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Edict on the Transfer of the Capital in original H谩n v膬n text.

Edict on the Transfer of the Capital ( ch峄 H谩n: 閬烽兘瑭, ch峄 N么m: 瑭旂Щ閮, Vietnamese: Thi锚n 膽么 chi岷縰, Chi岷縰 d峄漣 膽么) is an edict written at the behest of emperor L媒 Th谩i T峄 and issued in the fall of 1010 to transfer the capital of 膼岷 C峄 Vi峄噒 from Hoa L瓢 to 膼岷 La.


In 968, Vietnam was unified by emperor 膼inh B峄 L末nh, ending the Anarchy of the 12 Warlords period. He placed the imperial capital in the mountainous Hoa L瓢, located in modern-day Ninh B矛nh province of Vietnam, and Hoa L瓢 stayed being the capital for about 42 years and developed into a major cultural centre of Vietnam.

In 1005, ruling emperor L锚 Ho脿n of the Early L锚 dynasty died, resulting in a succession dispute between the princes, L锚 Long 膼末nh, L锚 Long T铆ch, L锚 Long K铆nh and crown prince L锚 Long Vi峄噒, preventing a government to take control over the entire country for eight months. Eventually, L锚 Long 膼末nh won control of the throne, became the new emperor. As a result of the emperor's poor health, according to some sources, most power was actually controlled by one of the members of the L媒 family L媒 C么ng U岷﹏. L锚 Long 膼末nh's reign only lasted for four years and he died in 1009. After L锚 Long 膼末nh died, the court agreed to enthrone the high-rank mandarin and aristocrat L媒 C么ng U岷﹏ as the new emperor under pressure from the public and from the Buddhist monks, thus ending the Early L锚 dynasty.

Realising the difficulty of having the capital in a mountainous region, L媒 Th谩i T峄 (L媒 C么ng U岷﹏) and the royal court decided to relocate from Hoa L瓢 to the site of 膼岷 La (modern-day Hanoi) in the next year, 1010. 膼岷 La was known as the city that the Tang general Gao Pian had built in the 860s after the ravages of the Nanzhao War. In 1010, L媒 C么ng U岷﹏ published the edict explaining why he move his capital to Dai La. L媒 C么ng U岷﹏ chose the site because it had been an earlier capital in the rich Red River Delta. He saw 膼岷 La as a place "between Heaven and Earth where the coiling dragon and the crouching tiger lie, and his capital would last 10,000 years". When L媒 C么ng U岷﹏'s boat docked at the new capital, a dragon, symbol of sovereign authority, reportedly soared above his head; he accordingly renamed the place Th膬ng Long, the "ascending dragon".


The Edict on the Transfer of the Capital is of great meaning in many respects. The work has been researched in terms of history, politics, literature, geography, philosophy and so on. The edict was first compiled into the book " the Complete Annals of 膼岷 Vi峄噒" (膼岷 Vi峄噒 s峄 k媒 to脿n th瓢) by historian Ng么 S末 Li锚n in the 15th century.

Classical Chinese original




Sino-Vietnamese transliteration

T铆ch Th瓢啤ng gia ch铆 B脿n Canh ng农 thi锚n, Chu th岷 膽茫i Th脿nh V瓢啤ng tam t峄. Kh峄焛 Tam 膼岷 chi s峄 qu芒n tu岷玭 vu k峄 t瓢, v峄峮g t峄 thi锚n t峄. D末 k峄 膽峄 膽岷 tr岷h trung, vi 峄ヽ v岷 th岷 t峄 t么n chi k岷; th瓢峄g c岷﹏ thi锚n m峄噉h, h岷 nh芒n d芒n ch铆, c岷﹗ h峄痷 ti峄噉 tri岷縫 c岷. C峄 qu峄慶 t峄 di锚n tr瓢峄漬g, phong t峄 ph煤 ph峄. Nhi 膼inh L锚 nh峄 gia, n茫i tu岷玭 k峄 t瓢, h峄憈 thi锚n m峄噉h, v玫ng 膽岷 Th瓢啤ng Chu chi t铆ch, th瓢峄漬g an quy岷縯 岷 vu t瓢, tr铆 th岷 膽岷 ph岷 tr瓢峄漬g, to谩n s峄 膽o岷 x煤c, b谩ch t铆nh hao t峄昻, v岷 v岷璽 th岷 nghi. Tr岷玬 th岷璵 th峄憂g chi, b岷 膽岷痗 b岷 t峄.

Hu峄憂g Cao V瓢啤ng c峄 膽么 膼岷 La th脿nh, tr岷h thi锚n 膽峄媋 khu v峄眂 chi trung; 膽岷痗 long b脿n h峄 c峄 chi th岷. Ch铆nh Nam B岷痗 膼么ng T芒y chi v峄; ti峄噉 giang s啤n h瓢峄沶g b峄檌 chi nghi. K峄 膽峄媋 qu岷g nhi th岷 b矛nh, quy岷縯 th峄 cao nhi s岷g kh岷. D芒n c瓢 mi峄噒 h么n 膽i岷縨 chi kh峄憂; v岷 v岷璽 c峄眂 ph峄搉 ph峄 chi phong. Bi岷縩 l茫m Vi峄噒 bang, t瓢 vi th岷痭g 膽峄媋. Th脿nh t峄 ph瓢啤ng b峄ヽ th岷 chi y岷縰 h峄檌; vi v岷 th岷 膽岷 v瓢啤ng chi th瓢峄g 膽么.

Tr岷玬 d峄 nh芒n th峄 膽峄媋 l峄 d末 膽峄媙h quy岷縯 c瓢, khanh 膽岷硁g nh瓢 h脿?

Vietnamese translation

X瓢a nh脿 Th瓢啤ng 膽岷縩 膽峄漣 B脿n Canh n膬m l岷 d峄漣 膽么, nh脿 Chu 膽岷縩 膽峄漣 Th脿nh V瓢啤ng ba l岷 d峄漣 膽么. H谩 ph岷 c谩c vua th峄漣 Tam 膼岷 岷 theo 媒 ri锚ng t峄 ti峄噉 di d峄漣. L脿m nh瓢 th岷 c峄憈 膽峄 m瓢u nghi峄噋 l峄沶, ch峄峮 峄 ch峄 gi峄痑, l脿m k岷 cho con ch谩u mu么n v岷 膽峄漣, tr锚n k铆nh m峄噉h tr峄漣, d瓢峄沬 theo 媒 d芒n, n岷縰 c贸 ch峄 ti峄噉 th矛 d峄漣 膽峄昳, cho n锚n v岷璶 n瓢峄沜 l芒u d脿i, phong t峄 gi脿u th峄媙h. Th岷 m脿 hai nh脿 膼inh, L锚 l岷 theo 媒 ri锚ng, coi th瓢峄漬g m峄噉h tr峄漣, kh么ng noi theo vi峄嘽 c农 Th瓢啤ng Chu, c峄 ch峄媢 y锚n 膽贸ng 膽么 n啤i 膽芒y, 膽岷縩 n峄梚 th岷 膽岷 kh么ng d脿i, v岷璶 s峄 ng岷痭 ng峄, tr膬m h峄 t峄昻 hao, mu么n v岷璽 kh么ng h峄. Tr岷玬 r岷 膽au 膽峄沶, kh么ng th峄 kh么ng d峄漣.

In the old times, under Pan Geng of the Shang dynasty, the capital had been transferred for five times; under King Cheng of Zhou, the capital had been transferred for three times. It was not for personal benefits that the kings moved the capital. They did so in order to pursue great causes, choosing the central place, making it favourable for future generations to thrive, that was in respect to the Mandate of Heaven and in accordance with the commons, moving to a place to ensure the eternal existence of the nation and the richness of customs. But now the 膼inh and the L锚 disregarded the heavenly mandate and did not follow the examples of the Shang and Zhou, just fixing the capital here which causes the shortness of the nation, the people's depletion and the discord of the universe. We are very painful and now thinking of transferring the capital.

Hu峄憂g chi th脿nh 膼岷 La, 膽么 c农 c峄 Cao V瓢啤ng, 峄 gi峄痑 khu v峄眂 tr峄漣 膽岷, 膽瓢峄 th岷 r峄搉g cu峄檔 h峄 ng峄搃, ch铆nh gi峄痑 nam b岷痗 膽么ng t芒y, ti峄噉 nghi n煤i s么ng sau tr瓢峄沜. V霉ng n脿y m岷穞 膽岷 r峄檔g m脿 b岷眓g ph岷硁g, th岷 膽岷 cao m脿 s谩ng s峄, d芒n c瓢 kh么ng kh峄 th岷 tr农ng t峄慽 t膬m, mu么n v岷璽 h岷縯 s峄ヽ t瓢啤i t峄憈 ph峄搉 th峄媙h. Xem kh岷痯 n瓢峄沜 Vi峄噒 膽贸 l脿 n啤i th岷痭g 膽峄媋, th峄眂 l脿 ch峄 t峄 h峄檌 quan y岷縰 c峄 b峄憂 ph瓢啤ng, 膽煤ng l脿 n啤i th瓢峄g 膽么 kinh s瓢 m茫i mu么n 膽峄漣.

Moreover, 膼岷 La citadel, the former capital of king Gao, is in the very heart of the universe. The position evoketh that of soaring dragon and stalking tiger, in the centre of the four directions, convenient for the development of the nation. This area is large and flat, high and bright, the population are not suffering from floods and darkness, everything is in full prosperity. After investigating all lands of Vi峄噒, this place is actually the gathering venue of people from across the nation, the most appropriate place for eternal capital positioning.

Tr岷玬 mu峄憂 nh芒n 膽峄媋 l峄 岷 m脿 膽峄媙h n啤i 峄, c谩c khanh ngh末 th岷 n脿o? [1]

We want to take the most advantage from placing the capital here. What think ye, the court mandarins?

See also


  1. ^ Translation of the Vietnamese Institute of Social Sciences, printed in A Complete History of the Great Viet, Social Sciences Publishing House, Hanoi, 1993.