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Sir George Paish

The Anglo-Ethiopian Society's stated goal is "to foster knowledge of Ethiopian culture, history and way of life and to encourage friendship between the British and Ethiopian peoples." [1] The society was founded in November 1948 [2] by Professor Norman Bentwich. [1] The famed English economist Sir George Paish served for a time as co-president of the society. [3]


  1. ^ a b "Database of Archives of Non-Governmental Organisations". 2009-03-30. Retrieved 2011-03-10.
  2. ^ Adrienne Hack; Julian Kay (November 2008). "An archive paper of historical facts and information written to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the first meeting of the Society" (PDF).
  3. ^ "1992 The Emperor Haile Selassie I in Bath 1936 - 1940". Retrieved 2011-03-10.