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Antonio Castillo de Lucas
BornDecember 4th, 1898
DiedNovember 11th, 1972
Occupation(s)Physician and surgeon Paremiologist, Folklorist and Ethnologist of Medicine and Popular Traditions

Antonio Castillo de Lucas (Madrid, December 4th, 1898-November 23rd, 1972) was a Spanish physician, paremiologist (study of proverbs and sayings) and folklorist of popular medicine, ethnologist and prolific writer. He founded the medical service of the Banco de España in Madrid. Disciple of Francisco Rodríguez Marín and Gregorio Marañon, his bibliography includes more than a thousand publications on paremiology, medical folklore and popular traditions, with articles in the press and specialised journals and more than 20 books.


Son of Antonio Castillo Zurita and Primitiva de Lucas Simón, both from Montarrón in Guadalajara. He studied Medicine, starting in 1915 at the Universidad Central de Madrid. Intern student at the Hospital Clínico and the Hospital Provincial. He graduated in 1921 and was awarded the 1923 Abaytua Prize by the Royal National Academy of Medicine for the best academic record. In 1925, he obtained his PhD with a thesis about endocrinology under the direction of Gregorio Marañón, and became a doctor at the Provincial Hospital. In 1931 he founded the medical service of the Banco de España and became the doctor of the Madrid office. After the Civil War, he joined the Department of Hydrology and Medical Climatology at the University of Madrid, as assistant professor, and continued to work as a doctor at the Banco de España, in different institutions and in his private practice until his retirement in 1969.

When he was still young, one of his patients was Francisco Rodríguez Marín, famous folklorist and paremiologist, with whom he developed a great friendship. Francisco Rodríguez Marín introduced him to paremiology and encouraged him to dedicate himself to the study of proverbs related to medicine. Paremiology became one of his great passions, which he cultivated throughout his life, publishing in 1936 his first compilation book Refranes de Medicina o relacionados con ella por el pueblo, in which he compiled and analysed 1550 popular sayings. This corpus was expanded to more than 3,200 entries in 1944 with the publication of the Refranero Médico (Medical Sayings) and he later reached 5,000 sayings which were the basis for his publications. He published numerous Refranerillos, specialised repertories for the study and dissemination of proverbs and sayings, some in books such as the Refranerillo de la alimentación in 1940 or Folklore oftalmológico in 1944, and others in countless articles which he published throughout his life in magazines, newspapers and bulletins.

His studies became reference texts in Spanish paremiology and achieved international recognition. From a theoretical point of view, one of the most important legacies of his work is an approach that places paremiology in the field of cultural anthropology, as well as its consideration as a science. In addition to paremiology, he also devoted himself to ethnography and folklore, always from a medical-related perspective.

He wrote about popular and religious traditions, publishing in 1943 his book Folklore médico-religioso. Hagiografías paramédicas where he compiled his writings on medical traditions and beliefs related to the saints. In 1958 he published Folkmedicina, his most extensive and ambitious book, in which a change in methodology can be seen in that it offers a systematic justification and ordering of its contents. The work won the prestigious Pitré Prize from Italy. As Pedro Laín Entralgo pointed out in 1958 in the prologue to Folkmedicina: "From now on, no one will be able to say that they know enough about this ancient, subjugating and complex thing we call Spain without having read with attention the book of Castillo de Lucas". He studied Spanish and also Portuguese popular traditions, and in 1969 he published the Retablo de tradiciones populares, a collection of some of his most important articles. In 1970, the Diputación Provincial de Guadalajara published his book Historias y tradiciones de Guadalajara y su provincia, in which he analyses the traditions of the province of his familiy. Throughout his career, he published numerous articles and contributions in countries such as Portugal, where he was very active, as well as in Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela.

His initial specialisation in Endocrinology and his later dedication to the teaching of Hydrology made him a great specialist in thermal waters and health resorts and their treatments, about which he wrote numerous publications both from a medical perspective and from the perspective of folklore and popular traditions.

He was also a great lover and expert on Madrilenian traditions: he published articles on Madrid's traditions and customs, he was a member of the Instituto de Estudios Madrileños and actively participated in the Hermandad de San Cosme y San Damián and the Cofradía de San Isidro, as well as being one of the founding members of Madrid's Asociación de Amigos de la Capa de Madrid (Association of Friends of the Cape of Madrid). He also devoted studies to the Exlibris, the Gozos and the Aleluyas.


An exhaustive bibliography of Antonio Castillo de Lucas can be found in "La obra del insigne polígrafo Dr. Castillo de Lucas" by Juan Castillo Ojugas [1]. It includes more than 1,000 publications, including the following books:

-     Refranes de medicina o relacionados con ella por el pueblo, Madrid: Imprenta Yagües, 1936.

-     Refranerillo de la alimentación. Divulgación de higiene de la misma a través de los refranes y dichos populares, Madrid: Gráficas Reunidas, 1940.

-     Geografía Médica de El Álamo (Madrid). Premio García Roel de la Real Academia de Medicina en el año 1940, Madrid: Imprenta Cosano, 1942.

-     Folklore médico-religioso. Hagiografías paramédicas (Foreword by César Antonio de Arruche). Colección Azor, Morata: Editorial Avis Aurea, 1943.

-     Refranero médico. Refranes de aplicación médica seleccionados de clásicos autores de obras de paremiología.Madrid: Inst. Antonio de Nebrija, CSIC, 1944.

-     Folklore oftalmológico. Masnou: Laboratorios del Norte de España, 1944, vol. 14.

-     Adagiario da Alimentaçao (Foreword by Fernando de Castro Pires de Lima, Translation by Maria Vitória G. S. Ferreira), Oporto: Porto Editora, 1948.

-     "Vida y obra del Dr. Juan Sorapán de Rieros, estudio preliminar acerca del autor y su obra" in the book SORAPÁN DE RIEROS, Juan (Dr.), Medicina española contenida en proverbios vulgares de nuestra lengua, Biblioteca Clásica de Medicina Española (núm. 16), Madrid: Instituto de España, Real Academia Nacional de Medicina. Editorial Cosano, 1949, pp. 9-71.

-     Folkmedicina. (Foreword by Pedro Laín Entralgo), Madrid: Editorial Dossat, 1958. (Giuseppe Pitrè Folklore Prize 1960, Italia).

-     Cursillo de Hidroclimatología Médica (Foreword by Tomás Cerviá). Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Instituto de Fisiología y Patología Regional, 1962.

-     Glosa refraneada de la vida y la obra de Marañón (Foreword by Tomás Cerviá). Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Instituto de Fisiología y Patología Regional, 1962.

-     Nociones de higiene de la alimentación. Madrid: Editorial Oriens, 1964.

-     Retablo de tradiciones populares españolas, Madrid: Imprenta Cosano, 1968.

-     Historias y Tradiciones de Guadalajara y su provincia. (Foreword by Dr. Francisco Cortijo Ayuso). Guadalajara:Diputación Provincial de Guadalajara, 1970.

-     Refranes de medicina (Foreword by Dr. Antonio Castillo Ojugas). Revised and updated edition from Refranero Médico. Refranes de aplicación médica seleccionados de clásicos autores de obras de paremiología, 1944. Orense: Editorial Esse, 1987. ISBN: 84-86696003.


  1. ^ Fernández García, J. y Castillo Ojugas, A. (Ed.) (1998). La medicina... (in Spanish). pp. 33–110.{{ cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( link)


-     PUJADAS, J., COMELLES, J. M. y PRAT, J. (1980), “Una bibliografía comentada sobre antropología médica” in KENNY, Michael y DE MIGUEL, Jesús M. (ed.), La Antropología Médica en España. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama. ISBN 978-8433906151.

-    DE HOYOS SANCHO, Nieves (1983), "Castillo de Lucas, Antonio" in Gran Enciclopedia de Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha. Zaragoza: Unali. ISBN 978-8485656400.

-    LÓPEZ DE LOS MOZOS, José Ramón (1990), “ Bibliografía de temas etnológicos y etnográficos de la provincia de Guadalajara. (Hasta 1990)” in Cuadernos de Etnología de Guadalajara, Guadalajara: Diputación Provincial de Guadalajara. n. 13, pp. 9-99. ISSN 0213-7399.

-    CONDE MUÑOZ, Aurora (1996), “ La obra del Dr. Antonio Castillo de Lucas: refranero y medicina” in Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Paremiología, Madrid, Revista Paremia, n. 6, pp. 179-182. ISSN 1132-8940.

-    FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, J. y CASTILLO OJUGAS, A. (Ed.) (1998). La medicina Popular Española: Trabajos dedicados al Dr. Antonio Castillo de Lucas en el centenario de su nacimiento. Oviedo: Lozano. ISBN 84-84975797.

-    MARAVER, Francisco et alt. (2012), Cien años de laCátedra de Hidrología Médica. Balnea (Serie de Monografías, núm. 7). Madrid: Escuela Profesional de Hidrología Médica e Hidroterápia. Cátedra de Hidrología Médica. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. ISBN 978-8466934848

-    CUENCA, C. y MARAVER, F. (2014), Historia del Instituto de Hidrología y Climatología “Alfonso Limón Montero". Balnea (Serie de Monografías, núm. 8), Madrid: Escuela Profesional de Hidrología Médica e Hidroterápia. Cátedra de Hidrología Médica. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. ISBN 978-8469721063.  

-    LÓPEZ DE LOS MOZOS, José Ramón (2017), " Literatura oral en la provincia de Guadalajara. Estado de la cuestión" in MAÑERO, David y GONZÁLEZ, David (Coord.). Los paisajes de la voz. Literatura oral e investigaciones de campo. (Vol. Extr.Nº 1 del Boletín de Literatura Oral), Jaén: Universidad de Jaén, pp. 579-629.