Permanently protected module
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-- This module converts support characters from half-width to full-width, and vice versa.

-- See [[Halfwidth and fullwidth forms]] for an explanation of half- and full-width characters.

-- @todo FIXME: Needs more characters adding, needs support for diacritic marks.

local data = mw.loadData( 'Module:Convert character width/data' )

local p = {}

-- Converts one half-width character to one full-width character.

local function getFull( s )

    return data s  or s


-- Converts one full-width character to one half-width character.

local function getHalf( s )

    for half, full in pairs( data ) do

        if s == full then

            return half



    return s


-- Converts multiple half-width characters to full-width characters.

function p.full( frame )

    local s = type( frame ) == 'table' and frame.args and frame.args 1  or frame

    s = type( s ) == 'number' and tostring( s ) or s

    if type( s ) ~= 'string' then return end

    return ( mw.ustring.gsub( s, '.', getFull ) )


-- Converts multiple full-width characters to half-width characters.

function p.half( frame )

    local s = type( frame ) == 'table' and frame.args and frame.args 1  or frame

    s = type( s ) == 'number' and tostring( s ) or s

    if type( s ) ~= 'string' then return end

    return ( mw.ustring.gsub( s, '.', getHalf ) )


return p