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-- This is the data for Module:Ancient Olympiads. 

-- It stores the number and the first year of the Olympiad and the name of the victor in the stadion race with a link to his Wikipedia article.


return {


        numberOl = '1st',

        yearBC = '776 BC',

        year = -  776,

        winner = 'Coroebus of Elis'



        numberOl = '2nd',

        yearBC = '772 BC',

        year = - 772,

        winner = 'Antimachus of Elis'



        numberOl = '3rd',

        yearBC = '768 BC',

        year = - 768,

        winner = 'Androclus of Messenia'



        numberOl = '4th',

        yearBC = '764 BC',

        year = - 764,

        winner = 'Polychares of Messenia'



        numberOl = '5th',

        yearBC = '760 BC',

        year = - 760,

        winner = 'Aeschines of Elis'



        numberOl = '6th',

        yearBC = '756 BC',

        year = - 756,

        winner = 'Oebotas of Dyme'



        numberOl = '7th',

        yearBC = '752 BC',

        year = - 752,

        winner = 'Diocles of Messenia'



        numberOl = '8th',

        yearBC = '748 BC',

        year = - 748,

        winner = 'Anticles of Messenia'



        numberOl = '9th',

        yearBC = '744 BC',

        year = - 744,

        winner = 'Xenocles of Messenia'



        numberOl = '10th',

        yearBC = '740 BC',

        year = - 740,

        winner = 'Dotades of Messenia'



        numberOl = '11th',

        yearBC = '736 BC',

        year = - 736,

        winner = 'Leochares of Messenia'



        numberOl = '12th',

        yearBC = '732 BC',

        year = - 732,

        winner = 'Oxythemis of Coroneia'



        numberOl = '13th',

        yearBC = '728 BC',

        year = - 728,

        winner = 'Diocles of Corinth'



        numberOl = '14th',

        yearBC = '724 BC',

        year = - 724,

        winner = 'Desmon of Corinth'



        numberOl = '15th',

        yearBC = '720 BC',

        year = - 720,

        winner = 'Orsippus of Megara'



        numberOl = '16th',

        yearBC = '716 BC',

        year = - 716,

        winner = 'Pythagoras of Laconia'



        numberOl = '17th',

        yearBC = '712 BC',

        year = - 712,

        winner = 'Polus of Epidaurus'



        numberOl = '18th',

        yearBC = '708 BC',

        year = - 708,

        winner = 'Tellis of Sicyon'



        numberOl = '19th',

        yearBC = '704 BC',

        year = - 704,

        winner = 'Menus of Megara'



        numberOl = '20th',

        yearBC = '700 BC',

        year = - 700,

        winner = 'Atheradas of Laconia'



        numberOl = '21st',

        yearBC = '696 BC',

        year = - 696,

        winner = 'Pantacles of Athens'



        numberOl = '22nd',

        yearBC = '692 BC',

        year = - 692,

        winner = 'Pantacles of Athens'



        numberOl = '23rd',

        yearBC = '688 BC',

        year = - 688,

        winner = 'Icarius of Hyperesia'



        numberOl = '24th',

        yearBC = '684 BC',

        year = - 684,

        winner = 'Cleoptolemus of Laconia'



        numberOl = '25th',

        yearBC = '680 BC',

        year = - 680,

        winner = 'Thalpis of Laconia'



        numberOl = '26th',

        yearBC = '676 BC',

        year = - 676,

        winner = 'Callisthenes of Laconia'



        numberOl = '27th',

        yearBC = '672 BC',

        year = - 672,

        winner = 'Eurybus of Athens'



        numberOl = '28th',

        yearBC = '668 BC',

        year = - 668,

        winner = 'Charmis of Laconia'



        numberOl = '29th',

        yearBC = '664 BC',

        year = - 664,

        winner = 'Chionis of Laconia'



        numberOl = '30th',

        yearBC = '660 BC',

        year = - 660,

        winner = 'Chionis of Laconia'



        numberOl = '31st',

        yearBC = '656 BC',

        year = - 656,

        winner = 'Chionis of Laconia'



        numberOl = '32nd',

        yearBC = '652 BC',

        year = - 652,

        winner = 'Cratinus of Megara'



        numberOl = '33rd',

        yearBC = '648 BC',

        year = - 648,

        winner = 'Gylis of Laconia'



        numberOl = '34th',

        yearBC = '644 BC',

        year = - 644,

        winner = 'Stomas of Athens'



        numberOl = '35th',

        yearBC = '640 BC',

        year = - 640,

        winner = 'Sphaerus of Laconia'



        numberOl = '36th',

        yearBC = '636 BC',

        year = - 636,

        winner = 'Phrynon of Athens'



        numberOl = '37th',

        yearBC = '632 BC',

        year = - 632,

        winner = 'Eurycleidas of Laconia'



        numberOl = '38th',

        yearBC = '628 BC',

        year = - 628,

        winner = 'Olyntheus of Laconia'



        numberOl = '39th',

        yearBC = '624 BC',

        year = - 624,

        winner = 'Rhipsolaus of Laconia'



        numberOl = '40th',

        yearBC = '620 BC',

        year = - 620,

        winner = 'Olyntheus of Laconia'



        numberOl = '41st',

        yearBC = '616 BC',

        year = - 616,

        winner = 'Cleondas of Thebes'



        numberOl = '42nd',

        yearBC = '612 BC',

        year = - 612,

        winner = 'Lycotas of Laconia'



        numberOl = '43rd',

        yearBC = '608 BC',

        year = - 608,

        winner = 'Cleon of Epidaurus'



        numberOl = '44th',

        yearBC = '604 BC',

        year = - 604,

        winner = 'Gelon of Laconia'



        numberOl = '45th',

        yearBC = '600 BC',

        year = - 600,

        winner = 'Anticrates of Epidaurus'



        numberOl = '46th',

        yearBC = '596 BC',

        year = - 596,

        winner = 'Chrysamaxus of Laconia'



        numberOl = '47th',

        yearBC = '592 BC',

        year = - 592,

        winner = 'Eurycles of Laconia'



        numberOl = '48th',

        yearBC = '588 BC',

        year = - 588,

        winner = 'Glycon of Croton'



        numberOl = '49th',

        yearBC = '584 BC',

        year = - 584,

        winner = 'Lycinus of Croton'



        numberOl = '50th',

        yearBC = '580 BC',

        year = - 580,

        winner = 'Epitelidas of Laconia'



        numberOl = '51st',

        yearBC = '576 BC',

        year = - 576,

        winner = 'Eratosthenes of Croton'



        numberOl = '52nd',

        yearBC = '572 BC',

        year = - 572,

        winner = 'Agis of Elis'



        numberOl = '53rd',

        yearBC = '568 BC',

        year = - 568,

        winner = 'Hagnon of Peparethus'



        numberOl = '54th',

        yearBC = '564 BC',

        year = - 564,

        winner = 'Hippostratus of Croton'



        numberOl = '55th',

        yearBC = '560 BC',

        year = - 560,

        winner = 'Hippostratus of Croton'



        numberOl = '56th',

        yearBC = '556 BC',

        year = - 556,

        winner = 'Phaedrus of Pharsalus'



        numberOl = '57th',

        yearBC = '552 BC',

        year = - 552,

        winner = 'Ladromus of Laconia'



        numberOl = '58th',

        yearBC = '548 BC',

        year = - 548,

        winner = 'Diognetus of Croton'



        numberOl = '59th',

        yearBC = '544 BC',

        year = - 544,

        winner = 'Archilochus of Corcyra'



        numberOl = '60th',

        yearBC = '540 BC',

        year = - 540,

        winner = 'Apellaeus of Elis'



        numberOl = '61st',

        yearBC = '536 BC',

        year = - 536,

        winner = 'Agatharchus of Corcyra'



        numberOl = '62nd',

        yearBC = '532 BC',

        year = - 532,

        winner = 'Eryxias of Chalcis'



        numberOl = '63rd',

        yearBC = '528 BC',

        year = - 528,

        winner = 'Parmenides of Camarina'



        numberOl = '64th',

        yearBC = '524 BC',

        year = - 524,

        winner = 'Menander of Thessaly'



        numberOl = '65th',

        yearBC = '520 BC',

        year = - 520,

        winner = 'Anochas of Tarentum'



        numberOl = '66th',

        yearBC = '516 BC',

        year = - 516,

        winner = 'Ischyrus of Himera'



        numberOl = '67th',

        yearBC = '512 BC',

        year = - 512,

        winner = 'Phanas of Pellene'



        numberOl = '68th',

        yearBC = '508 BC',

        year = - 508,

        winner = 'Isomachus of Croton'



        numberOl = '69th',

        yearBC = '504 BC',

        year = - 504,

        winner = 'Isomachus of Croton'



        numberOl = '70th',

        yearBC = '500 BC',

        year = - 500,

        winner = 'Nicasias of Opus'



        numberOl = '71st',

        yearBC = '496 BC',

        year = - 496,

        winner = 'Tisicrates of Croton'



        numberOl = '72nd',

        yearBC = '492 BC',

        year = - 492,

        winner = 'Tisicrates of Croton'



        numberOl = '73rd',

        yearBC = '488 BC',

        year = - 488,

        winner = 'Astyalus of Croton'



        numberOl = '74th',

        yearBC = '484 BC',

        year = - 484,

        winner = 'Astyalus of Croton'



        numberOl = '75th',

        yearBC = '480 BC',

        year = - 480,

        winner = 'Astyalus of Croton'



        numberOl = '76th',

        yearBC = '476 BC',

        year = - 476,

        winner = 'Scamander of Mytilene'



        numberOl = '77th',

        yearBC = '472 BC',

        year = - 472,

        winner = 'Dandes of Argos'



        numberOl = '78th',

        yearBC = '468 BC',

        year = - 468,

        winner = 'Parmenides of Poseidonia'



        numberOl = '79th',

        yearBC = '464 BC',

        year = - 464,

        winner = 'Xenophon of Corinth'



        numberOl = '80th',

        yearBC = '460 BC',

        year = - 460,

        winner = 'Torymmas of Thessaly'



        numberOl = '81st',

        yearBC = '456 BC',

        year = - 456,

        winner = 'Polymnastus of Cyrene'



        numberOl = '82nd',

        yearBC = '452 BC',

        year = - 452,

        winner = 'Lycus of Larissa'



        numberOl = '83rd',

        yearBC = '448 BC',

        year = - 448,

        winner = 'Crisson of Himera'



        numberOl = '84th',

        yearBC = '444 BC',

        year = - 444,

        winner = 'Crisson of Himera'



        numberOl = '85th',

        yearBC = '440 BC',

        year = - 440,

        winner = 'Crisson of Himera'



        numberOl = '86th',

        yearBC = '436 BC',

        year = - 436,

        winner = 'Theopompus of Thessaly'



        numberOl = '87th',

        yearBC = '432 BC',

        year = - 432,

        winner = 'Sophron of Ambracia'



        numberOl = '88th',

        yearBC = '428 BC',

        year = - 428,

        winner = 'Symmachus of Messenia'



        numberOl = '89th',

        yearBC = '424 BC',

        year = - 424,

        winner = 'Symmachus of Messenia'



        numberOl = '90th',

        yearBC = '420 BC',

        year = - 420,

        winner = 'Hyperbius of Syracuse'



        numberOl = '91st',

        yearBC = '416 BC',

        year = - 416,

        winner = 'Exagentus of Acragas'



        numberOl = '92nd',

        yearBC = '412 BC',

        year = - 412,

        winner = 'Exagentus of Acragas'



        numberOl = '93rd',

        yearBC = '408 BC',

        year = - 408,

        winner = 'Eubatus of Cyrene'



        numberOl = '94th',

        yearBC = '404 BC',

        year = - 404,

        winner = 'Crocinas of Larissa'



        numberOl = '95th',

        yearBC = '400 BC',

        year = - 400,

        winner = 'Minon of Athens'



        numberOl = '96th',

        yearBC = '396 BC',

        year = - 396,

        winner = 'Eupolemus of Elis'



        numberOl = '97th',

        yearBC = '392 BC',

        year = - 392,

        winner = 'Terinaeus'



        numberOl = '98th',

        yearBC = '388 BC',

        year = - 388,

        winner = 'Sosippus of Delphi'



        numberOl = '99th',

        yearBC = '384 BC',

        year = - 384,

        winner = 'Dicon of Syracuse'



        numberOl = '100th',

        yearBC = '380 BC',

        year = - 380,

        winner = 'Dionysodorus of Tarentum'



        numberOl = '101st',

        yearBC = '376 BC',

        year = - 376,

        winner = 'Damon of Thurii'



        numberOl = '102nd',

        yearBC = '372 BC',

        year = - 372,

        winner = 'Damon of Thurii'



        numberOl = '103rd',

        yearBC = '368 BC',

        year = - 368,

        winner = 'Pythostratus of Ephesus'



        numberOl = '104th',

        yearBC = '364 BC',

        year = - 364,

        winner = 'Phocides of Athens'



        numberOl = '105th',

        yearBC = '360 BC',

        year = - 360,

        winner = 'Porus of Cyrene'



        numberOl = '106th',

        yearBC = '356 BC',

        year = - 356,

        winner = 'Porus of Cyrene'



        numberOl = '107th',

        yearBC = '352 BC',

        year = - 352,

        winner = 'Micrinas of Tarentum'



        numberOl = '108th',

        yearBC = '348 BC',

        year = - 348,

        winner = 'Polycles of Cyrene'



        numberOl = '109th',

        yearBC = '344 BC',

        year = - 344,

        winner = 'Aristolochus of Athens'



        numberOl = '110th',

        yearBC = '340 BC',

        year = - 340,

        winner = 'Anticles of Athens'



        numberOl = '111th',

        yearBC = '336 BC',

        year = - 336,

        winner = 'Cleomantis of Cleitor'



        numberOl = '112th',

        yearBC = '332 BC',

        year = - 332,

        winner = 'Eurylas of Chalcis'



        numberOl = '113th',

        yearBC = '328 BC',

        year = - 328,

        winner = 'Cliton of Macedonia'



        numberOl = '114th',

        yearBC = '324 BC',

        year = - 324,

        winner = 'Micinas of Rhodes'



        numberOl = '115th',

        yearBC = '320 BC',

        year = - 320,

        winner = 'Damasias of Amphipolis'



        numberOl = '116th',

        yearBC = '316 BC',

        year = - 316,

        winner = 'Demosthenes of Laconia'



        numberOl = '117th',

        yearBC = '312 BC',

        year = - 312,

        winner = 'Parmenides of Mytilene'



        numberOl = '118th',

        yearBC = '308 BC',

        year = - 308,

        winner = 'Andromenes of Corinth'



        numberOl = '119th',

        yearBC = '304 BC',

        year = - 304,

        winner = 'Andromenes of Corinth'



        numberOl = '120th',

        yearBC = '300 BC',

        year = - 300,

        winner = 'Pythagoras of Magnesia-on-Maeander'



        numberOl = '121st',

        yearBC = '296 BC',

        year = - 296,

        winner = 'Pythagoras of Magnesia-on-Maeander'



        numberOl = '122nd',

        yearBC = '292 BC',

        year = - 292,

        winner = 'Antigonus of Macedonia'



        numberOl = '123rd',

        yearBC = '288 BC',

        year = - 288,

        winner = 'Antigonus of Macedonia'    }, 


        numberOl = '124th',

        yearBC = '284 BC',

        year = - 284,

        winner = 'Philomelus of Pharsalus'    }, 


        numberOl = '125th',

        yearBC = '280 BC',

        year = - 280,

        winner = 'Ladas of Aegium'    }, 


        numberOl = '126th',

        yearBC = '276 BC',

        year = - 276,

        winner = 'Idaeus or Nicator of Cyrene'



        numberOl = '127th',

        yearBC = '272 BC',

        year = - 272,

        winner = 'Perigenes of Alexandria'



        numberOl = '128th',

        yearBC = '268 BC',

        year = - 268,

        winner = 'Seleucus of Macedonia'



        numberOl = '129th',

        yearBC = '264 BC',

        year = - 264,

        winner = 'Philinus of Cos (athlete)'



        numberOl = '130th',

        yearBC = '260 BC',

        year = - 260,

        winner = 'Philinus of Cos (athlete)'



        numberOl = '131st',

        yearBC = '256 BC',

        year = - 256,

        winner = 'Ammonius of Alexandria (athlete)'



        numberOl = '132nd',

        yearBC = '252 BC',

        year = - 252,

        winner = 'Xenophanes of Amphissa'



        numberOl = '133rd',

        yearBC = '248 BC',

        year = - 248,

        winner = 'Simylus of Neapolis'



        numberOl = '134th',

        yearBC = '244 BC',

        year = - 244,

        winner = 'Alcides of Laconia'



        numberOl = '135th',

        yearBC = '240 BC',

        year = - 240,

        winner = 'Eraton of Aetolia'



        numberOl = '136th',

        yearBC = '236 BC',

        year = - 236,

        winner = 'Pythocles of Sicyon'



        numberOl = '137th',

        yearBC = '232 BC',

        year = - 232,

        winner = 'Menestheus of Barcyla'



        numberOl = '138th',

        yearBC = '228 BC',

        year = - 228,

        winner = 'Demetrius of Alexandria (athlete)'



        numberOl = '139th',

        yearBC = '224 BC',

        year = - 224,

        winner = 'Iolaidas of Argos'



        numberOl = '140th',

        yearBC = '220 BC',

        year = - 220,

        winner = 'Zopyrus of Syracuse'



        numberOl = '141st',

        yearBC = '216 BC',

        year = - 216,

        winner = 'Dorotheus of Rhodes'



        numberOl = '142nd',

        yearBC = '212 BC',

        year = - 212,

        winner = 'Crates of Alexandria'



        numberOl = '143rd',

        yearBC = '208 BC',

        year = - 208,

        winner = 'Heracleitus of Samos'



        numberOl = '144th',

        yearBC = '204 BC',

        year = - 204,

        winner = 'Heracleides of Salamis in Cyprus'



        numberOl = '145th',

        yearBC = '200 BC',

        year = - 200,

        winner = 'Pyrrhias of Aetolia'



        numberOl = '146th',

        yearBC = '196 BC',

        year = - 196,

        winner = 'Micion of Boeotia'



        numberOl = '147th',

        yearBC = '192 BC',

        year = - 192,

        winner = 'Agemachus of Cyzicus'



        numberOl = '148th',

        yearBC = '188 BC',

        year = - 188,

        winner = 'Arcesilaus of Megalopolis'



        numberOl = '149th',

        yearBC = '184 BC',

        year = - 184,

        winner = 'Hippostratus of Seleuceia in Pieria'



        numberOl = '150th',

        yearBC = '180 BC',

        year = - 180,

        winner = 'Onesicritus of Salamis'



        numberOl = '151st',

        yearBC = '176 BC',

        year = - 176,

        winner = 'Thymilus of Aspendus'



        numberOl = '152nd',

        yearBC = '172 BC',

        year = - 172,

        winner = 'Democritus of Megara'



        numberOl = '153rd',

        yearBC = '168 BC',

        year = - 168,

        winner = 'Aristander of Antissa in Lesbos'



        numberOl = '154th',

        yearBC = '164 BC',

        year = - 164,

        winner = 'Leonidas of Rhodes'



        numberOl = '155th',

        yearBC = '160 BC',

        year = - 160,

        winner = 'Leonidas of Rhodes'



        numberOl = '156th',

        yearBC = '156 BC',

        year = - 156,

        winner = 'Leonidas of Rhodes'



        numberOl = '157th',

        yearBC = '152 BC',

        year = - 152,

        winner = 'Leonidas of Rhodes'



        numberOl = '158th',

        yearBC = '148 BC',

        year = - 148,

        winner = 'Othon of Syracuse'



        numberOl = '159th',

        yearBC = '144 BC',

        year = - 144,

        winner = 'Alcimus of Cyzicus'



        numberOl = '160th',

        yearBC = '140 BC',

        year = - 140,

        winner = 'Agnodorus of Cyzicus'



        numberOl = '161st',

        yearBC = '136 BC',

        year = - 136,

        winner = 'Antipater of Epirus'



        numberOl = '162nd',

        yearBC = '132 BC',

        year = - 132,

        winner = 'Damon of Delphi'



        numberOl = '163rd',

        yearBC = '128 BC',

        year = - 128,

        winner = 'Timotheus of Tralles'



        numberOl = '164th',

        yearBC = '124 BC',

        year = - 124,

        winner = 'Boeotus of Sicyon'



        numberOl = '165th',

        yearBC = '120 BC',

        year = - 120,

        winner = 'Acusilaus of Cyrene'



        numberOl = '166th',

        yearBC = '116 BC',

        year = - 116,

        winner = 'Chrysogonus of Nicaea'



        numberOl = '167th',

        yearBC = '112 BC',

        year = - 112,

        winner = 'Chrysogonus of Nicaea'



        numberOl = '168th',

        yearBC = '108 BC',

        year = - 108,

        winner = 'Nicomachus of Philadelphia'



        numberOl = '169th',

        yearBC = '104 BC',

        year = - 104,

        winner = 'Nicodemus of Lacedaemon'



        numberOl = '170th',

        yearBC = '100 BC',

        year = - 100,

        winner = 'Simmias of Seleuceia-on-Tigris'



        numberOl = '171st',

        yearBC = '96 BC',

        year = - 96,

        winner = 'Parmeniscus of Corcyra'



        numberOl = '172nd',

        yearBC = '92 BC',

        year = - 92,

        winner = 'Eudamus of Cos'



        numberOl = '173rd',

        yearBC = '88 BC',

        year = - 88,

        winner = 'Parmeniscus of Corcyra'



        numberOl = '174th',

        yearBC = '84 BC',

        year = - 84,

        winner = 'Demostratus of Larissa'



        numberOl = '175th',

        yearBC = '80 BC',

        year = - 80,

        winner = 'Epaenetus of Argos'



        numberOl = '176th',

        yearBC = '76 BC',

        year = - 76,

        winner = 'Dion of Cyparissus'



        numberOl = '177th',

        yearBC = '72 BC',

        year = - 72,

        winner = 'Hecatomnus of Elis'



        numberOl = '178th',

        yearBC = '68 BC',

        year = - 68,

        winner = 'Diocles of Hypopenus'



        numberOl = '179th',

        yearBC = '64 BC',

        year = - 64,

        winner = 'Andreas of Lacedaemon'



        numberOl = '180th',

        yearBC = '60 BC',

        year = - 60,

        winner = 'Andromachus of Ambracia'



        numberOl = '181st',

        yearBC = '56 BC',

        year = - 56,

        winner = 'Lamachus of Tauromenium'



        numberOl = '182nd',

        yearBC = '52 BC',

        year = - 52,

        winner = 'Anthestion of Argos'



        numberOl = '183rd',

        yearBC = '48 BC',

        year = - 48,

        winner = 'Theodorus of Messene'



        numberOl = '184th',

        yearBC = '44 BC',

        year = - 44,

        winner = 'Theodorus of Messene'



        numberOl = '185th',

        yearBC = '40 BC',

        year = - 40,

        winner = 'Ariston of Thurii'



        numberOl = '186th',

        yearBC = '36 BC',

        year = - 36,

        winner = 'Scamander of Alexandria Troas'



        numberOl = '187th',

        yearBC = '32 BC',

        year = - 32,

        winner = 'Ariston of Thurii'



        numberOl = '188th',

        yearBC = '28 BC',

        year = - 28,

        winner = 'Sopater of Argos'



        numberOl = '189th',

        yearBC = '24 BC',

        year = - 24,

        winner = 'Asclepiades of Sidon'



        numberOl = '190th',

        yearBC = '20 BC',

        year = - 20,

        winner = 'Auphidius of Patrae'



        numberOl = '191st',

        yearBC = '16 BC',

        year = - 16,

        winner = 'Diodotus of Tyana'



        numberOl = '192nd',

        yearBC = '12 BC',

        year = - 12,

        winner = 'Diophanes of Aeolis'



        numberOl = '193rd',

        yearBC = '8 BC',

        year = - 8,

        winner = 'Artemidorus of Thyateira'



        numberOl = '194th',

        yearBC = '4 BC',

        year = - 4,

        winner = 'Demaratus of Ephesus'

