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"Against Timocrates" was a speech given by Demosthenes in Athens in which he accused Timocrates of proposing an illegal decree. [1] The speech provides our best evidence about the use of imprisonment as a punishment in Classical Athens. [1]

Timocrates' law would have allowed debtors to the state to go free on providing a surety, rather than being imprisoned until they paid their debts. [2] Democrates' speech criticises this law on the grounds that it would unfairly advantage wealthy citizens at the expense of the poor. [3]

Historical background

The speech can be dated to the summer of 353 BC. [4] A series of events led to the trial. Three Athenians in 355 BC, including Androtion, whilst sailing as ambassadors to Mausolus, the King of Caria, captured a merchant ship near Naucratis, claiming lawful seizure of enemy property. [4] The ambassadors held onto the plunder they received until a commission was appointed into the matter, moved by Euctemon and Diodorus. [4] Euctemon and Diodorus gave information against the two trierarchs who had been commanding the ambassadors' ship. [4] The result was that the ambassadors admitted possession of the money, however Euctemon furthered his investigation and proposed a decree (which was passed) that the trierarchs should be responsible for recovering the money. [4]

Androtion and his supporters in retaliation proposed a graphe paranomon (the charge for proposing an unlawful decree) against Euctemon. [4] Euctemon was acquitted, however Timocrates, a friend of the ambassadors, then proposed his law that any debtor of the state should remain at liberty until the ninth prytany on the condition that they provided a surety. [4] This presumably would have enabled the ambassadors to escape with their plunder. [4] The speech "Against Timocrates" details the graphe paranomon Euctemon and Diodorus brought against Timocrates in retaliation. [4] Diodorus opens the speech. The action of the graphe paranomon suspended the effect of Timocrates' law, and the ambassadors were forced to pay the money. [4] The action against Timocrates however was not halted but pursued. [4]


  1. ^ a b Allen, Danielle (1997). "Imprisonment in Classical Athens". The Classical Quarterly. 47 (1): 124.
  2. ^ Allen, Danielle (1997). "Imprisonment in Classical Athens". The Classical Quarterly. 47 (1): 132.
  3. ^ Allen, Danielle (1997). "Imprisonment in Classical Athens". The Classical Quarterly. 47 (1): 133.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Henderson, J (1935). Loeb Classical Library: Demosthenes, Orations, Volume III. MA: Harvard University. pp. 370–371.

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