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Malamirovo or Hambarli Inscription is a Bulgarian Greek inscription of around 813 AD, commemorating Bulgarian victories of Krum over the Byzantines, now preserved in the Varna Archaeological Museum.


[ο Κρουμος ο] [ά]- ρχον ??ΒΗΝΝΟ. ε- ξήλθεν ης (Κονσταν)ηνόπο- (λη)ν (με τον λαόν) αυτού.

[κ]ε ο αδελφός αυ- [τ]ού ουκ εληθάρ- [γ]ησεν αυτόν κε εξήλ- [θ]εν κε έδοκε[ν] αυτόν ο θεό- ς κε τόπ[ου]ς κ[ε] κάσστρα ερ- ήμοσεν [τ]άδε <?Ε> την Σερδη- κήν, την<ν> Δεβελ- τόν, την Κονστα- ντήαν, την (Βερσ)ηνι- κίαν, Αδρηαν[ού]- πολην. Το?ύτα (ερυμνά) τα κάστρα [έ]λαβε- ν. τα δε λυπά κ[άσ]- τρα έδοκεν ο θε[ό]ς φόβον κε ά[φ]ηκ- [α]ν κε έφυγαν κ- ε ο κά[τ]ου τόπος (ουκ) λ- ηθάργησεν τον τό- πον τούτον, <τ> όπου ε[ξ]ή- λθε(ν με) τον όλον λαόν κε έκ(α)ψ(εν τα) χορήα ημόν<ν> α[υ]- τό(ς) ο γέρον ο βασηλεύ[ς] ο φαρακλός [κ]ε επήρεν όλα κε τους όρκους ε- λησμόνησεν κε εξ- [ή]λθεν επή (αυτόν) ο άρχον <ο ά> ο Κρο[υ]μος προς [τ]ο πολ(εμήσε) [κε τον βασ]ηλέ[α] ε[νίκησεν? εφόνευσεν?] ΟΝ?Ε .. κε απήλθεν ήνα ...... [κ]ε ερήμ(ο)σα την


[Archon Krum came forward to Constantinople with his people]. And his brother took care of him and went forth, and God gave Krum power to devastate places and castles: Serdica, Debeltos, Constantia, Versinikia, Adrianopolis. These fenced castles he conquered. The other fortresses, God gave them fear and they fled. Moreover, he did not forget the lower land, when the old and bald king ( Nikephoros I?) came out with all his people, and burnt our villages, forgetting his oaths...

See also


  • Besevliev, V. 1963. Die Protobulgarischen Inschriften no. 2
  • Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1250 By Florin Curta Page 163 ISBN  0-521-81539-8
  • Fine, John V. A. Jr. (1991) [1983]. The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelfth Century. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. p. 104. ISBN  0-472-08149-7.

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