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Asaiah (Hebrew: עשיה "God made me") was the personal secretary of Josiah, king of Judah in the 7th century BCE, and according to the Bible ( II Kings, Chapter 22, and Books of Chronicles 2, Chapter 34), is one of Josiah's deputation to the prophet Huldah. A seal with the text Asayahu servant of the king probably belonged to him. [1]

Other biblical figures

  • Asaiah (Simeonite) a prince of the tribe of Simeon who attacked and captured Gedor, and settled there (I Chron. iv. 36)
  • Asaiah (Levite) a Levite appointed to take part in bringing back the Ark of the Covenant (I Chron. vi. 15 [A. V. 30]; xv. 6, 11)
  • Asaiah (Shilonite) a Shilonite residing in Jerusalem (I Chron. ix. 5) identical with Maaseiah (Neh. xi. 5)

See also


  1. ^ Heltzer, Michael, THE SEAL OF ˓AŚAYĀHŪ. In Hallo, 2000, Vol. II p. 204


  • Hallo, William W., ed. (1997–2002). The Context of Scripture. Brill. ISBN  9789004131057. OCLC  902087326. (3 Volumes)