$' = '$',

    '\%' = '%', -- This needs to be escaped, otherwise it generates invalid pattern matches.

    '&' = '&',

    "'" = "'",

    '(' = '(',

    ')' = ')',

    '*' = '*',

    '+' = '+',

    ',' = ',',

    '-' = '-',

    '.' = '.',

    '/' = '/',

    '0' = '0',

    '1' = '1',

    '2' = '2',

    '3' = '3',

    '4' = '4',

    '5' = '5',

    '6' = '6',

    '7' = '7',

    '8' = '8',

    '9' = '9',

    ':' = ':',

    ';' = ';',

    '<' = '<',

    '=' = '=',

    '>' = '>',

    '?' = '?',

    '@' = '@',

    'A' = 'A',

    'B' = 'B',

    'C' = 'C',

    'D' = 'D',

    'E' = 'E',

    'F' = 'F',

    'G' = 'G',

    'H' = 'H',

    'I' = 'I',

    'J' = 'J',

    'K' = 'K',

    'L' = 'L',

    'M' = 'M',

    'N' = 'N',

    'O' = 'O',

    'P' = 'P',

    'Q' = 'Q',

    'R' = 'R',

    'S' = 'S',

    'T' = 'T',

    'U' = 'U',

    'V' = 'V',

    'W' = 'W',

    'X' = 'X',

    'Y' = 'Y',

    'Z' = 'Z',

    '[' = '[',

     [[\]]  = '\',

    ']' = ']',

    '^' = '^',

    '_' = '_',

    '`' = '`',

    'a' = 'a',

    'b' = 'b',

    'c' = 'c',

    'd' = 'd',

    'e' = 'e',

    'f' = 'f',

    'g' = 'g',

    'h' = 'h',

    'i' = 'i',

    'j' = 'j',

    'k' = 'k',

    'l' = 'l',

    'm' = 'm',

    'n' = 'n',

    'o' = 'o',

    'p' = 'p',

    'q' = 'q',

    'r' = 'r',

    's' = 's',

    't' = 't',

    'u' = 'u',

    'v' = 'v',

    'w' = 'w',

    'x' = 'x',

    'y' = 'y',

    'z' = 'z',

    '{' = '{',

    '|' = '|',

    '}' = '}',

    '~' = '~',


    -- TODO: The following need to be converted to the correct characters.

    [''] = '⦅',

    [''] = '⦆',

    [''] = '。',

    [''] = '「',

    [''] = '」',

    [''] = '、',

    [''] = '・',


    'ヲ' = 'ヲ',

    'ァ' = 'ァ',

    'ィ' = 'ィ',

    'ゥ' = 'ゥ',

    'ェ' = 'ェ',

    'ォ' = 'ォ',

    'ャ' = 'ャ',

    'ュ' = 'ュ',

    'ョ' = 'ョ',

    'ッ' = 'ッ',

    'ー' = 'ー',

    'ア' = 'ア',

    'イ' = 'イ',

    'ウ' = 'ウ',

    'エ' = 'エ',

    'オ' = 'オ',

    'カ' = 'カ',

    'キ' = 'キ',

    'ク' = 'ク',

    'ケ' = 'ケ',

    'コ' = 'コ',

    'サ' = 'サ',

    'シ' = 'シ',

    'ス' = 'ス',

    'セ' = 'セ',

    'ソ' = 'ソ',

    'タ' = 'タ',

    'チ' = 'チ',

    'ツ' = 'ツ',

    'テ' = 'テ',

    'ト' = 'ト',

    'ナ' = 'ナ',

    'ニ' = 'ニ',

    'ヌ' = 'ヌ',

    'ネ' = 'ネ',

    'ノ' = 'ノ',

    'ハ' = 'ハ',

    'ヒ' = 'ヒ',

    'フ' = 'フ',

    'ヘ' = 'ヘ',

    'ホ' = 'ホ',

    'マ' = 'マ',

    'ミ' = 'ミ',

    'ム' = 'ム',

    'メ' = 'メ',

    'モ' = 'モ',

    'ヤ' = 'ヤ',

    'ユ' = 'ユ',

    'ヨ' = 'ヨ',

    'ラ' = 'ラ',

    'リ' = 'リ',

    'ル' = 'ル',

    'レ' = 'レ',

    'ロ' = 'ロ',

    'ワ' = 'ワ',

    'ン' = 'ン'


return convert